Jones County NcArchives Court.....Jesse Blackshear, Frederick Hargett V. 1802 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jo Huettl August 16, 2012, 4:20 pm Source: N C Archives Written: 1802 FREDERICK HARGETT vs JESSE BLACKSHEAR Found by Jo Huettl Mr. Arnet worthey of pray send the order for a resurva granted last Cort in the Cause harget aganst Blachshar by Sam Westbrook & oblege your friend vs Elia Blackshar Signed James hareson survaer June 5 1802 July Term 1800 Frederick Hargett the plf in this case maketh oath that Samuel Benon is a materal witness for him in this case and he cannot come by to trial without the benefit of his testimony, that he has been summoned & does not attend and is not absent by the consent of the opponent Signed Fredk. Hargett 17 July 1800 The Defendant disclaims the land mentioned in the Declaration except that which is contained in the lines of the platt made by Amos Johnson Surveyor on the 18th May 1797 filed in this Court marked C ?? F and bounded by the swamp and also the fourteen acres granted on the 22 October 1782 to E. L or S. Blackshear, the said fourteen acres being bounded as follows: Beginning where Michael Koonce’s tract Blackshear’s line intersect each other and runs with Koonce’s line about 66 East 98 poles to a pine in the Westbrook’s line thence with his line S 20 E 42 poles to a pine in his own line, then with his line to the Beginning Signed Blake Baker for Deft Fred. Hargate vs Jesse Blackshear To Septemb Term 1797 William Bush was called to Court in the case to take the deposition of Robert White, Esq (an abstract) – Bush states he as a Justice of Jones Co has sworn Robert White in to take his deposition – White states that in 1758 or thereabouts he saw Levi Teuhitt at the private request of Levin Lane in company of sundry other persons on the land now in dispute with Mr. Hargett and Mr. Blackshear and they had a surveyor to run the line then claimed by Walter Lane lying on Trent River and Joshua Creek patented by a certain Thomas Jones and that Truhitt went to the back of the Trent River near a place where there is now a stake set and near to a house since built called the quaker meeting house at that time this was an oak stump – Truhitt stated the stump was the beginning corner of Thomas Jones’ land then claimed by Walter Lane and stated that he was one of the chain bearers when the land was surveyed. They ran the first line of the sd patent where they found no corner that Truhitt knew anything about, then they ran the 2nd line which fell short of a pine on the side of a small branch marked as a corner which this Despondent told them he had been shown for Lanes corner – Truhitt said it might be but he could not remember the back line as at the time it was surveyed it was covered with reeds and now had become open land and much altered. At the time it was surveyed the surveyors mostly allowed ten poles in the hundred and that would nearly reach that pine. This Despondent said they then ran the fourth line of the patent which fell below a red oak on the bank of Joshuas Creek near the mouth of a large branch called Bull Branch which Truhitt said was the 4th corner. In about 1764 or 1765 Mr. Levin Lane sold this tract to Mr. John Tuttle who about the year 1765 settled on this land and cleared and cultivated it and been held in possession from that time by Tuttle and since by Blackshear under the Jones Title Sworn to June 3 1797 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb