Lee County NcArchives Obituaries.....McLaughlin, Josiah Tuck May 12, 1870 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben McLaughlin noranben@bellsouth.net September 20, 2005, 8:38 pm Southern Christian Advocate, August 18, 1870 Tribute of Respect At a meeting of the Sunday-school at Union Springs, Meriwether co., Ga., May 29th, 1870, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, It has pleased our heavenly Father to remove from our midst our brother J. T. McLaughlin, one of the teachers of this school, we deem it but proper that we should give some stated impression of our sympathy for his bereaved family, and of the loss the Sabbath-school has sustained in the death of one of the most devoted teachers; therefore, Resolved 1. That in this sudden dispensation of Providence we are forcibly reminded of the uncertainty of life, the certainty of death and the judgment. 2. That in the death of J. T. McLaughlin, the Sabbath-school has lost one of the most earnest advocates and zealous supporters. 3. That we bow in humble submission to the will of our Father in heaven, believing that He is too wise to err and too good to do wrong. 4. That to the afflicted family we render our heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement, and would with humble confidence point them for consolation to the God of the fatherless and the widow. 5. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished the family of the deceased, also for publication in the Southern Christian Advocate. DAVID PEAVY, Sup't Additional Comments: Josiah Tuck McLaughlin was the father of Tabitha Mildred (aka Ambrozine) McLaughlin Cox, a resident of North Carolina for nearly 50 years, who died in Lee County, N.C. May 17, 1923. Josiah Tuck McLaughlin was born March 22, 1812 in Wilkes County, Ga.; he died May 12, 1870 in Meriwether County, Ga.. He was the son of William and Susannah Tuck McLaughlin . He married Mary Ann Jane Jordan October 01, 1837 in Wilkes County, Ga.. Mary Ann Jane Jordan was born May 08, 1823 in Oglethorpe County, Ga.; died June 07, 1884 in Rome, Ga.. She was the daughter of Josiah and Martha Taylor Jordan. Children of Josiah McLaughlin and Mary Jordan were: i.Mary Ann Elizabeth McLaughlin ii.Martha Susannah Frances McLaughlin iii.Benjamin Franklin McLaughlin iv.Josiah William McLaughlin v. Sarah Olive McLaughlin vi.George Thomas McLaughlin vii.Tabitha Mildred (aka Ambrozine) McLaughlin viii.Luther Walter McLaughlin ix.Jenny Lind Clark McLaughlin x.Cathryn Isabell McLaughlin Tabitha Mildred (Ambrozine) McLaughlin was born December 01, 1853 in Meriwether County, Ga., and died May 17, 1923 in Lee County, N.C. She married Dr. John Lewis Cox February 13, 1872 in Meriwether County, Ga.. Children of Tabitha (Ambrozine) and Dr. John Cox are: i.Ida Cox, b. October 1872, Georgia. ii.Walter Cox, b. Abt. 1874, Georgia. iii.Mary H. Cox, b. Abt. 1877, North Carolina. iv.Guy Cox, b. November 1878, North Carolina. v. Olive Cox, b. October 1880, North Carolina. vi. Oscar Cox, b. March 1886, North Carolina. vii .Ola B. Cox, b. June 1889, North Carolina. viii. Josiah Talmadge Cox, b. April 1890, North Carolina. ix. W. H. Cox, b. September 1893, North Carolina. x. Annie Maud Cox, b. November 1895, North Carolina. Additional references to the family of Ambrozine McLaughlin Cox from the Meriwether County (GA) Vindicator newspaper: 6/27/1902 During his recent trip (to New York) Hon. B. F. McLaughlin stopped off in North Carolina to visit a sister whom he had not seen in twenty years. He found her, husband and children in a fine country and prosperous home. His coming was unannounced and unexpected and was, therefore, an agreeable surprise. He found several beautiful nieces and nephews who gave him a most cordial welcome. 12/12/1902 Hon. B. F. and Mrs. McLaughlin left Monday morning for a visit to Washington D.C. They will stop returning in North Carolina for a stay of several days with a sister of Mr. McLaughlin. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/lee/obits/m/mclaughl5nob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/ncfiles/ File size: 4.5 Kb