The Midgett Family - Christopher Midyett - Hyde County, NC - Biographies Submitted for use in the USGenWeb Project Archives by Hyde County NCGenWeb ( A TENNESSEE CONNECTION by Kay Lynn Midgett Sheppard THE MIDGETT FAMILY OF HYDE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Christopher Midyett (1749 - 28 Aug. 1806) Mary (Unknown) (b. bef. 1755) Christopher Midyett is shown in the 1779 Currituck Co., N.C. tax list having 10 acres and 7 polls. In the census of 1790 he was listed with 3 males under the age of 16, 1 male over 16, 5 females and 1 slave in his household. On May 23, 1795 Francis Credle of Hyde county sold 100 acres in Swan Quarter to "Christopher Mydott of Currituck county", which deed was witnessed by Jesse Midyett, Christopher's eldest son. The 1800 Hyde county census indicates Christopher's household with 1 male 0-10,1 male 10-16, 1 male over 45, 2 females 10-16, 1 female 16-26, 1 female over 45 and 1 slave. For about the first six months of 1806 he bought 43 3/4 acres from Francis Credle, 29 acres from his son Jesse, 10 acres from Thomas Foddrey and 22 3/4 acres from Green Carrowan. In his August 11, 1806 Hyde county will Christopher mentions his wife Marey, two sons Richard & Christopher who would receive a negro man named Peter after their mother's decease, and daughter Marey. Although he doesn't name them as "children" and left only monetary legacies to the heirs of Jessey Miggett, Robert Midggett, Micajah Midggett and Elizabeth Hutson the author believes them all to be the children of Christopher & Mary. His will was probated November Term 1806 and the personal inventory was taken February 12, 1807 which included a 2-masted boat, canoe, rigging, and 1/2 of a whipsaw which he co-owned with Thomas Foddrey. The widow, Mary Midgett, is found in the 1810 Hyde county census living between William Hopkins & Benjamin Gibbs with 1 male 16-26, 1 female 10-16, 2 females 16-26, 1 female over 45 and 1 slave, probably Peter. Mary must have died sometime between the taking of this census and January 1815 when Christopher, Richard & Mary Midyett sold the negro man Peter, "he being our joint property", to Thomas Foddrey for $260.00. This bill of sale was witnessed by their older brother, Robert Midyett. The author received a letter in June 1993 from Mr. Merlin S. Berry of Gambrills, Maryland stating that his grandfather, Charles Clary Brothers, kept a diary from Mar. 1916-Dec. 1918 and one of the entries noted was made in late January 1918 after a winter thaw when the diarist records an outing with the Henry Boomer family of Swan Quarter. It reads "About 3 p.m. all of us went to see two old graves in the woods, and they have been much talked about. Two Midyett's (brothers) were buried there in 1806--nearly 112 yrs. ago. The two slabs are of heart cedar, and on one of them is chizzled these words: 'Christopher Midyette who died Aug. 28, 1806 Aged 57 ye. You living friends as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me'. The other slab was not as distinctly marked as the above, and I did not write the inscription. They are solid boards except at the ground where some of it has rotted off. Vandalism is apparent also. They are about 1/4 mile from Henry Boomer's home." Richard & Carlos Berry, Jr. now own this land and they recall the remnants of a house near the gravesites and that there appeared to be more than two graves. It is the author's belief that these graves are not of two brothers but, rather, Christopher Midyett and his son, Jesse, who preceded him in death by about one month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The author knows of only 7 children probably born to Christopher & Mary Midyett: 1. Jesse Midyett who died in Hyde county but his widow, Sarah, migrated to Johnston Co., N.C. about 1813 and eventually came to West Tennessee where she died in 1837. 2. Robert Midyett who remained in Hyde county so far as the author knows. 3. Micajah Midyett who migrated to Johnston Co., N.C about 1813 and eventually came into Kentucky and Tennessee. 4. Richard Midyett who migrated to White Co., Tennessee about 1815 then to Wilson Co., Tn. 5. Christopher Midyett, Jr. who came to White Co., Tn. with his brother, Richard, in 1815 then into Caldwell Co., Ky. 6. The author knows nothing about Mary Midyett. 7. Elizabeth Midyett who, in the author's opinion, came to White Co., Tn. about 1815 as Elizabeth Hutson, wife of Archabald Hutson. [Image] Jesse Midyett (c 1769 - c July 1806 Hyde Co., N.C.) Sarah "Sally" Brooks (1766 - 1837 Madison Co., Tn.) Jesse Midyett married in 1789 to Sarah Brooks, daughter of Stephen Brooks, Jr. and Mary Farrow, and was found living next door to his father, Christopher Midyett, in the 1790 Currituck county census with himself as head of household and 1 female listed. In 1791 Stephen Brooks, Jr. of Hyde county, made a gift to Jesse of 30 acres on Mount Pleasant joining the property of William & Thomas Brooks and in 1795 Jacob Brooks sold Jesse 20 acres for 36 pounds in gold or silver. Stephen Brooks, Jr. made Jesse executor of his July 15, 1797 will and after his death Jesse was to receive 1/3 of all items not sold at the estate sale which occured in December 1797. The 1800 Hyde census shows Jesse with 3 males 0-10, 1 male 26-45, 2 females 0-10, 2 females 26-45 and 2 slaves. On May 24, 1802 he sold to Banister Midyett 16 1/2 acres of the 30 acre tract given to him by Stephen Brooks, Jr. and another 3 1/2 acres was sold to Christopher O'Neal in Feb. 1803. The last conveyances of land before Jesse's death occured on February 20, 1806 when he deeded to Thomas Foddrey 19 acres and Thomas Foddrey deeded to Jesse 36 1/2 acres, both tracts being in Swan Quarter. The last will and testament of Jesse Midyett written June 6, 1806 makes bequeaths to his wife, Sarah, sons Micajah, Asia and Josiah and daughters Selah, Anna and Esther and "I leave my Father, Christopher Midget, and my wife, my whole and sole executors". This will was probated August Term 1806 and an inventory was taken. The sale occured September 12, 1806. Some purchasers at this sale included Levy Midyett who bought a testament, the widow who bought a gun and a negro woman, Joseph Midyett, Samuel Bell who bought blacksmith tools, Cason Harris who bought shoemaker's tools, Thomas Foddrey, Benjamin Gaskill, Archabald Hutson and Christopher Midyett. Jesse's widow moved from Hyde county sometime before the taking of the 1810 census where she is found in Johnston Co., N.C. as Sally Midget with 1 male 0-10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-26, 1 female 0-10, 2 females 10-16, 1 female 16-26, 1 female over 45, 1 slave and 1 free black. She, "Sarah Midyett, widow and relict of the late Jesse Midyett of Hyde Co., N.C.", releases a quit claim to Benjamin Hall on May 14, 1811 for the 3 1/2 acres that was originally sold to Christopher O'Neal in Feb. 1803. Johnston county marriage records reveal widow Sarah Midyett, marrying Jesse Tiner on November 26, 1812 and the 1813 Johnston county court minutes orders that Josiah Meddyatt, "an orphan child of Sarah Tiner, be bound and apprenticed to Jacob Brooks until he arrives to the age of 21, he now being about 11 years old, to be taught the business of carpentering". Jesse Tiner's Johnston county will was probated in August 1818, and makes, among other bequeaths, negros Tamer & Caleb to his wife Sally. Sally (Brooks) Midyett Tiner remained in Johnston county at least until the taking of the 1820 census where she is listed as Sally Tyner over the age of 45 with 2 male slaves and 1 foreigner (not naturalized) in her household. The next record of evidence is recorded in Haywood Co., Tennessee where she made her will on January 12, 1826 as "Sally Tyner of Madison County, Tennessee" leaving negro, Tamer, to her daughter Ann Wellings and her Bible to son Micajah. The remainder, after the debts were paid, went to her son Josiah Midyett. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Known children of Jesse Midyett & Sarah Brooks were: 1. Selah/Celia Midyett born about 1792; Will Probated: March 1857 Madison Co., Tn.; married Lewis Tiner** 7 March 1815 Johnston Co., N.C. (**Lewis Tiner was son of Sarah Brooks' 2nd husband, Jesse Tiner, by a previous marriage.) 2. Anna Midyett born about 1794 married John Wellons 27 Sept. 1817 Johnston Co., N.C. 3. Asa Brooks Midyett born 27 Mar. 1798; died 3 April 1848 Haywood Co., Tn.; married Elizabeth Hinton 9 October 1820 Johnston Co., N.C. 4. Micajah Midyett born:1801; died September 1861 Haywood Co., Tn.; married Nancy/ Nicy Brooks 12 February 1821 Johnston Co., N.C. 5. Josiah Midyett born about 1802; married Ann ???. 6. Nothing known by the author on Easter Midyett. [Image] Robert Midyett (c 1773 - c 1828) Charity Foddrey (born 1784-1790) Robert Midyett married Charity Foddrey, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Foddrey. He is found in the 1800 Currituck county census with 1 male 26-45, 2 females 0-10 and 2 females 26-45. In 1804 Robert purchased 72 1/2 acres on Mt. Pleasant, it being the property of the heirs of George Fisher, dec'd., and in 1805 Sarah Fisher sold to Robert Midyett of Hyde County another 24 acres on Mount Pleasant joining William O'Neal & William Brooks "it being my right of dower in the lands of my husband, George Fisher, dec'd.". On December 27, 1812 Robert sold the entire 72 1/2 acre tract to Little John Pugh for $475.00. On January 2, 1815 Christopher Midyett sold two tracts of land to his brother, Robert, the first being 20 1/2 acres of "the 40 acres left by my father to my brother, Richard, and myself to be equally divided". The second tract contained 44 acres. Both deeds were witnessed by Thomas Foddrey. Robert Midjett's Hyde county household in 1820 consisted of 3 males 0-10, 1 male over 45, 1 female 0-10, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 16-26, 1 female 26-45. Hyde County Superior Court minutes display Robert Midyett serving on many juries and in May 1828 he was a witness for the State in a murder trial involving Absolom Scarborough who was later hanged. Widow, Charity Midyett, is found in the 1830 Hyde census living between Major Clark & Alfred Sadler with 1 male 10-15, 1 male 15-20, 1 female 5-10 and 1 female 40-50. No will or estate record has yet been found for Robert Midyett nor his wife Charity but three children have been discovered from two Hyde county deeds. The first deed in 1834 from Benjamin Harris & his wife Charity to William B. Tooley for "a tract of undivided land of which Henry T. Midyett and Sillina Midyett, son & daughter of Robert Midyett, dec'd., are seized and possessed which said tract is in the settlement of Swan Quarter adjoining Major Clark and John Credle, Sen'r., it being the same tract that said Henry T. Midyett and Sillina Midyett, dec'd., inherited from their father, Robert Midyett". The second deed in 1848 where Charity Harris states "...Sometime in the year 1828 I sold 7 1/2 acres to William B. Tooley (Caleb B. Harris inserted), my right to land which I heired by the decease of my father, Robert Midyett. I sold it to said Harris whilst my name was Charity Midyett and I was my own guardian...". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Known children of Robert Midyett & Charity Foddrey are: 1. Sillina Midyett died before 1834. 2. Henry T. Midyett died before 1834. 3. Charity Midyett born roughly 1810; married Benjamin Harris between 1828-1834. [Image] Micajah Midyett (25 Aug 1775-9 Aug,1851) Pency Brooks (20 Dec. 1778-4 May 1841) In Feb. 1800 Christopher Midyett made a gift of 30 acres in Swan Quarter to Micajah Midyette "for the natural love & affection that I have towards my son." The 1800 Hyde county census has Micajah Midyett with 2 males 0-10, 1 male 16-26, 1 female 0-10 and 1 female 16-26. In 1802 he bought 10 1/2 acres in Swan Quarter from Francis Credle. Witnesses on this deed were Jesse Midyett and Christopher Midyett, his older brother & father. Micajah sold 2 tracts of land in 1804 of 15 3/4 acres each. The author was unable to find Micajah listed in any 1810 census but an 1813 deed from John Allen of Johnston County, N.C. to Micajah Mydyett of Wake County, N.C. for lot #32 in the town of Smithfield leads me to believe he was moving West. Between 1813-1823 Micajah owned up to 20 different lots in this community. He was more than likely a carpenter by trade, for in 1819 the commissioners of Smithfield delegated him to build a market house and paid him $114.50 for his services. In November 1817 he received a land warrant for 50 acres on the Tennessee River in Caldwell Co., Kentucky and in 1825 he and Jarrett M. Jelks received Grant #24419 for 44 acres in Madison Co., Tennessee. Caldwell county encompassed a goodly portion of southwest Kentucky in 1820 but by 1830 it had been broken down to several smaller counties including Calloway and Graves counties. The Graves county tax lists from 1828-1833 show Micajah with 80 acres in a place known as Bayou de Chien (now in Hickman Co., Ky.). The 1840 Graves county census shows Micajah as head of household and between the age of 60-70 and one female 60-70. The last known location for Micajah was noted in the 1850 Henry Co., Tn. census where he is listed as 75 years of age living with his daughter, Zilpah, and her husband Hugh Bratton. It is assumed by the author that Micajah died in Henry county. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Known children of Micajah Midyett & Pency Brooks are: 1. Jesse Midyett born 18 May 1796; died about 1840 Madison Co., Tn.; married 1st Sarah Collie 9 July 1818 Caldwell Co., Ky.; married 2nd Adeline T. Mitchell 24 Oct. 1833 Gibson Co., Tn. 2. Sabra Midyett born 7 April 1799 and remained in Hyde county; married John M. Morgan before 1830. 3. Zilpha Midyett born 17 Aug. 1801 and was still living in Carroll Co., Tn. in 1880; married William Hugh Bratton 27 July 1820 Caldwell Co., Ky. 4. Fannie Midyett born 18 March 1803; married Richard Swan 3 Dec. 1819 Caldwell Co., Ky. 5. Matilda Midyett born 19 May 1805 and was still living in Graves Co., Ky. in 1870; married 1st John Hill 22 May 1846; married 2nd Francis Kitts. 6. Henry Midyett born 24 April 1807 and was still living in Graves Co., Ky. in 1860; married Mary Meadows in 1828. 7. Sallie Midyett born 16 Jan. 1809; died 10 Aug. 1863; married John Cooke 9 Sep. 1827. 8. Nathan Midyett born 3 Nov. 1810; died in Pulaski Co., Arkansas; married Elizabeth Lucy Bell among others. 9. Micajah "McCay" Midyett born 7 July 1816; died 23 June 1890 Henry Co., Tn.; married 1st Ruth C. Weaver 9 Jan. 1844 Henry Co., Tn.; married 2nd Elizabeth J. Newton Young 30 Nov 1854 Weakley Co., Tn. 10. Pency Midyett born 20 Dec. 1820; married W.J. Stone 28 Nov. 1842 Caldwell Co., Ky. [Image] Richard Midyett (born about 1780) Elizabeth Gaskill (born between 1784-1790) In early 1815 Richard and his siblings sold 64 acres in Hyde county to John Clark of Currituck county and a negro man named Peter to Thomas Foddrey. The next instance of his appearance is in White Co., Tn. with his brother, Christopher, Jr., in June 1815 when, together they bought a tract of land in Dist. #1 on the waters of Caney Fork near Gum Spring Mountain, "it being the whole of grant #2421 issued by the State of Tennessee to George W. Rayman." He is in Captain Wallings Company in 1816 with taxable property of 110 acres and 1 white poll. In 1817 Richard sells Christopher, Jr. one acre in White Co. "whereon my house and mill now stand". This deed was witnessed by Archabel Hutson (presumed by the author to be the husband of Elizabeth Midyett) and Benjamin Gibbs, another Hyde county resident who migrated west with the Midyetts. Grant #10737 was issued to Richard Midyett on 17 September 1817 for 20 acres in White Co. which he in turn sold to Benjamin Gibbs in 1820. Richard Midyett, as an attorney, witnessed many deeds and was named administrator on several wills, including the above named Benjamin Gibbs. He was nominated by James M. Gibbs of Warren Co., Tn. to bring suit against William Watson of Hyde County, for non-payment of his portion of the estate of Valentine Gibbs, dec'd., who was a distributee of Cason Gibbs, dec'd. On 23 February 1824 Christopher O'Neal and his wife Sally O'Neal of Hyde Co., said Sally being one of the lawful heirs of Jane Swindle who was legal heir-at-law of Jesse Swindle, sold an undivided 1/4 part of two parcels of land lying in White & Warren counties in Tennessee. By 1827 Richard was already in Wilson Co., Tn. when he sold these same 2 tracts back to "Sarah Swindle, more formerly Sarah O'Neal, wife of Christopher O'neal, dec'd.". The 1830 Wilson county census shows Richard's household with 1 male 0-5, 1 male 30-40, 1 female 0-5, 2 females 5-10, 1 female 15-20 and l female 30-40. In 1832 Joshua Taylor, Sr. sold a lot in the town of Commerce to the trustees of the Methodist Church (Richard was one of the trustees named). The author has run ads in the Lebanon Democrat, a local Wilson county newspaper, to seek help from anyone who might know where this church stood and if Richard could possibly be the father of John Nathaniel Midgett of Commerce, Tn., my G-G-G-Grandfather, but at the time of this writing it has been a dead end. The tax lists show Richard remaining in Wilson County at least until 1834 but returned to White County by 1838 when he was given power of attorney by his wife "Elizabeth Midyette, formerly Elizabeth Gaskill, daughter of Jacob Gaskill, dec'd., of Hyde Co." to demand any monies coming from his estate and also the estates of her deceased nephew, Riley J. Gaskill, and her deceased brother, Anthony Gaskill. The 1840 White county tax list establishes Richard with 90 acres of school land valued at $200.00. Census records for the same year indicate him with 1 male 0-5, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 40-50, 1 female 0-5, 2 females 5-10, 2 females 15-20 and 1 female 40-50. In April 1840 Richard is made administrator of Jesse's (brother) estate in Madison Co., Tn. This is the last item the author has found on Richard Midyett. No children are known to the author although the census records bear out the fact that there were at least 7 children born of this marriage between 1810 and 1840. [Image] Christopher Midyett, Jr. (born 1784-1794) Rebecca (Unknown) (b. 1784-1794) Christopher Midyett, Jr. was found in the 1810 Hyde County census having 1 male 16-26, 1 female 0-10 and 1 female 16-26. In May 1815 he sold his half of the 40 acres given to him by his father, to his brother, Robert Midyett. After leaving Hyde County in 1815 with his brother Richard, Christopher, Jr. is found in the 1816 & 1817 White County, Tn. tax list having 111 acres and 1 white poll. The entire 111 acre tract, which was half of Grant #2421, was sold to Uriah Gibbs on 27 December 1817. Ten years later Uriah sold this tract to L.B. Farris of White county. We next find Christopher, Jr. in the 1820 Caldwell Co., Ky. census having 2 males 0-10, 1 male 26-45, 2 males over 45, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 26-45. It is quite possible that Christopher Jr. died sometime between 1823 when the last child was born and 22 February 1828 when his wife, Rebecca, remarried to John Miller. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Known children of Christopher & Rebecca Midyett are: 1. Mary "Polly" Midyett born 1810; married John Swift 30 Jan. 1827 in Calloway Co., Ky. (part of Caldwell Co. in 1820). 2. Sarah "Sally" Midyett born 11 Dec. 1811; died 6 Oct. 1894 Calloway Co., Ky.; married Timothy Miller 5 Nov. 1832 Calloway Co., Ky. 3. Micajah Midyett born 13 Feb 1814; married Susan Miller 2 Aug 1834 Calloway Co., Ky. Susan living in Gasconade Co., Mo. in 1860. 4. David Midyett born 27 Sep 1816. 5. Jane Midyett born 19 April 1819 Trigg Co., Ky; died 10 Oct 1853 Calloway Co., Ky.; married McCain Lee 6 July 1836 Calloway Co., Ky. 6. Christopher Midyett, III born 25 Feb. 1821. 7. Rebecca Midyett born 25 Aug. 1823; married Claiborn Wells 11 Oct. 1842 Calloway Co., Ky. Contributed by Kay Lynn Midgett Sheppard ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 1998 ********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. **********************************************************************