Johnston County NcArchives Court.....Raper, John 1845 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason October 30, 2018, 5:54 pm Source: Register Of Deeds Johnston County, Nc Written: 1845 8 October 1845 Division of Land to Heirs of John RAPER Probated Nov. Term 1845 Bk. 2, p. 266-268 The above a plat of John RAPERS land surveyed October the 8th 1845 for the purpose making a Division among the Heirs and allowing the widow her Dower and is bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake Jesse PEEL’S corner in Willie RENTFROW? line and runs thence West with his and Samuel BARNES line 230 P to a stake, Samuel BARNES corner near the path thence with his line North 40 P to a stake his corner thence West with his line and GODWINS 208 pole to a stake on the West side Wolf pond thence South with GODWINS 165 poles to a stake then East with Asa WARDS line 230 pole to a stake in Asa’s Branch thence down said branch to Buffalos Swamp then up the various courses of said Swamp to the mouth of Whostlebury? Branch to a B Gum thence North 70 East with Jesse PEELS line 30 poles to pain his corner & then with his line North 106 P to the beginning containing Four Hundred and eighteen acres (418). That part included in the centree of the Plats by Jno. STRAIT’S lines running through is the Dower and contains 139 acres. State of North Carolina Johnston County To the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions We the undersigned Commissioners appointed but he Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the County of Johnston having been duly sworn proceeded on the 8th October 1845 to Divide and make Petition between and among Barna CREECH & wife SALLY, Calvin LAMB and wife NANCY, William CREECH & wife POLLY, Joseph PITMON & wife ELIZABETH, JOSEPH, ROBERT, REBECCA, MARTHA, JOHN & ROBERTSON, Tenants in Common of the Lands divided to them as children and heirs at Law of John RAPER deceased whereupon we have made the following division and appropriatenances? among the respective claimants entitled That is to say: Lot no. 1st is appropriated to Calvin LAMB and wife NANCY bounded as follows: Beg’n. at a stake Jesse PEELS corner in Willie RENTFROW’S? line & runs West with RENTFROW’S? line 45 P to a stake; thence South to a pine in the edge of Buffaloe Swamp, thence up the Swamp to a Point? given at the Mouth of the Whostlebury? Branch. Thence N 70 E 30 poles to a pine on the side of the Path John PEELS corner thence with his line North 106 Pole to the Beginning containing 30 acres valued at $45.00. The valuation of all land is $45 a distributive therein. Lot no. 2- is assigned to JOSEPH and is bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake LAMBS corner in BARNES line runs West 28 poles to Hickory thence South to a black gum in Buffaloe Swamp then up the Swamp to a pine another of LAMBS corner then north to the Beg’n. containing 23 acres valued at $40 and is to —— ——— Lot no. 9 Five Dollars $5.00. Lot no. 3rd. is appropriated to Joseph PITMON and wife ELIZABETH bounded as follows Beg’n. at a Hickory in BARNES line, Joseph RAPER’S corner and runs BARNES line West 33 poles to a B. Jack then South to Maple on the Swamp then up the Swamp to a black gum Joseph RAPER’S corner then with his line North to beginning containing 33 acres valued at $45.00 making his share. Lot no. 4 Is appropriated to REBECCA and is bounded as follows: Beg’n at a B. Jack PITMON’S corner & runs West 46 poles to a stake then dower? corner thence with the dower? line South to the Beg. on the Swamp, then up the Swamp to a Maple another of PITMON’S corner then with his line North to the Beg’n containing fifty acres (50) valued at $45.00. Lot no. 5 is appropriated to MARTHA & is bounded as follows Beg’n. at a stake REBECCA’S corner & runs West 58 poles to a stake then South to a stake in Asa’s Branch Asa WARDS corner then down the Branch to Buffaloe then up the Swamp to again REBECCA’S corner then with her line North to the beginning contains sixty acres (60) valued at $39.00 which is to Receive from Lot No. 10 Six dollars $6.00. Lot no. 6 is appropriated to ROBERTSON and is bounded as follows: Beg’n. at a stake MARTHA’S corner & Runs West 18 poles to a stake in the path then North with BARNES line 40 poles to a stake then West 30 poles to a stake in the Bee Pond then South to a stake in Asa BARNES line then East with his Line 48 P to a stake in the Abe Branch then North to the beginning contains 45 acres valued at $45.00. Lot No. 7 Is appropriated to John RAPER and is bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the Bee Pond, ROBERSON’S Corner & runs West 62 poles to a stake Then South to a stake in Asa BARNES line then with his line East 62 poles to a stake ROBERSON’S corner then North with his line to the Beginning containing Sixty five acres (65) valued at $40.50, & revenues from Lot no. 9— $2.50 & from Lot no. 10: $3.00, total: $45.00. Lot no. 8: Is appropriated Barna CREECH and wife SARAH bounded as follows Beg’n. at a stake John RAPERS corner & West 44 poles to a Black Jack then South to a stake in WARDS line then East 44 poles to a stake JOHN’S corner then North to the beginning, so Forty five acres valued at $45.00. Lot no. 9: Is appropriated to Robert RAPER and is bounded as follows beg’n at a B. Jack, ROBERT’s corner and runs West 36 poles to a stake in the Wolf Pond then South to a Maple then East 36 poles to a stake ROBERT’S corner then North to the begin. contain gin 35 Acres which is which is valued at Fifty Dollars & fifty cents $52.50 which is to pay to Lot no. 2 appropriated to Joseph RAPER $5.00 & also to Lot no. 7 appropriated to John RAPER the sum of $2.50. Lot no. 10 Is appropriated to William CREECH and wife MARY bounded as follows beg’n. at a stake in the Wolf Pond ROBERT’S Corner and runs West 36 poles to a stake GODWIN’S line then South with his line 165 poles to a stake then East 36 p to a Maple then North to the beginning containing 35 acres valued at $53.00 which is to pay to Lot no. 5 the sum of $6.00 and also to Lot no. 7 the sum of $2.00. all of which is Respectfully submitted under our hands and seals this day and date above written: John ATKINSON (seal) Willie (his X mark) RENTFROW? (seal) Loverd? ATKINSON (seal) Noel BARNES (seal) Jesse HINNANTS (seal) State of North Carolina Johnston County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions November Term 1845 There was the foregoing Report returned in Open Court and ordered to be Recorded and Registered. Thos. BAGLEY, Clk. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.9 Kb