Jones County NcArchives Court.....John Koonce, Aaron Fornell V. 1854 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jo Huettl May 16, 2011, 12:53 pm Source: N C Arcives Written: 1854 Aaron Fornell and wife v John Koonce Administrator 1854 - NC Supreme Court Case # 7750 - Jones County Found at the NC Archives, Raleigh, NC Jones Co. Court Willett Hewitt, Aaron F Fornell (possibly could be Farnell) and Eli Saunders are bound to John E Koonce Administrator of John H Hammond for $200 - the condition is a suit brought by the state of NC on the relation(?) of Willett Hewitt and Aaron Fornell & wife against John G Koonce - superior court November 1859 judgement was recovered by the defendant - the plantiffs appealed Sheriff is to take following into court - John H Hammond, Ignatius(?) W Brock, Julia C Bryan administrator of Jas C Bryan dec and Sarah A Francks exec for W W Francks to answer the state of NC in relation of Aaron Fornell and wife Desire Fornell and Willett Hewitt to a plea that they render to the state $10,000 Repeat of the above except for the damages of $500. Fall Term 1854 - attorneys Wm H Washington & George H Stevenson for the plaintiffs & George S Attmore & James W Bryan for the defense. Spring Term 1856 - Juror withdrawn, mistrial. Spring Term 1858 - same as above mistrial, New Trial. Jurors - Thomas Harrison, John Smith, & Jn B Taylor, Peter Meadows, Aretus W Turner, George S Debruble, Levin L Eubank, Joseph Ballard, John I Mallory, John H Andrews, John Messen, Jr., S Simmons, Finding for the defendant-Plantiffs appeal 1842 the bond for Hammond the defendants intestate was clerk of Jones Cty court.-breach for failure of Hammond to recover on the bond the names of the magistrates on the bench June 1842 - Caleb Hewitt, appointed guardian of the relation-debt due from Hewitt established by bond - Hewitt and securities became insolvent & judgment remained outstanding. 3 points in case -plantiff counsel requested court after evidence bond was not sufficient and not acceptable - the sureties must be good for the whole amount to the principal obligation - County securities deemed by the court to be "secured" - Court charged magistrate not insured against loss - must act with discretion/caution - magistrate should make inquiries about guardians and their surieties and act with good faith - if accepted by jury as being good - should find for defendanted. No evidence that the magistrate did inquire - 3 magistrates - men of good standing at original Spring term 1842 - ruled for defendant. (NOTE: In the folder were notes of Jones County June Term 1842 Court Minutes. These minutes were not releveant to this case and therefore have been removed from this case and placed on the court minutes for Jones County). Members of the Jury -John Jones, foreman, James Marrett, Whitfield Turner, Millington Lrendores (?) , Bryan Collins, Barthoromew Medows, Nathaniel B Westbrook, Thomas Huggins, Thomas Dailey, James D Kinsey, William Ervin, Benj. F Stanley, John Messer, Charles Foy, Thos. D Foy, Amos S Koonce, Joseph Kinsey, Abram Simmons. Petet jurories - Simon S Beckton, Lewis Williams, Emanuel Koonce, Joseph Waller, Freeman Smith, John Heath, Hardy O Newton, John Young, William Russell, Frances Massite(?) Steven Wilcox, Benj. L Bryan, the six last Tolesmen. Ordered that the order made at the last term this court for Benjamin Koonce, Nedham B Beaasley, F I Becton as a committee to settle the accounts of Simeon S Becton, Adm of John L Stanley and report to the court . Ordered that Charles Goreck (Gerrock) John S Koonce, and J M Hammond be appointed as a committee to audit and settle the accounts of Emanuel Jarman adm of T H Jarman and report to the court. Ordered that John Jarman be appointed as guardian to Sarah R Jarman, Patrick H Jarman, Furnifold H Jarman and that he enter into bond of $3,000 with John Jones and Emmanuel Jarman as his surities. Ordered that William (Bryan marked through) Bynum be exempt from working on the public road and paying a poll tax during the time that he is a drummer. Ordered that Roscue Barrus, Daniel Dickson, John Jarman be appointed to audit and settle the accounts of James W Howard adm of Julia N Howard and report to the court. Ordering that James W Howard, Thomas D Foy, and Rosco Barrus audit and settle the accounts of Daniel Weaster adm of Zedack Meadows Dec and report to the court. Ordered that Huldah Whitehead be appointed admx to the estate of Gideon P Whitehead dec and enter into bond in the sum of $1,500 with Benjamin Askew and Benjamiin L Bryan as securities. Court to pay George S Attmore $3 to pay the chain bearing for running the dividing line between Jones and Craven County. Court to pay Nathan Foscue and Nathaniel Haples(?) $3 each for services in the running the line in between Jones and Craven County. Ordered that Nathan Foscue, John H Hammond and Charles Gerock settle the accounts of Emmanuel Jarman and report to court. Ordered that John Marrett be released from the condition he gave when Wyatt Rolands was bound to him that sd Rolands be bound to Bevin(?) Adams. Ordered that County Trustee vez William Pollock the sum of four dollars eighty cents for attendance in court. At an election for county J Sperreyor (?), William Rhodes was duly elected according to law and that he enter into bond according to law. Ordered that the same amount of tax be levied and collected on the different species of property as last year. Ordered that Joseph B Kinsey be appointed overseer of the Public Road in the term of Josph Gilmore dec. Ordered that John B Morehoun(?) have license to retail spirit and liquors for one year by obtaining license according to law, Ordered that Daniel Dickson take the tax list in district N 2 that John Young, Micajah Mattics, Daniel Dickson be appointed to hold the election. Ordered that James W Howard take the tax list in District No 2 that Daniel Williamson, Joseph Whitty James Howard be appointed commissioner and that R Barrus, John Bender, list the election. Ordered that James Bryan take the tax list in district no 3 that James McDaniel, William Huggins and James C Bryan be appointed commissioners, Charles Gerock, Benjamin Askew and Samuel Hill hold the election in said district. Ordered that Calvin Koonce take the tax list in district 4 that John S Koonce, Igentius W Brock, Calvin Koonce be appointed in said district that Jno Dillahunt, James D Kinsey and John Jones hold the election. Ordered that Owen B Cox take the tax list in district no 6. 2 pages that need to be included with the case have obtained copy pages 3,4,5,6