St. Martin's Church Records - Iredell County, NC Submitted to the USGenWeb Archives by Thomas P. Winslow St. Martin's Evangelical Lutheran Church Record Book E 1897-1924 Iredell County, Troutman, NC January, 1994 CONSTITUTION Recommended by the NC Conference of the E.L Tenn. Synod for adoption by the congregation. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. We Members of the Church of Christ, sensible of spiritual Needs; and Mindful of our Christian duties, forming a Congregation under the style and Title of St. Martin's E.L. Church, Iredell County, NC, adopt the subjoined consitution as a statement of common rights and a covenant of Mutual duties, in order to sustain, by the labor and gifts of love, the Pure Word and Sacraments; as God's only appointed means for saving the lost, and for Edifying his People; and to Maintain a Discipline which shall aid in securing Purity of doctrine, righteousness of life, and the peace and growth of the Church. Article I The Doctrine SEC. 1. This congregation confesses the cannonical books of the Old and New Testament to be the inspired Word of God, and therefore the only Rule of faith and life, it also acknowledges the confessional writings of the E.L. Church as contained in the book of Concord, to be a correct interpretation of this Word. SEC. 2. Doctrine and Practices in conflict with this confession shall not be Tolerated in this congregation. SEC. 3. This congregation shall be in union with a Synod whose Doctrinal basis is in accordance with SEC. 1 of this article. Article II The Membership SEC. 1. The Membership of this congregation shall consist of: a) Those who are baptised, b) Those who are admitted to the Lord's Supper by confirmation and are united as one communion under this constitution by accepting the same and conforming to the duties it Enjoins. SEC. 2. Persons wishing to connect themselves with this congregation should make application to the church council; which may be done at any time. SEC. 3. 1. It shall be the duty of members: a) To attend the Public Services as regularly as possible; b) To Participate regularly i the celebration of the Lord's Supper; c) To register their names as communicants previous to confession and absolution; d) To contribute statedly according to their means to the support of the Pastor and other Expenses of the congregation; and also to the General work of the church; e) To abstain from the manifest works of the Flesh (Gal 5:19-21); 2. It shall be the duty of parents: a) To bring their children to the Lord in Holy Baptism; which always be performed in the church in the presents of the congregation except in case of sickness or other unavoidable circumstance; b) To instruct them in the doctrines and practices of the church; c) To take or send them to the Pastor for further religious instruction; SEC. 4. All confirmed members who are not under discipline shall have the right to vote and any such male member may hold office. SEC. 5. Any member violating any of the principles laid down in Art. 1 and SEC. 3 of this Article shall be dealt with according to Matt 18: 15-18.; I Cor: 5-15; 2 Thes 3:3-14. That is he shall first be privately admonished in the spirit of Christian meekness and love by the Pastor; Elders; or any Member to whoim the offenses is known. If this prove fruitless, he shall appear before the church council; if he refuse to hear them he shall be cited before the congregation; and if he still remain impenitent, the congregation shall excommunicate him; first by suspension. If amends are made, he shall be restored. If not, as a last resort, he shall be expelled. Article III The Pastor SEC. 1. The Pastor is to be Elected and called by the congregation; and in cas of an Election, the call is always to be unaminous, the minority concerning the majority. Such Pastoral relation shall continue in force until it appears manifest to the Pastor or congregation, that such relation should cease to exist. SEC. 2. The Pastor must belong to the Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Synod as long as said Synod remains faithful to the confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. SEC. 3. The duties of the Pastor are: a) To Preach the Word of God according to Article 1 of this consitution; and to conduct the Public Worship; b) To lead an exemplary Christian life; c) To administer the Holy Sacraments; d) To instruct the Young in the Christian religion; e) To Visit the Sick and Infirm and to bring to them the consolations of the Gospel; and in general to perform all other duties members (sic) his Holy Office. SEC. 4. If the Pastor shall trangress any Principles laid down in the proceeding Sections of this Article, he shall be admonished by the church council. If he refuse to hear, this case will be referred to the Synod or its President and if after admonition by the Synod, he still remain impenitent the congregation shall depose him. If the case be one of false doctrine, or open scandal, the congregation may suspend the Pastor from the performance of all Ministerial functions until the next Meeting of Synod. No such suspension however shall Take Place without having first obtained the advice of the President of Synod; and no deposition from the office of the ministry until the advice of Synod shall have been given. Article IV The Church Council SEC. 1. This shall consist of the Pastor, who is ex-officio chairman. Three Elders and Two Deacons, which latter shall also be trustee provided. However, the number of officers may be increased as the wants of the congregation may demand. These offices shall be Elected by the congregation (Acts 6:3-6) and a two thirds majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to an Election. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty: a) of the Elders: To provide for the administration of the Holy Sacrament, to assist the Pastor in the administration of Church Discipline in visiting the sick and afflicted, and in general to do all in their power to promote the spiritual welfare of the congregation. b) of the Deacons: To collect the necessary means for the support of the Pastor (I Cor. 9:8-14; Gal. 6:6) to gather the Offerings of the People for charitable and benevolent purposes, to hold all deed and other valuable papers of the congregation; to be its representatives at law; and in general to have charge of all its financial affairs. SEC. 3. a) The general duties of the Council are: 1) To lead exemplary Christian lives; 2) To see that all the rules of the congregation be carried out, and that church Discipline be properly exercised in the case of all members who err in doctrine or live in open vice; 3) To see that good order be observed during Divine Service. b) The Council shall hold meetings when necessary to take counsel for the church. c) The Council may Elect out of its own number a secretary who may also be the secretary of the congregation. d) Two thirds of the Council shall be necessay to constitute a quorum. Article V Miscellaneous SEC. 1. It shall be the duty of the congregation to Elect a Treasurer whose duty it shall be to keep in trust all money of the congregation and pay it out only on order from the church Council. He shall make a report of all receipts and disbursements to the congregation at least annually or whenever the church council may require this of him. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the secretary to make a record of all the proceedings of the meetings of the council and of the congregation in a book provided for that purpose; and he shall keep an accurate roll of the membrship, shall record all Baptisms, Confirmations, and the names of the Communicants. SEC. 3. All Officers of this congregation may, in Christian order, be removed. Determined adherence to Erroneous Doctrine; a scandalous life; or unfaithfullness inthe discharge of his official duty, shallbe sufficient cause for the removal of any officer. SEC. 4. Should at any time a separation take place in the congregation (which God forbid) the Church property and all its advantages shall belong to that Party which remains faithful to this constitution and binds its Pastor to same. SEC. 5. By Laws and Amendments to this constitution may be made at any regular congregational meeting by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the members present. Provided, however, that such Laws or amendments be written out and published to the congregation at least one month previous to taking the action. SEC. 6. The above regulations applies to all articles of this constitution Except Article 1 and this section, which are unchangeable. By Laws 1. The congregation may hold two regular congregational meetings each year on the Saturdays preceeding the Spring and Fall Communions; 2. Special meeting of the congregation may be called by the Pastor; Council or any two members of the congregation. 3. One third of the Enrolled Members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in a congregational meeting. 4. At least one month's Notice shall be given of all important congregational meetings, such as for the Exercise of Discipline, Electing Officers, etc. 5. In all matters of Offense brought before the congregation for Trial, no one who is not in good and regular standing shall be allowed to testify either for or against the accused. 6. The Pastor, when present, shall act as chairman of the congregational meetings. Otherwise, the congregation shall Elect one of their own members as Chairman, Pro Tem. Elections SEC. 1. Elections shall be made by ballot unless two-thirds of the voters present decide that the Election shall be by acclamation. SEC. 2. All officers except the Pastor shall be Elected to serve for two years. Then an Election may be entered into for Elders, Deacons, or Treasurer or all unless a two-thirds majority of the voters present shall decide to dispense with the Election of any or all of said officers wich shall signify that they desire no change there. Sunday Schools SEC. 1. The council shall annually appoint a Superintendent who with the council; shall constitute a committee to appoint Teachers and other officers and have the general oversight thereof. SEC. 2. All teachers and literature shall be in harmony with Article 1 of the constitution of this congregation. The constitution and By Laws may be read before the congregation once a year. St. Martin's, Iredell County, NC January 1st, 1888 We the undersigned do promise to pay the Rev. C.H. Bernhiem the sums annexed to our respective names for preaching for us twice a month and for pastoral services during the present year. C.M. Wagner 10.00 5.00 5.00 in full 10.00 Fielding Kyles 2.00 1.00 1.00 in full 2.00 Henry Collins 3.00 1.00 2.00 in full 3.00 A.L. Wagner 6.00 2.00 4.00 in full 6.00 J.L. Wagner 10.00 5.00 5.00 in full 10.00 C.W. Hoover 2.00 2.00 in full 2.00 M.L. Barringer 5.00 3.00 2.00 in full 5.00 J.S. Lippard 1.50 1.50 in full 1.50 A.H. Lippard 2.00 1.00 1.00 in full 2.00 J.I. Lippard 1.50 1.50 in full 1.50 W.A. Lippard 1.00 1.00 in full 1.00 A.M. Lippard 2.00 2.00 in full 2.00 T.S. Clodfelter 1.50 .75 .75 in full 1.50 J.S. Lippard 2.00 1.00 1.00 in full 2.00 Jesse M. Lippard 2.00 2.00 in full 2.00 A.L. Davis 3.00 2.00 1.00 in full 3.00 Wm. B. Lippard 8.00 4.00 4.00 in full 8.00 Mary A. Scroggs 2.00 2.00 in full 2.00 Henry Lippard 3.00 3.00 in full 3.00 J.M. Lippard 5.00 2.00 3.00 in full 5.00 J.S. Collins 3.50 3.50 in full 3.50 H.H. Carscadden 1.00 1.00 in full 1.00 W.M. Clodfelter 2.50 2.50 in full 2.50 G.S.D. Eller 3.00 3.00 in full 3.00 W.M. Watte 5.00 5.00 in full 5.00 W. Julius Lippard 2.00 2.00 in full 2.00 J.A. Lippard 2.00 1.00 1.00 in full 2.00 M.M. Litaker 1.00 H.M. Wagner 1.00 T.M. Hoover 1.50 1.50 in full 1.50 W.H. Lippard 2.00 2.00 in full 2.00 Jacob H. ---- 2.00 2.00 in full 2.00 R.F. Bost 1.00 J.M. Troutman 1.00 1.00 in full 1.00 M.A. Hartline .50 .50 in full .50 Sarah Hoover 1.00 1.00 in full 1.00 D.S. Lippard .50 .50 in full .50 W.A. Gibson 1.00 1.00 in full 1.00 J.A. Boger 2.00 2.00 in full 2.00 W.L.Troutman 2.00 1.00 1.00 in full 2.00 J.T. Hoover 1.00 T.T. Lippard .50 .50 in full .50 B.C. Boger .50 .50 in full .50 J.D. Hoover 1.00 1.00 in full 1.00 This is to certify that Wade DeBerry Lippard and Della Estelle Lippard was on November 6th, 1898 confirmed in St. Martin's E.L. Church, and at their own request will be dismissed to connect themselves with St. Michael's E.L. Church, Troutman, NC. When notified of their reception into said congregation their connection with St. Martin's will cease. By order of the Council of St. Martin's, Oct. 1st, '04. W.L. Darr, Pastor. This is to certify that Mr. George A. Brown is a member of Prospect Presbyterian Church in good and regular standing and as such he is now at his own request dismissed to connect himself with the Evangelical Lutheran Church at St. Martin's to whose Christian fellowship he is cordially recommended. By order of session. April 17, 1870. J.S. Beaty, Clerk. St. Paul's Church, Iredell County, NC. June the 4th, 1870 This is to certify that Mr. S.V. Hoover is a communing member of the St. Paul's Church in good standing and is cordially and affectionately recommended to the confidence of the Christian Church. J.D. Kitheade, Elder Daniel Side, Deacon Marriage Bond. Wm. ---- & Elizabeth McPharr, 03 Sept., 1806. Baptisms Parents Child Born Baptised By J.S. Lippard & wife Bride Eleamore Lippard 28 Nov 1896 03 Jan 1897 Jesse M. Lippard & wife Fred Eugene Lippard 11 Jan 1897 21 Mar 1897 Harrison Bradshaw & wife Oliver Theofilis Bradshaw 15 Feb 1897 16 Apr 1897 J.W. Stevenson & wife Margeat Mattiru(?) Stevenson 23 Oct 1896 30 May 1897 H.W. Lippard & wife Bessie Eudara Lippard 03 Aug 1897 19 Sept 1897 A.L. Darr & wife Troy Price Darr 09 Oct 1897 21 Nov 1897 A.L. Collins & wife Hoyt Nathan Collins 09 Oct 1897 02 Jan 1898 T.M. Troutman & wife Callie Ann Troutman 22 Oct 1897 06 Feb 1898 J.H. Lippard & wife Barron Derand Lippard 08 Jan 1898 06 Mar 1898 J.L. Lippard & wife Cora Susan Lippard 05 Jan 1898 20 Mar 1898 A.M. Lippard & wife Albert Wike Lippard 11 Apr 1898 05 Jun 1898 T.L. Clodfelter & wife Dora Louise Clodfelter 11 May 1898 20 Jun 1898 C.M. Wagner & wife Myron Bay Wagner 30 Jun 1898 -- Dec 1898 A.L. Collins & wife Troy Bryant Collins 12 Dec 1898 05 Mar 1899 J.F. Walters & wife Lena Minerval Walters 28 Mar 1899 18 Jun 1899 C.H. Bradshaw & wife Bryan Caswell Bradshaw 22 Sep 1899 05 Nov 1899 H.W. Lippard & wife Pearl Aldine Lippard 28 Dec 1899 25 Jan 1900 M.T. Barnhart & wife Mirta Mae Barnhart 03 Dec 1899 21 Jan 1900 J.S. Lippard & wife Cephas Love Lippard 06 Feb 1900 18 Mar 1900 A.H. Lippard & wife Ruby Amanda Lippard 01 Apr 1900 06 May 1900 J.L. Lippard & wife Anna Irene Lippard 12 Apr 1900 03 Jun 1900 A.L. Collins & wife Era Mazon Collins 06 Apr 1900 17 Jun 1900 T.L. Clodfelter & wife Bulie Amanda Clodfelter 21 Jun 1900 05 Aug 1900 J.F. Walters & wife Laurance Hubert Walters 16 Mar 1902 04 May 1902 J.S. Lippard & wife William Darr Lippard 08 Aug 1901 19 Aug 1901 C.A. Hines & wife Maggie Juanita Hines 10 Jul 1901 15 Sep 1901 M.T. Barnhart & wife Oli Alexander Barnhart 27 Jul 1901 15 Sep 1901 W.H. Lippard & wife Frank Llowellyn Lippard 21 Aug 1901 03 Jan 1902 T.L. Lippard & wife Enna Marie Lippard 05 May 1902 03 Aug 1902 A.L. Collins & wife Luri Malona Collins 02 Aug 1902 21 Sep 1902 J.F. Walters & wife Inez Walters 13 Jun 1903 06 Sep 11903 M.T. Barnhart & wife Juanita Elizabeth Barnhart 02 Jun 1904 17 Jul 1904 W.L. Darr T.L. Clodfelter & wife Rahn Smith Clodfelter 25 Dec 1904 W.L. Darr J.M. Lippard & wife Claud Jason Lippard 30 Sep 1903 03 Jan 1904 C.M. Wagoner & wife Mary Emma Irene Wagoner 12 Jun 1903 18 Jan 1904 C.H. Hine & wife Paul Monroe Hine 14 Dec 1903 07 Feb 1904 T.M. Troutman & wife Loyd Alvah Troutman 16 Aug 1904 06 Nov 1904 A.L. Collins & wife Carrie Irazona Collins 22 Nov 1904 19 Mar 1905 A.S. Alley & wife Ralph Luther Alley 08 Sep 1904 02 Apr 1905 J.M. Lippard & wife Ethel Pauline Lippard 30 Jan 1906 13 Apr 1906 A.H. Lippard & wife Ralph Kimball Lippard 31 Aug 1906 07 Oct 1906 W.L. Darr A.L. Collins & wife John Laurance Collins 10 Jun 1907 18 Aug 1907 C.J. Sax H.W. Lippard & wife Rebie Saloam Lippard 24 Jul 1907 01 Sep 1907 C.J. Sax Wm. Bost & wife Florence L. Bost 30 Aug 1907 30 Aug 1907 C.J. Sax Jesse M. Lippard & wife Anna Ellosie Lippard 05 Oct 1907 17 Nov 1907 C.J. Sax A.S. Alley & wife Annie Birdsell Alley 22 Sep 1907 05 Apr 1908 C.J. Sax J.A. Lippard & wife Homer Luther Lippard 13 Jun 1908 02 Aug 1908 C.J. Sax J.L. Lippard & wife Estell Lippard 07 Jan 1908 11 Aug 1908 C.J. Sax J.F. Walters & wife Fred Franklin Walters 13 Mar 1906 16 May 1909 Wm. Bost & wife Estell May Bost 22 Mar 1908 20 May 1909 C.J. Sax C.D. Nance & wife Ethel Salome Nance 08 Oct 1909 05 Dec 1909 C.J. Sax J.M. Lippard & wife Robt. Vasteen Lippard 31 Oct 1909 02 Jan 1910 E.H. Kahn A.L. Collins & wife Dewey Glenn Collins 16 Nov 1910 07 Mar 1911 C.J. Sax C.D. Nance & wife Wm. Garland Nance 16 Apr 1911 07 May 1911 W.A. Deaton C.L. Troutman & wife Cleo Eloise Troutman 30 Mar 1911 28 Oct 1911 B.L. Stroup A.S. Alley & wife Susan Eveline Alley 08 Feb 1912 18 Jul 1912 W.A. Lutz J.M. Lippard & wife Mary Margaret Lippard 24 Jun 1912 27 Aug 1912 John Hull C.D. Nance & wife Hubert Glenn Nance 01 May 1913 01 Jun 1913 W.D.Holliswanger Wm. Alvah Darr & wife Robt. Alexander Darr 09 Oct 1913 21 Dec 1913 WDH J.L. Lippard & wife Joseph Gilbert Lippard 10 Jul 1914 06 Sep 1914 WDH C.D. Nance & wife Virginia May Nance 05 Nov 1914 05 Dec 1914 WDH Harrison Troutman & wife Elwyn Nicaree(?) Troutman 04 Apr 1915 06 Jun 1915 WDH Alvah Darr & wife Wm. Albert Darr 10 Nov 1915 19 Dec 1915 WDH Nathan W. Troutman Virginia Madaline Troutman 06 Sep 1916 23 Dec 1916 WDH T.C. Rumple & wife Eloise Rumple 24 Aug 1917 10 Jun 1917 J.L. Morgan T.C. Rumple & wife Louise Rumple 24 Aug 1917 10 Jun 1917 J.L. Morgan A.L. Collins & wife Catherine Louise Collins 11 May 1917 15 Jul 1917 F.G. Morgan J.M. Lippard & wife Sarah Elizabeth Lippard 25 May 1917 05 Aug 1917 F.G. Morgan B.H. Cates & wife Mary M. Cates Lester Haywood Cates 14 Sep 1918 15 Dec 1918 J.M. Senter Earl S. Lippard & wife Earl Settlemayer Lippard 14 Feb 1917 16 Feb 1918 J.M. Senter H.N. Troutman & wife M.C. Troutman Anna Frazier Troutman 29 Jan 1919 01 Jun 1919 J.M. Senter H.N. Troutman & wife M.C. Troutman Martha Minerva Troutman 29 Oct 1920 04 Sep 1921 D.L. Miller Alva Darr & wife James Harold Darr 01 Jul 1921 04 Sep 1921 D.L. Miller J.M. Lippard & wife Harold Augustus Lippard 17 Sep 1921 06 Nov 1921 D.L. Miller J.J. Gant & wife Bessie Martha Gant 02 Feb 1920 25 Dec 1921 H. Baxter Collins & wife Virginia Louise Collins 13 Apr 1916 Holliswanger H. Baxter Collins & wife Harold Henry Collins 13 Jul 1920 J.M. Senter C.D. Nance & wife Charles Dexter Nance 05 Jul 1923 20 Oct 1923 D.L. Miller J.D. Collins & wife Hariette Pearl Collins 08 Oct 1923 18 Nov 1923 D.L. Miller Carrol Hoyt Lippard 08 Oct 1923 16 Dec 1923 D.L. Miller C.D. Nance & wife Elizabeth Merle Nance 14 Sep 1921 04 Dec 1921 D.L. Miller Elmore Holtshouser & wife Hugh Gray Holtshouser 15 Sep 1920 18 Dec 1921 D.L. Miller J.J. Gant & wife Darsy Martha Gant 02 Feb 1920 28 Dec 1921 D.L. Miller J.J. Gant & wife Lynn Rupert Gant 26 Apr 1922 25 Jun 1923 D.L. Miller Confirmations By W.L. Darr. 18 April 1897 Regina E. Wagner Fannie Bell Wagner By W.L. Darr. 29 September 1897 J.F. Walters By Rev. W.L. Darr. 01 May 1898 Fannie L. Collins By Rev. W.L. Darr. 06 Nov 1898 J. Eudora Darr M. Maloney Collins Wade Lippard Della E. Lippard By Rev. W.L. Darr. 31 March 1899 L. Harrison Bradshaw By Rev. W.L. Darr. 14 October 1899 At her home because of sickness, Lottie Loretta Alley By Rev. W.L. Darr. 05 May 1901 Charlie A. Hines By Rev. W.L. Darr. 20 April 1902 Lillie Clodfelter Ola J. Clodfelter Carl Orastus Lippard By Rev. W.L. Darr. 04 October 1903 Jason A. Darr John R. Darr Elia Lee Lippard By Rev. W.L. Darr. 15 October 1905 Agness Leona Wagner Henry Baxter Wagner John D. Collins Maud Odell Lippard David L. Clodfelter Herman Isidori Lippard Dela Bell Clodfelter Mary Adaline Darr Zella May Lippard Mary Ozella Lippard By Rev. C.J. Sax. 04 May 1907 Arthur H. Cline Mabel Celeste Lippard Winona Estell Lippard Bessie Cline Ossie Cline By Rev. C.J. Sax. 18 October 1908 C.D. Nance By Rev. C.J. Sax. 03 October 1909 Josie H. Wagner Bride Eleanor Lippard Hoyt M. Lippard Victor E. Lippard Seth J. Lippard By Rev. B.L. Stroup. 29 October 1911 Fred E. Lippard Albert Wake Lippard Flake Clodfelter Ira Clodfelter Dora Louise Clodfelter May Price Darr By Rev. W.D. Holliswanger. 19 Oct 1913 Holis Nathan Collins Troy Bryan Collins Era Hason Collins Barran Derand Walters Lena Minerva Walters Myron Ray Wagner Julie Amanda Clodfelter Samuel Haile Hines (Bn. 10 May 1896) By Rev. W.D. Holliswanger. 19 May 1914 Oliver Theodore Bradshaw Bryant Caswell Bradshaw Cephas Love Lippard Rahn Smith Clodfelter By Rev. W.D. Holliswanger. 09 May 1916 Otis L. Lippard Effie Lee Lippard By Rev. W.D. Holliswanger. 15 October 1916 Susanna May Alley Floyd James Alley Frank Lee Bundy Annie Kathryn Gant Claud Jason Lippard Allen Jremancus (?) Lippard Floy Pressley Troutman Robert Laurance Walters Laura Collins By Rev. J.M. Senter. 19 October 1919 Raplph Kimball Lippard Charlie Edgar Bundy Carrie Aurora Collins Inez Walters Edmona Walters Amanda Elizabeth Gant Ethel Pauline Lippard By Rev. D.L. Miller. 15 May 1921 Mary Haines Holtshouser By Rev. D.L. Miller. 14 October 1922 John Laurance Collins Anna Eloise Lippard Ethel Salome Nance Margie Kathleen Suther By Rev. D.L. Miller. 20 May 1923 Harvey Augustus Rumple Funerals Ray M. Wagner 03 Oct 1918 Theodosia Lippard 29 Dec 1918 A.L. Wagner 09 Dec 1919 Martha Holshouser 29 Mar 1920 C.O. Lentz 03 Nov 1921 Mary A. Wagner 04 Feb 1922 J.A. Lippard 22 Jun 1923 Annie L. Collins 14 Jul 1923 Election of Officers St. Martin's of Iredell County, NC According to announcements on the 1st Sunday in June 1898 an Election was held on 3rd Sunday in July 1898 for officers. Elders: C.M. Wagner, D.L. Darr, D.S. Lippard Deacons: W.M. Clodfelter; J.S. Lippard; Treasurer, J.P. Collins According to annoucements on the 1st Sunday in June 1900 an Election was held on the 3rd Sunday in July 1900 for officers. Elders: C.M. Wagner, A.L. Darr, D.S. Lippard Deacons: W.M. Clodfelter; Jesse M. Lippard; Treasurer, A.L. Wagner August 3, 1902 All old officers was continued by 2/3 majority vote Elders: C.M. Wagner, A.L. Darr, D.S. Lippard Deacons: W.M. Clodfelter; Jesse M. Lippard; Treasurer, A.L. Wagner As announced in June 1904 an Election was held on the 3rd Sunday in July for church officers. Elders: C.M. Wagner, A.L. Darr, D.S. Lippard Deacons: W.M. Clodfelter; Jesse M. Lippard; Treasurer, A.L. Wagner As announced in June 1906 an Election was held on 1st Sunday in July for church officers. Elders: C.M. Wager, D.S. Lippard, A.L. Darr Deacons: W.M. Clodfelter; Jesse M. Lippard; Treasurer, A.L. Wagner As announced in July 1908 an Election was held on 3rd Sunday August 1908 for church officers. Elders: C.M. Wagner, A.L. Darr, D.S. Lippard Deacons: W.M. Clodfelter; J.M. Lippard; Treasurer, P.M. Cline 1st Sunday in March 1909, A.L. Darr offered his resignation which was accepted as Elder it was announced same time that an Election would be held on 1st Sunday in April to fill vacancy. Election was held and J.P. Collins was Elected Elder. Announced Oct 1910 an Election was held Third Sunday in Nov 1910 for Election of officers. Elders: C.M. Wagner, D.S. Lippard, Jesse M. Lippard Deacon: W.M. Clodfelter; A.L. Collins; Treasurer, T.L. Clodfelter An announced October an Election was held Third Sunday in November 1912 for Election of officers. Elders: C.M. Wagner, D.S. Lippard, Jesse M. Lippard Deacons: A.L. Collins; W.M. Clodfelter; Treasurer, J.P. Collins It was announced that an election for officers for church be held in November 1914 was deferred till 1st Sunday in June 1915. Elders: C.M. Wagner, J.M. Lippard, A.L. Darr Deacons: W.M. Clodfelter; A.L. Collins; Treasurer, A.H. Lippard September 2, 1917 an election for officers resulted in Elders: C.M. Wagner, J.M. Lippard, A.L. Darr Deacons: W.M. Clodfelter; A.L. Collins; Treasurer, A.H. Lippard October 15, 1919 an election for officers results in Elders: C.M. Wagner, J.M. Lippard, A.L. Darr Deacons: W.M. Clodfelter; A.L. Collins; Treasurer, A.H. Lippard November 6, 1921 an Election for officers resulted in Elders: C.M. Wagner, J.M. Lippard, A.L. Darr Deacons: H.B. Collins; W.M. Clodfelter Treasurer, D.S. Lippard; Benevolence Treasurer, A.H. Lippard (resigned, decided not to have Benevolence Treasurer) Transfers -- Feb ---- Henry Carscadden from St. Martin's to St. John's, Statesville, NC 18 Mar 1900 Mr. C.B. Stevenson form St. Martin's to West End Church Presbyterian, Statesville, NC. 18 Mar 1900 J.B. Lippard & wife from Salem E.L. Church to St. Martin's NC 06 May 1900 A.M. Lippard from St. Michael's NC to St. Martin's NC 20 Apr 1902 James Pope & wife, Bettie M.E. Pope from Sharon E.L. Church to St. Martin's NC 03 Oct 1903 Ellen Settlemire from to St. Martin's 18 Sep 1905 Mary V. Kimball from St. Martin's to St. John's Statesville, NC (no date) Florence A. Lippard from St. Michael's E.L. Church to St. Martin's E.L. Church 1904 Wade D. Lippard from St. Martin's E.L Church to St. Michael's E.L. Church 1904 Della Lippard from St. Martin's E.L. Church to St. Michael's E.L. Church -- Aug 1905 Detter(?) --(illegible)-- from St. Martin's E.L. Church to St. Martin's Church -- Aug 1905 Sarah Francis Lentz from St. Martin's E.L. Church to St. Paul's E.L. Church -- Apr 1908 Mrs. Ellen Settlemire form St. Martin's E.L. Church to St. Michael's E.L. Church 07 Jun 1908 Mrs. Salinda Watts from St. Martin's E.L. Church to St. John's E.L. Church, Statesville, NC 1912 H.H. Lippard & wife & daughter from St. Martin's to St. John's 1912 Ossie Cline from St. Martin's to Betheden Catawba NC 1912 Agnes L. Cloaninger from St. Martin's to St. Michael's Iredell, NC 12 Oct 1914 Thom. F. Lippard form St. Michael's to St. Martin's Iredell Co. 1914 Docia Lippard from Organ E.L. Ch. to St. Martin's, Iredell Co 01 Nov 1914 Thomas Rumple form ARP Church Statesville to St. Martin's 1914 Myrtle Bradshaw from Barium Spring Pres. Church to St. Martin's 10 Nov 1918 Mrs. Jesse Regan from St. Mark's Mooresville to St. Martin's 18 Jun 1916 P.W. Suther form New Perth Church to St. Martin's 08 Jan 1917 Joseph P. Cartner from Woodleaf Church M.E.L. to St. Martin's 04 Jul 1920 W.L. Troutman & wife J.E. Troutman from St. John's E.L. Ch. to St. Martin's 19 Sep 1920 C.D. Lentz & wife, Carrie form Augsburg E.L Ch. to St. Martin's 20 Mar 1921 B. Haywood Kates form St. Herman to St. Martin's -- Apr 1921 P.M. Cline & wife from St. Martin's to St. John's Statesville, NC -- Apr 1921 Mrs. M.C. Lippard from St. Martin's to St. Michael's 01 May 1921 Paul Hines fom St. Martin's 15 May 1921 Bryan Bradshaw from St. Martin's to St. John's Statesville, NC 09 Apr 1922 L.H. Bradshaw, J.A. Oliver & Myrtle Oliver from St. Martin's to St. John's Statesville, NC 09 Apr 1922 Arthur H. Cline form St. Martin's to St. John's Statesville, NC 24 Sep 1922 W.L. Troutman from St. Martin's 24 Sep 1922 J.E. Troutman from St. Martin's 24 Sep 1922 W.M. Hoover to St. Michael's 24 Sep 1922 Era Hazen Collins Bailey to Broad St. Meth. Ch. Statesville -- Mar 1923 Laura Malone Collins Winecoff to St. Michael's 06 May 1923 Frank Lee Bundy to Calvary E.L. Ch., Concord, NC 30 Dec 1923 B. Haywood Coats & wife, T.M. Troutman & wife, O.L. Lippard & wife to St. John's, Statesville, NC Communicants Legend: a 15 Apr ---- Rev. W.L. Darr n 07 Apr 1912 Rev. Stirewalt b 20 Oct ---- Rev. W.L. Darr o 03 Nov 1912 Rev. Darr c 04 May ---- Rev. C.J. Sax p 04 May 1913 Rev. Darr d 06 Oct ---- Rev. C.J. Sax q 10 May 1914 Rev. Darr e 19 Apr ---- Rev. C.J. Sax r 16 May 1915 Rev. Darr f 04 Oct ---- Rev. C.J. Sax s 13 Oct 1915 Rev. Darr g 18 Apr ---- Rev. C.J. Sax t 21 May 1916 Rev. Darr h 03 Oct ---- Rev. C. J. Sax u 15 Oct 1916 Rev. Darr i 01 May 1909 Rev. C.J. Sax v 29 Apr 1917 Rev. T.L. Luggenher(?) j 16 Oct 1910 Rev. C.J. Sax w 21 Oct 1917 Rev. A. Beck k -- Apr 1911 Rev. Wm. Deaton x 01 Dec 1918 Rev. J.M. Senter l 29 Oct 1911 Rev. B.L. Stroup y 21 Oct 1918 m --illegible-- z --illegible-- aa --illegible-- a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa L.L. Alley Carsie Alley x x x x x x x x x x x Luanna May Alley x x x x x Floyd James Alley x x x x x Wm. H. Bundy x x x x x Harriett A. Bundy x x x x Mary M. Bundy x x x x x Frank Lee Bundy x x x A.M. Barkley x x x x L.H. Bradshaw x x x x J.A. Bradshaw x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M.T. Barnhart S. Carda Barnhart Sallie Boger x x Oliver T. Bradshaw x x x x x x Bryan C. Bradshaw x x x x x x x x Myrtle Bradshaw x Jessie H. Brown x Anne L. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x J.P. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M.E.S. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x W.A. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x A.L. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Fannie L. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x H. Baxter Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x J. Devon Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Wm. M. Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x E.A. Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dead T.L. Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x M.J. Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Nance Lillie Clodfelter x x x x x x x Ola Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x Certi. David L. Clodfelter x x x x x x x Delia Bell Clodfelter x x x x x x x a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Arthur H. Cline x x x x x x x x Bessie Cline x x x x x x x Ossie Cline x x x x x x P.M. Cline x x x x x x x x x Mrs. P.M. Cline x x x x x x x x x Cullen Thomas Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Flake Clodfelter x x x x Ira Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dora Louise Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ruby Amanda Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x Hobie N. Collins x x x x x x x x x Certif. Bryan Cloaninger x x x x x Laura Collins x x x x x Era Hasen Collins x x x x x x x x x x x Rahn Smith Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x A.L. Darr x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dead C.M. Darr x x x x Eudora Darr x x x x x Dead Jason A. Darr x x John Darr x x x x x x x x x x x x Mary Adeline Darr x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Wm. Alvah Darr x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Mrs. Mary A. Darr x x x x x x x x x x x Mrs. Sallie Murdock Darr x x x x x x x x x Troy Price Darr x x x x x x x x x x C.W. Hoover x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x C.C. Hoover x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dead Sarah Hoover Dead H. Walter Hoover x x C.A. Hines x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Laura Hines x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Irv Hines x x x x x x Samuel Haile Hines x x x x F. Bell Holshouser x x x x x x x x x Mrs. James Gant x x x x x x x x x Anne Kathry Gant W.B. Edison x x P.C. Edison Dead J.M. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x Henry Lippard x x x x x x x x x Dead M.C. Lippard x x M. Eva Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x J.A. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Jesse M. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Florence A. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x W. Julius Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x B.S. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x A.E. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x A.H. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M.A. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x S. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x S. Ellen Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Earl S. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Certif. Herman Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x Certif. H.W. Lippard x x x x x x Pauline J. Lippard x x x x x x Margaret Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x D.J. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Certif. J.L. Lippard x x x x x x x Annie L. Lippard x x Maud Odell Lippard x x x x x x Zella May Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Rumple Mary Ozella Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Florence Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x J.S. Lippard J.B. Lippard x x x x M.B. Lippard x x x x x x Carl O. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Elia Lee Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Troutman Mabel Celeste Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x J. Lock Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Certif. Winnona Estill Lippard x x x x Seth Lippard x x x x x x x x x x Fred E. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x Albert Wike Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Certif. Vester E. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x C.D. Nance x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Lillie Nance x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Cephas Love Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x M.M.E. Porter x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x James Pope Bettie M.E. Pope Ethel Margarite Porter x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Bride Eleanor Lippard x x x x x x x x x x Jesse Reagan Thomas Rumple x x x x x x x Mary Odella Rumple x x x x x x x Certif. Ellen Settlemire x x Certif. Mrs. C.J. Sax x x x x Certif. Rev. C.J. Sax x x x x x Debbie Bell Suther x x x x x x x x x x x x x Endora Shoemaker x Lillie Suther x x x x x P.W. Suther x x x x x T.M. Troutman x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x S.E. Troutman x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Regina E. Troutman x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Harriett Troutman x x x x x Mable Celeste Troutman x x Floy Pressley Troutman x x x x x Wm. Troutman Docia Lippard x x x x x x T.F. Lippard x x x x x x Otis Leopold Lippard Effie Lee Lippard Allen Iremus Lippard x x x x x Florence Cartner x x x x Dead Elizabeth Thomas x x x x x A.L. Thomas x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M.A. Thomas x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Mary A. Thomas x x x C.M. Thomas x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x A.L. Thomas x x x x x x x D.L. Thomas x x J.F. Walters x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x E.R. Walters x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Salinda Watts x Brown Josie H. Wagner x x x x x x x M. Ray Wagner x x x x x x x x x x Barron D. Walters x x x Lina Minerva Walters x x x x x x Robert Laurence Walters x x x Certif. Carry A. Lentz x x x Communicants Legend: a 18 May 1919 J.M. Senter h 16 Jul 1922 D.L. Miller b 19 Oct 1919 J.M. Senter i 10 May 1922 D.L. Miller c -- Apr 1920 J.M. Senter j 15 Oct 1922 D.L. Miller d 03 Oct 1920 J.M. Senter k 21 Jan 1923 D.L. Miller e 15 May 1921 D.L. Miller l 01 Apr 1923 D.L. Miller f 16 Oct 1921 D.L. Miller m 15 Jul 1923 D.L. Miller g 15 Jan 1922 D.L. Miller n -- Oct 1923 D.L. Miller a b c d e f g h i j k l m n transf Carsie Alley x x x x Susanna May Alley x x x Floyd James Alley x Wm. H. Bundy x x x x x Harriett A. Bundy Mary M. Bundy x x transf Frank Lee Bundy x x x x x x Charlie Edgar Bundy x x x x transf L.H. Bradshaw x x x x transf J.A. Bradshaw x x x x x transf Oliver T. Bradshaw x transf Bryan C. Bradshaw x x x transf Myrtle Bradshaw Jesse H. Brown Annie L. Collins x x x x x x x x x x J.P. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x M.E.S. Collins x x x x x x x x x x W.A. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x A.L. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Fannie L. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Hollis N. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x transf Troy Bryan Collins x x x transf Era Adam Collins x x x x x x x x x x transf Laura Collins x x x x x x x x x x x J.D. Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x H. Baxter Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dora Collins x x x x x x x x x x x x W.M. Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x x x E.A. Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x x x M.J. Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x x x David L. Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x x x x T.C. Clodfelter x x x Flake Clodfelter Ira Clodfelter x x x x x x Dora Lousia Clodfelter x x x Ruby Amanda Clodfelter x x x x Rahn Smith Clodfelter x x x x x x x x x x James Laurence Collins x x x x x transf P.M. Cline x transf Mrs. P.M. Cline x J.B. Cartner x x x x x x x x x x x x Florence Cartner x x x x x x x x x x x x Carrie Arzona Collins x x x x x x x x x B. Haywood Kates x x x Mary M. Kates x x x x A.L. Darr x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Mrs. Mary A. Darr x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Troy Price Darr x William Alva Darr x x x x x x x x x x x x Mrs. Sallie Murdock Darr x x x x x x x x x John Darr C.W. Hoover x x x x x x x x x x x x Mrs. C.C. Hoover x x x x x x x x x x x a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Fannie B. Holtshouser x x x x x x Mary Haynes Holtshouser x x x x x Mrs. James Gant x x x Annie Kathryn Gant x x x transf Maud Elizabeth Gant x x Jesse M. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Florence A. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x J. Lock Lippard x Fred E. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x Claud Jason Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x Dead Mrs. M. Eva Lippard Dead J.M. Lippard x x x x x x x S. Ellen Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Earl S. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x Derothe Lippard x x x x x x x x x x Cephas Love Lippard x x x Transf Seth Lippard x Dead A.H. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Transf M.A. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x C.O. Lippard Transf Hoyt M. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x Transf Albert Wike Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x Transf Allen Iremius Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dead W.J. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x B.S. Lippard x x x x x x x x x A.E. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x D.S. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dead Margaret Lippard x x J.B. Lippard StMichael M.E. Lippard x Transf T.F. Lippard x x x x x x x x x x Transf O.L. Lippard x x Transf Effie Lee Lippard x Herman Lippard x x Transf Ralph Kimball Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Transf Mrs. T.F. Lippard x x x x x Ethel Pauline Lippard x x x x x x x x x x x x Anna Eloise Lippard x x x x Dead C.O. Lentz x Mary A. Lentz x x x x x x x x M.E.S. Porter x x x x x x x x x x x x E. Margaret Porter x Jessie Wagner Thomas Rumple x x x x x x x x x x Mary Ozella Rumple x x x x x x x x x x x C.D. Nance x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Transf Lillie Nance x x x x x x x x x x x x Transf Ethel Salome Nance x x x x x P.W. Suther x x x x x x x x x x x x Delie Bell Suther x x x x x x x x x x x x Dead Lillie A. Suther Transf Marion Kathleen Suther x x Birde Eleanor Sloan x x x a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Transf T.M. Troutman x x x x x x x Transf S.E. Troutman x x x x x x x Regina Troutman x Mabel Celeste Troutman x x x Transf Floy Pressley Troutman x x x x x x x x x x x x x Transf Wm. P. Troutman Transf W.L. Troutman and x x x Transf J.E. Troutman wife x x x A.L. Wagner x x Mary A. Wagner x x x x C.M. Wagner x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Transf J.F. Walters x x x Transf E.R. Walters x x x Barron D. Walters Lina Minerva Walters x Robert Laurence Walters x x x x Inez Walters x x x x Transf Edmonia Walters x x x x 1922 Congregational Meetings—St. Martin's 14 October 1922. Regular Quarterly Meeting. 1. Report Treasurer 2. Subject: Delivery to Synod for charge. Moved that this be left to the joint council. Motion carried. 3. Canvassing committee—left to council. 4. Subject of uniting St. Michael's and St. Martin's was announced by Pastor Miller. St. Michael's ask that the council of St. Martin's meet council of St. Michael's in near future to discuss and hear plans for same. Motion made, seconded and vote carried. No other business. Meeting adjourned. 05 November 1922. St. Martin's. Called meeting of the congregation to appoint a committee of them to meet with the congregation of St. Michael's to formulate plans for uniting the two congregations. In Election: Wm. Clodfelter, J.M. Lippard, Hoyt M. Lippard. 21 January 1923. Congregational Minutes. Meeting called to order. 1. Treasurer report. 2. Committee report on St. Michael's and St. Martin's uniting. 3. Motion for congregational meeting. 18 February 1923. Meeting called to order. 1. On account of not being a quorum, the meeting was postponed to 09 March, Sunday. 2. The election for delegate to conference for year 1923. Result was Fred Lippard elected Delegate, Wake Lippard, Alternate Meeting adjourned. C.M. Wagner. 18 March 1923. Report of Joint Committee on basis of Union between St. Michael's and St. Martin's congregations. 1. Whereas the best interest of Lutheranism in the community of Troutman demands the united effort of all Lutherans in the community, and whereas we feel the time is ripe for a united effort, be it resolved that St. Martin's and St. Michael's unite into one congregation. 2. The name be Holy Trinity. 3. That all properties belonging to said congregations be transferred by their respective trustees to the trustees elected by the new congregation. 4. That the church building of St. Martin's be maintained and their Land and cemetery be maintained according to the conditions of the old deeds. 5. That a new church be built on such site as shall be chosen by the majority of the new congregation. 6. That this union become effective as soon as Conference and Synod make provisions for the other congregations of the two pastorates can council. 7. That these resolutions are not to become effective until adopted as a whole by both congregations. 8. That in the event of the adoption of this resolution both congregation chairmen of the joint committee be authorized to call a joint meeting of the two congregations for further action. 9. That the secretaries of each respective congregation be authorized to furnish a certified list of voting members to the joint meeting. 10. That the constitution and by laws for congregations reccommended by the United Luteran Church be adopted with such changes as may be necessary to meet local conditions. 11. That the joint committee be authorized to present said constitution to the joint meeting in a form suitable to the needs of the new congregation. Respectively submitted Rev. D.L. Miller W.M. Clodfelter J.M. Lippard T.A. Rimmer E.J. Troutman Rev. J.L. Morgan Herman Brown H.M. Lippard, Commitee 18 March 1923. A congregational meeting was held and all of the above resolutions were considered and adopted. C.W. Wagner, Sec. Troutman's, NC 17 March 1907. By action of Sharon E.L. Congregation on 16 March 1907, delegated its power to council of said congregation to confer with like councils of Mt. Herman and St. Martin's Councils to elect pastor for charge consisting of St. Martin's, Mt. Herman, Sharon Congregations. 17 March 1907. At St. Martin's a conference was held by joint council and elected C.J. Sax of Salida, SC for its pastor at a salary of $450 per year. Said charge to furnish parsonage and a lot of 10 acres of land. Rev. C.J. Sax to preach at St. Martin's twice a month, at St. Herman & Sharon at least once a month and do pastoral work in charge. Rev. C.J. Sax to council himself with Tennessee Synod. C.M. Wagner, Chr. Joint Council. ================================ USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogy information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must contact the submitter or the listed USGenWeb archivist.