JONES COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Benjamin Small Estate Papers ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Martha Thayer ==================================================================== STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA JONES COUNTY Whereas by virtue of a write of fiere facias issued by the Clerk of the Court of Peas and quarter session of the County of Jones aforesaid directed to Sheriff of said County Commanding him that of the good and chattels, land and tenements of BENJAMIN SMALL dec'd of said County the cost to be made the sum of Five hundred dollars and eighty-six dollars and forty-two cents which Elijah PARRY and Hardy PARRY in said case lately recorded against the said Benjamin SMALL dec'd for a certain debt and damages and also the further sum of $61.00 dollars and ninty cents by P. court adjudged for his cost and charge by him in his suit as that behalf expound and that he should have the said monies before the said court at the next court to be held for the said County to be held for the said county on the second Monday of November next to Render the said Elijah PARRY and Hardy PARRY their debts and damages aforesaid whereof the said Benjamin Small dec'd was convicted. I, Lemuel Hatch, Sheriff levied upon certain pieces of tract of land lying in the county aforesaid on the north side of Trent River and on the North side of the Juniper Pocoson and on both sides of the little Chinquipin Creek of the lands and tenements of Benjamin SMALL dec'd and having advertise agreeably to law on the 12th of February Instant sold the same to Benjamin SMALL, Junr. Of said County being the greatest and highest bidder at and for the hundred and seventy dollars. Know all men by their presence that I Lemuel HATCH Sheriff as aforesaid by virtue of and in obedience to the aforesaid want of qualifiers and by the authority of my said office for and in consideration of the sum of Five hundred and twenty dollars to me in hand paid by said Benjamin SMALL, Junr., At and before the sealing of them presences the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge have bargain sold and confirm to the said Benjamin Small Junr. The said tracts of lands an all the Right title and Estate which the said Benjamin Small dec'd has in and to the same lying and being as within described the first____? Beginning at a piece and runs with corner line N 40 Dist 2 & # poles to a piece then a ____then with a direct line to the first station granted by patent to Frederick HARGET baring date the 22nd day of Oct. 1782, the other lying on the eastside of black swamp surveyed for Wiley GURGANUS? the 11th of August 1792 - Beginning at a piece Frederick HARGET'S line and runs So 7 East 55 poles to a black gum then south 23 east 100 poles to Juniper in the main Juniper Pocoson then So 89 East 128 poles to a stake In the pocoson then No 23 W ?8 poles to a division in said HARGET'S line then a direct line the beginning two pieces containing three hundred acres The second piece a deed from John GREEN at a stake in Mc—? Tract line and runs with said line the Rivers course South 3 P West 10 poles to his corner thence with another of his lines North 54 W 55 poles to a stake then South 59 W. 197 2/4 poles to a piece then 61 East 311 poles to a piece then No 13 W 218 poles to the first station containing 500 acres dated 10 January 1806, the third piece a deed from Alfred HARGET Beginning at a piece on the west side of a large Branch making in to the Greater Juniper Pocoson running up the said branch No 18 East 157 poles to James HOBBS and CONNERS line south 108 or 48 E 127 poles to a piece at the Great Watering holes his beginning there with another of his lines North 44 East 127 poles to a piece Another of his corner In said HARGET'S line there with said Harget's line So 46 Est 96 poles to a piece his beginning there So 40 W 118 poles to a piece on the edge of the Great Juniper pocoson then a direct line to the beginning Patent by Fre'd HARGET the 22nd of Oct. 1789 containing by estimation one hundred and ninty two acres the first 141 piece and from Edmond HATCH beginning at a corner on his farmer survey and runs south 67 west 100 poles to a stake near black swamp there No 23 West to George WILLIAMSON line then So 67 Wt 200 poles with said WILLIAMSON line to the given line there to the Beginning the other piece granted to SAMUEL BRATCHER Date 11 July 1788 beginning at a piece of his own corner and runs No 67 East 166 poles to a piece lying there So 23 Wt 70 poles to a post oak near the road then south 25 west 45 poles then south 67 west 30 poles to his own line then with the same beginning the fifty piece a deed from Thomas GREEN beginning at a water oak on the south side of little Chinquipin Creek 10 poles above a spring called little Chinquipin Spring and runs No 36 E 240 poles into the Pocoson then No 54 West 318 poles to a piece Read Oak in James BLACK line then north his line to the beginning containing an estimated six hundred acres with an exception of one hundred acres taken out by three older titles this sixth piece granted to Benjamin SMALL dec'd dated 28 day of November 1814 beginning at a lightwood stake his own corner 2nd N W being Benjamin MILLERS third corner and runs North 23 East 200 poles to McSTANLY'S corner piece then So 23 E 90 poles to a stake his own corner then So 67 W 160 poles to a piece then So 21 East 100 poles then No 67 East 160 poles to a piece then So 21 Et poles then No. 67 East 130 poles then 63 East 20 poles then with his line So 44 W. 180 poles with his own corner to the beginning containing one hundred and thirty-four acres the seventh piece granted by patent to said Benjamin SMALL dec'd bearing date 16th Dec. 1806 Beginning in Bear Trap? Pocoson at a small water oak then Frederick OLDHAM line and Bushes Intersects and runs So 50 Est 320 poles to BUSHES corner then No. 31 East 153 poles to another of BUSHES Corners then No 32 West 140 poles to Frederick GARUHAN? then with the same So 78 W 240 poles to the first station containing two hundred and thirty-eight acres. The eight piece granted to said SMALL dec'd by patent Bearing date 16 Decm 1800 Beginning at a stake in GREEN line No 36 Est 30 poles to GREEN'S other line thence the reverse course of said So 60 East to the first stake containing eighten acres To have and to hold the above pieces or lands of exception A deed given by Benjamin SMALL dec'd to his son Benjamin SMALL, Junr. Three hundred acres deed bearing date the 29 day of July 1818 with all ways wood water and every other appurtenances then unto belonging or appertaining to the said SR. SMALL Jr. his heirs and assigns forever in Witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal in the year 1820 Signed Sealed in present of Elijah PARRY Lem HATCH Sheriff Seal Hardy PARRY State of North Carolina Jones County Court December Term 1826 When was the ____deed duly proven in due form of law by the account of H. PARRY one of the subscribing Witness and ordered to be Recorded Tuesday 24 day of August 1830 T-? H. BRYAN CCC Transcribed from a copy of the original document housed in the North Carolina Archives. Martha Thayer