Johnston County, NC - Deeds - Wm Arrendel to John Kennedy, 1750 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NC Archives Mattie Kennedy Parrott Collection 1744-1890 Call # PC.1106 A note accompanies this record: "This fragment of a Johnston County deed made for land just west of Kinston made July 19, 1750 is the oldest Johnston County deed (even fragmentary) that I know of anywhere-Charles R. Holloman" This Indenture made between [Wm Arrendel] of ye Province of No: Carolina and County of Johnston of ye one part and John Kennedy of ye Afore Sd province and County on the other part Witnesseth to ye Sd Wm Arrendel for and in Consideration of twenty pounds proc mony to Him in hand payd by the Sd Jno Kennedy ye Receipt theirof ye Sd Wm Arrendel Doth hold by confess and Perporting that he the Sd Wm Arrendel hath granted Bargined & Sold aliend and Confirmed and by these presents Doth firmely fully and freely Grant bargain Sell Alien and Confirm unto ye Sd John Kennedy and to His Heirs & assigns for Ever ninty five Acors of Land Lying and being Situated in the County of Johnston in our province of No: Carolina on the no: Side of Nuce River on the west Side of Sandy Run begining at end and Runs No: 60 So W 150 po to a Spannish oake then So: 30 W: 100 po to a Black oake then So: 60 East 15 po to a bay tree then with a direct Line to the first Station Containing ninty five acors being the whole Survey of Land granted to the Sd Wm Arrendel by His maj’ts Patten Anno Dom one thousand seven Hundred foraty nine with all ye Houses Edofice Buildings Commone pasturs trees woods wood or woods ways pathes water water courses Easments profits advantages and Enstruments what So Ever to ye sd Land both apportain ye as full and ample a manner as ye sd William Arrendol by ye above metiond Patten both or may Enjoy to the Sd Kennedy His Heirs or assigns for Ever paying to His maj'ts and His Sucessors ye yearly profered quitrents of fowor Shillings proc'l money six Hundred acors as in the Patent is refered to have and to Hold the sd Plantation or tract of Land and all and Singular the primises above mentioned and Every part and percel their of with the appertances unto the sd John Kennedy his Heirs and assigns to ye only proper use and behofe of ye sd Jno Kennedy his Heirs and assigns for Ever and the sd Wm Arrindel for him Self His Heirs and assigns both Covenant His Heirs or assigns or His or their Councel Lerned in the Law -–sonably to – sd and reqired In witness where of ye sd Wm Arrendel hath Set His hand and affixed his Seal this 19th Day of July 1750 Signed Sealed and Delivered In the presents of us William (his WA mark) Arrendel Test Jno Herring Robochah (her R mark) Aerendol Jno Giles Caleb High ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts ___________________________________________________________________