HAYWOOD COUNTY, NC - MILITARY - William Elgin Shults, Civil War Pension Application --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- County of Haywood On this 17th day of June AD, 1901, personally appeared before me W. R. Walker C.S.C. in and for the State and County aforesaid, W. E. Schultz, age 72 years, And a resident at Waynesville post office in said County and State, and who, Being duly sworn, makes the following declaration in order to obtain the pension Under the provisions of an act entitled "An Act to amend chapter 198 of the Laws Of 1889, for the relief of certain Confederate Soldiers and Widows" ratified March 2, 1901; That he is the identical W. E. Schultz who enlisted in Co. E 17 Miss. State troops on or about the 18th day of Oct., 1865 to serve in the armies of the late Confederate States, and that while in said service at Fishers Hill, Va., on or about the 18th day of October, 1865, he received a wound or wounds, etc., was shot through the right shoulder which has caused the loss of the use of his right arm as far as performing manual labor. He also received bruises in the back and leg area from the explosion of a bough (?) shell which has greatly disabled the applicant and now he cannot do more than 1/3 days labor. The accompanying affidavit from William's doctor, states the disability for manual labor is caused by: Gunshot wound right shoulder disabling permanently arm--shell wound in Back which enfeebles right leg--general health quite feeble--Has organic Cardiac lesions. Disability:---left little finger shot off. William did not write the application himself as his signature was only an X. Obviously the dates listed for the date of enlistment and the date of injury are incorrect. It is most likely the date of injury would have been 1864 instead of the 1865. The same date, October 18, 1865 is also listed as the date he enlisted in the 17th Mississippi regiment. This is obviously an error by the writer of the document, as William's enlistment papers say he enlisted in the 17th Miss. Regiment in 1861. He was wounded in 1864, released from the hospital and in January, 1865, he was captured by the Union Army near Iuka, Mississippi. He ultimately ended up in Camp Chase Ohio where he took the Oath of Allegiance in June 1865. William's pension application was denied. Marsha Shoults Corley, St. Charles, Missouri Shoults/Shultz/Shults family researcher ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Marsha Shoults Corley Corley598@aol.com ___________________________________________________________________