HERTFORD COUNTY, NC - Newspapers - Marriage and Death Notices (1808-1860). ====================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non- commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Roger Kammerer ======================================================================== Some Marriage and Death Notices from Old Newspapers on Microfilm Contributed by Roger Kammerer (microfilm at ECU Joyner Lib., Greenville, NC, NC Collection). Note: "Instant" means in the same month; "Ultimate" means in the previous month. The notices are presented in chronological order, gleaned from the following papers. Raleigh Register, Raleigh, NC. Raleigh Register Semi-Weekly, Raleigh, NC. North Carolina Star, New Bern, NC. North Carolina Chronicle, Murfreesboro, NC. The Hornet's Nest, Hertford Co., NC. The Citizen, Murfreesboro, NC. Death Notices: Died on the 1st instant, in Hertford Co., in the 63rd year of his age, Major John Brown, a Revolutionary officer and a very respectable farmer. [Raleigh Register, Raleigh, NC; Nov. 8, 1808] Died in Hertford County, lately, Mr. Joshua Simons, a respectable planter. [Raleigh Register, Raleigh, NC; Dec. 17, 1807] Died very suddenly on Thursday the 17th Inst., Mrs. Eliza M. Clifton, aged 16 years and five months. She has left an afflicted husband and a numerous circle of relations and friends to deplore her loss. [The Hornet's Nest, Hertford Co., NC; June 4, 1813] Died on the 11th, in Hertford County, James Jones, Esq., Clerk of the Superior Court of that county. [Raleigh Register, Raleigh, NC; May 31, 1816] Died at his residence in Hertford County, on the 29th Ult., John H. Fraser, Esq., a member of our last legislature. [Raleigh Register, Raleigh, NC; Aug. 25, 1820] Died in Hertford County, on the 14th Ult., Capt. Benjamin Brown, aged 95 years. [North Carolina Star, New Bern, NC; Jan. 9, 1824] Died at his seat in Hertford county, on the 4th instant, aged about 65, Gen. Thomas Wynns, another of our Revolutionary worthies, former member of the Council of State. [Raleigh Register, Raleigh, NC; June 17, 1825] Died a few weeks past, very hgihly respected, Jesse Deans, Esq., Sheriff of Hertford County. [Raleigh Register Semi-Weekly, Raleigh, NC; Aug. 9, 1825] Departed this life on Wednesday, 28th Inst. in the 50th year of his age, Mr. Benjamin M. Evans of this place. He leaves a widow and orphans to mourn his loss. [North Carolina Chronicle, Murfreesboro, NC; Mar. 31, 1827] Departed this life at the residence of Mr. James Worrel at Maney's Neck, on Monday morning the 14th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, in the 79th year of her age. [North Carolina Chronicle, Murfreesboro, NC; May 19, 1827] Died on Tuesday last, Laura Rebecca, infant daughter of Mr. John W. Southall, of this town, aged three months. [North Carolina Chronicle, Murfreesboro, NC; May 19, 1827] Died near Murfreesboro, on the 10th Instant, Clara, infant daughter of Robert and Temperance Cobb, aged two years and three months. [The Citizen, Murfreesboro, NC; June 28, 1860] Marriage Notices: Married at Wiccacon, Mr. Benj. C. Hewson to Miss Delia C. Sorell. [The Hornet's Nest, Hertford Co., NC; Oct. 1, 1812] Married at Wiccacon, Mr. Jones Haynes to Miss Sally Doughty. [The Hornet's Nest, Hertford Co., NC; Oct. 1, 1812] Married on the 10th Instant at Wiccacon, Dr. Arannah Bardwell to Mrs. Sally Ward. [The Hornet's Nest, Hertford Co., NC; Dec. 31, 1812] Married at Pitch Landing on Thurs. evening last, Mr. James Holland to Miss Sally Baker. At the same time and place, Mr. Lemuel Ely to Miss Betsey Boutwell. [The Hornet's Nest, Hertford Co., NC; Dec. 31, 1812] Married, lately in the woods, near Piney-tree Store, in this county by torchlight, Mr. Isaac Barnes of Bertie to Mrs. Rachel Green. [The Hornet's Nest, Hertford Co., NC; Jan. 7, 1813] Married in this county, on Thurs. evening last, Mr. John Benthall to Miss Polly Newby. [The Hornet's Nest, Hertford Co., NC; Jan. 14, 1813] Married in Hertford County, on the 2nd instant, Dr. Isaac Foster, to Miss Margaret Long, both of Murfreesborough. [Raleigh Register, Raleigh, NC; Aug. 21, 1818] Married a few days past, John Fraswer, Esq., Attorney at Law, of Hertford County, to Miss Granberry, of Bertie County. [Raleigh Register, Raleigh, NC; May 19, 1820] Married on Thursday, the 15th Inst., by Collin W. Barnes, Esq., Maj. Reddick Cross of Hertford, to Mrs. Elizabeth Sowerby, of Northampton. [North Carolina Chronicle, Murfreesboro, NC; Mar. 23, 1827] Married on same day (Thurs., the 15th Inst.), by the Rev. Dr. Waller, Mr. George Spiers, to Miss Elizabeth Wise, both of Murfreesboro. [North Carolina Chronicle, Murfreesboro, NC; Mar. 23, 1827] Married in this town on Friday, the 20th instant, by Moses Clements, Esq., Master Howell Francis, aged 16 years, to the beautiful and well accomplished Mrs. Nancy Hill, aged about 70 years. [North Carolina Chronicle, Murfreesboro, NC; Apr. 21, 1827] (that's what it said, folks!) Married on Mondy the 30th instant, Mr. Samuel Clark, to Miss Priscilla Blow, both of Maney's Neck, Hertford Co., NC; [North Carolina Chronicle, Murfreesboro, NC; May 5, 1827] Married on Thurs. evening last, at Mr. Thomas Griffith's, by Silas Parker, Esq., Mr. Burrell Griffith of Hertford County to Miss Mary Beal, of Southampton County, Va. [North Carolina Chronicle, Murfreesboro, NC; Saturday, June 16, 1827] Married on November 17th, at 11 and 1/2 o'clock, A.M., near St. John's in Hertford County, at the residence of the bride's father, by William M. Mitchell, Esq., Mr. Wm. Z. Mitchell of Bertie County, to Miss Hester C. Mitchell. [The Citizen, Murfreesboro, NC; Nov. 30, 1859] Married on Wednesday night, Nov. 30th, in Hertford Co., by Rev. John Hoggard, Mr. W. P. Garriss to Miss Sarah T. Vaughn. [The Citizen, Murfreesboro, NC; Dec. 7, 1859] Married at the residence of Drury Glover, near Rich Square, on the 14th Inst., by J. T. Lambertson, Britton T. Parker to Miss Rachel Glover. [The Citizen, Murfreesboro, NC; Dec. 24, 1859] Married at the residence of William D. Rose, near Rich Square on the 15th instant, by J. T. Lambertson, Richard M. Vaughn to Miss Mary L. Rose. [The Citizen, Murfreesboro, NC; Dec. 24, 1859] Married this morning, at five o'clock, in the Methodist Church, in this place, Dr. M. Smith, of Nansemond Co., Va., to Miss Sue Montgomery of Murfreesboro. [The Citizen, Murfreesboro, NC; Mar. 15, 1860] Married in this place, at the residence of the Bride's Father, Perry Carter, Esq., by the Rev. Wm. Hooper, D. D. L. L. D., Mr. Charles Henry Foster to Miss Sue A. Carter, all of Murfreesboro. [The Citizen, Murfreesboro, NC; May 3, 1860] Married in Hertford County, near Murfreesboro, on Monday morning, 20th instant, by Wm. Darden, Esq., J. C. Meekins, Esq., of Tyrell Co., to Mrs. Mahala Davenport of Hertford County. The happy pair left on the same day for Nag's Head, on a bridal tour. [The Citizen, Murfreesboro, NC; Oct. 30, 1860]