Johnston County NcArchives Court.....Massey, John Et Al October 1, 1812 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank December 3, 2008, 12:06 pm Source: Friday, Oct. 2, 1812, Raleigh Minerva Written: October 1, 1812 Recorded: September 2, 1812 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY To all Sheriffs and Constables within the State. You are hereby commanded to be vigilant in search for JOHN MASSEY and JOHN KILLINGSWORTH, JR., late of Johnston County, who escaped from the custody of JAMES B. RUTH, a deputied constable, on the 30th September, 1812, they then under arrest upon a charge of having had in their possession counterfeit bills, purporting to be bills issued by the Treasurer of the Raleigh Academy. The said MASSEY and KILLINGWORTH, when taken, had in their possession, counterfeit bills of the above description. They were then on their way with their families, wagon team and a double chair, to the state of Tennessee, and will no doubt pass through the western counties of North Carolina, MASSEY is about 25 years old, thin visage, pretty stout made, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, light colored hair, wore striped trousers, and a mixed homespun coat; the crown of his hat sewed with white thread. KILLINGWORTH, a little taller than MASSEY, slim made, wore a round jacket of yellow homespun, is about 20 or 30 hears old. The wagon has a new body on old and much worn wheels; the horses poor. Two younger brothers of KILLINGSWORTH, his mother, sister, MASSEY’S wife and child were in company. It is believed they still have counterfeit money with them, as they refused to let the constable search a chair box in their possession. It is hoped that the good citizens of this state will aid the civil officers in apprehending these fugitives from justice, who, it is believed, are of a gang of counterfeiters of specie as well as paper money. Given under my hand at Raleigh the first day of Oct. 1812. RICHARD SMITH, J. PEACE. Additional Comments: JOHN KILLINGSWORTH, JR, JAMES B. RUTH, RICHARD SMITH File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb