Johnston County NcArchives Wills.....Johnson, Elizabeth 1790 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mark Valsame October 30, 2017, 5:19 pm Will of Elizabeth Johnson Johnston County, NC Original Wills, State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC; Recorded Copy, Johnston County, NC Will Book 2, 1761-1860, p. 277. Devised April 25, 1790, Probated November 29, 1790. In the Name of God Amen, I, Elizabeth Johnson of the County of Johnston and the State of North Carolina being of disposing mind and memory thanks be to God for the same do make and ordain this to be my last Will and testament. I do desire my worldly Goods to be disposed of in the following manner, Viz., Imprimis, After my funeral expenses are defrayed and just debts are paid I desire the remainder of my Estate to be given in form and manner as follows, to wit, Item, I give to Moses Johnson and Starling Johnson one shilling Current Money to each of them and their heirs forever. Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Johnson one red and white cow and calf, one pair best cotton cards, and two piggins to her and her heirs forever. Item, I give to my daughter Polly Johnson one Cow known by the name of stray cow and the use of her calf as long as it sucks her mother, and one pair cotton cards, one washing tub, and one sifter to her and her heirs forever. Item, I give unto my daughter Sarah Johnson one three year old heiffer, and one flax wheel, sleigh and harness, one iron skillet to her and her heirs forever. Item, I give to my daughter Rebecca Johnson one two year old heiffer, and one washing tub, and one churn to her and her heirs forever. Item, I give unto my son Henry Johnson one calf belonging to the stray Cow, one dutch oven, and what geese and feathers that I have at my death to him and his heirs forever. Also what hogs there is at my death to be equally divided between my five children Elizabeth Johnson, Polly Johnson, Sally Johnson, Becky Johnson, and Henry Johnson, and if there is any thing over or left of Henry Johnson's part over and above what pays for his raising, and if he dies before he comes of age or marries, for it to be equally divided between my four daughters, and for John McCullers, Sr., Amos Johnson, Sr., and Amos Johnson, Jr. to divide said hogs. I nominate and appoint my son Moses Johnson Executor and Elizabeth Johnson Executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this the 25th day of April 1790. Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the said Elizabeth Johnson as her last Will and Testament. Teste. John McCullers, Sr. James Woodall Elizabeth (x) Johnson Proven November Term, 1790. Johnston County, NC Court Minutes, Book 4, 1787-1792, p. 132. November 29, 1790, Exhibited by Moses Johnson Executor the last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Johnson decd. for Probation which was duly proved by the Oath of James Woodall a Subscribing evidence thereunto, when the said Moses Johnson Qualified as Executor, and on Oath returned an Inventory of Said decd. Estate. Ordered that the Same be recorded & Letters issue. Transcribed by Mark Valsame, Raleigh, NC. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb