NC, Lenoir Co., Deeds, Benjamin Parrott Papers ========================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non- commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be repro- duced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations.   Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.   Copyright © 1999 by Martha Marble. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. by Martha Marble ========================================================= DEEDS BENJAMIN PARROTT PAPERS Copies of this Collection were found at Heritage Place, Lenoir County Community College in February 2000. It is not clear at this time who the donor was or where the originals are located. Our thanks to LCC for permission to place on the Lenoir County Archives site. Abstracted by Martha Mewborn Marble. Benjamin Parrott Senior was the son of John and Elizabeth Oxley Parrott who moved to Dobbs, now Lenoir County from Bertie County, NC. Benjamin and all his children except for Benjamin Junior moved to Darlington County, SC. Benjamin Senior md 1st Mary McNeese of Greene or Lenoir County, 2nd Elizabeth Nancy Tull daughter of William and Susannah Tull, and 3rd Winifred Tull sister to the above Elizabeth Nancy Tull. Benjamin Parrott Junior married Harriet Kennedy. GRANT No. 90 Dobbs County (NOTE: This Document appears to have been torn in several places and pieced together to copy and several letters in each place are unreadable or missing) 9 April 1770 George the Third Grant to BENJAMIN CREECH a tract of 100 acres in Dobbs County on the NS Neuse River, ES of S?oner ofd?/ing Creek between Gum swamp & White Marsh beginning at JAC? THOMPSON'S's line between Great Meadow and Reedy Branch, adj JOHN WALTERS. Not signed by during the term of WILLIAM TRYON Enrolled in the Office of the Auditor General at Wilmington this 11th day of April 17 torn CHARLES HERON ?? BENJAMIN CREECH 100 Dobbs Recorded in the Secretary's Office in Book (torn) 13 page 553 Signed JOHN last name not readable END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 15 October 1788 This Indenture Made this fifteenth Day of October and in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight between NATHANIEL WALTERS of the State of South Carolina and County of Orange of the one part and EZEKIEL CREECH of the State of North Carolina and County of Dobbs of the other part - sum of one Hundred Pounds paid by EZEKIEL CREECH - convey a tract in Dobbs on white marsh patented by THOMAS MARTIN patent Bearing date one thousand seven Hundred and sixty Six adj BENJAMIN CREECH, EZEKIEL CREECH - one Hundred acres Signed NATHANIEL WALTERS Wit BENJAMIN CREECH DAVID (X) DEFNALL State of North Carolina, Dobbs County - To Court October Court 1789 on oath of DAVID DEFNALL Signed WINSTON CASWELL, Clk Enrolled in the Registers Office of Dobbs County in Liber F pages 8,9 & 10 the 6th day Nov Amo Dom 1799 SIGNED DALLAM CASWELL, Register END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 2 April 1790 This Indenture made this Second Day of April and in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Between NATHANIEL WALTERS of the State of S. Carolina in the County of Orange of the one part and JESSE SMITH of the State of North Carolina in the County of Dobbs of the other part - for the sum of One Hundred Pounds Specie Money paid by JESSE SMITH - sell a Certain plantation Tract Containing One Hundred Acres ---- being in Dobbs County on White Marsh beginning at a Stake on White marsh to the Beginning line of the Patent --- to an oak in the Wolf pond Branch - being part of a Larger survey of land patented by THOMAS MARTIN bearing Date One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six Signed NATHANIEL WALTERS and JOHN WALTERS Witness MOSES PARKER MOSES WALTERS To Court Dobbs County October Term 1790 on the oath of MOSES PARKER Signed WINSTON CASWELL, Clk Enrolled in the Registers office of Dobbs County in Liber G pages 164, 165 & 166 this 8th day of November amo Dom 1790 Signed D. CASWELL, Regr END OF DOCUMENT GRANT No 31 NOTE: Document had been folded and some letters not readable in the crease 27 ?? November 1792 State of North Carolina For and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Shillings for every hundred acres - paid into our Treasury by EZEKIEL CREECH - granted to EZEKIEL CREECH a tract containing thirty acres in Lenoir County on the NS of Nuce River Between Gum Swamp and White Marsh adj his own line, CASWELL'S patent corner, THOMAS MARTIN'S patent line Signed RICHARD DOBBS SPAIGHT, Gov. Recorded in the Secretarys Office (if there is a date it is lost in the crease) Enrolled in the Registers Office of Lenoir County the 6th day of January 1796 D. CASWELL, Regr END OF DOCUMENT SURVEY No 3 18 June 1792 State of North Carolina ISAAC CROOM Entry Officer of Claims to Lands in Lenoir County To the Surveyor of said County -required to lay off and survey for EZEKIEL CREECH Thirty Acres of Land in Lenoir County Joining his own Lines lying between jumb Swamp and White Marsh Signed ISAAC CROOM Entered 16th April 1792 END OF DOCUMENT SURVEY 1 November 1792 State of North Carolina Surveyed for EZEKIEL CREECH a Tract of Land Containing Thirty acres in Lenoir County on the NS of Neus River between Gum Swamp and White Marsh - adj his own line, CASWELLS line, THOMAS MARTIN'S Patent line. Signed LAMUEL BYRD C. Surveyor END OF DOCUMENT GRANT ? 29 Oct 1792 JOSHUA HODGES, 240 Acres of land Dobbs County on both sides Losing Swamp - adj his own line, BRUTON, BROWN, TULL. Signed ALEX. MARTIN Enrolled in the Registers Office of Dobbs County Signed Sam. CASWELL, Regr True Copy ?. PHILLIPS for WINSTON CASWELL, REGR END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 3 December 1795 State of North Carolina, County of Lenoir This Indenture made this Third day of December and in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety five between ELINDER AYLOR of the State of North Carolina & County of Lenoir of the One part & HARDEE CROOM of the same place of the Other part - sum of Thirty Three pounds to her in hand paid by said HARDEE CROOM - sell a persel of Land on NW side of Gum Swamp beginning in Ready Branch - fifty acres Signed ELLENDER (X) AYLOR WIT WILL CROOM, NATHAN GREEN ???, JOSEPH POOL To Court Jany Term 1796, Lenoir County on oath of JOSEPH POOL Signed WINSTON CASWELL, Clk Enrolled in the Registers Office of Lenoir County in Liber K pages 393 & 394 the 4th day of February Amo Dom 1796 Signed D. CASWELL, Regr END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE ----- November 1801 State of North Carolina This Indenture made this ----- day of November one Thousand Eight hundred and one Between JOSEPH KING of the county of Lenoir and State aforesaid of the one part and EZEKIEL CREECH of the same place of the other part - sum of Two hundred twenty five pounds paid by CREECH - sold parcel lying in the county aforesaid on the NS Neuse river and both sides of white marsh part of a Tract of land patented by WM. GRANT - adj THOMAS MARTINS corner, BENJAMIN CREECH - 96 acres Signed JOS. KING WIT JOHN WASHINGTON D. ?? L?? GREENE - (name not readable) State of North Carolina, Lenoir County - To Court January Term 1802 on oath of JOHN WASHINGTON C. WESTBROOK Clk Enrolled in the Registers Office of Lenoir County in Liber C pages 89 & 90 24th day of 1802 Signed JAS BRIGHT, Regr. END OF DOCUMENT BILL OF SALE 14 April 1804 State of North Carolina Lenoir County Know all men by these presents that I JOHN GATLIN of the State and County aforesaid delivered unto BENJAMIN PARROTT of the State and County aforesaid one Negro boy named JIM for an in consideration of three hundred and seventy five dollars to me SIGNED JNO GATLIN WIT JOHN PARROTT State of North Carolina Lenoir County - To Court Jany Court 1805 C. WESTBROOK, Clk Enrolled in Lenoir County Registers in Book B No 3 Page 78 the 14th Day of February AD 1805 Wm. LOVICK, Regr END OF DOCUMENT DEED OF QUIT CLAIM 27 February 1806 State of North Carolina, Lenoir County Know all men by these present that we WILLIAM SUTTON and HARDEE CROOM both of the State and County aforesaid for divers good causes and considerations we hereunto moving Have for ourselves our sic and each of our heirs Executors administrators and assigns demised releand? And quit claim unto SIMON HOUSE his heirs and assigns for ever all that messuge Tenenment, tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in State and county aforesaid batted and bounded as follows - Beginning at a pine the second corner of the Widows dower to back line of Widows dower - 39 acres which said land is the one fourth part of the land laid off and alotted to the Widow of PAUL HARTSFIELD dec as her dower in the lands of said dec and adjoining lots Number two drawn by MOSES HARTSFIELD and Number four drawn by SILAS HARTSFIELD as heirs of said deceased SIGNED WILLIAM (X) SUTTON H. CROOM WIT D. CASWELL, JAS ARENDALL, R. W. CASWELL State of North Carolina, Lenoir County To Court Jany Court 1808 on oath of DALLAM CASWELL C. WESTBROOK, Clk Enrolled in the Registers Office of Lenoir County the 15th day of January 1808 Jas. BRIGHT, Regr END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 10 December 1824 This Indenture made this the 10th day of December In the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty four Between WILEY WILSON of the state of North Carolina & Lenoir County of the one part & BENJAMIN PARROTT of said State & County of the other part - for sum of Eighty five dollars paid by said BENJAMIN PARROTT Senr - sell a parcel of land lying on the NS of White marsh beginning at run of Marsh, adj ALDREDGE, JOHN ROUSE (or HOUSE BUT LOOKS LIKE A R), high water mark on my land including every branch that may be drained by the Mill Pond, WILLIAM Y. ALDREDGE SIGNED WILEY WILSON WIT John Gray EDY (X) GRAY State of North Carolina, Lenoir County - To Court Jany Term 1825 on oath of JOHN GRAY D. CASWELL, Clk Enrolled in the Registers office of Lenoir County the 9th day Jany 1825 For LEW. DESMOND by D. CASWELL, Clk END OF DOCUMENT SURVEY 23 July 1825 Surveyed for BENJAMIN PARROTT one acre of land on the WS of White Marsh on the land of ---- CREECH by order of Court ---- term. Along a rivett of White Marsh SIGNED JA. BROOME END OF DOCUMENT GRANT 25 February 1827 State of North Carolina No. 392 For sum of Ten Dollars for every hundred acres paid by BENJAMIN PARROTT Ser grant a tract containing thirty acres in county of Lenoir - NS Neuse River and WS of gum swamp, Reedy branch, adj his own line. Entered 3 April 1826 SIGNED HUTCHINS G. BURTON, Gov. Wm HILL Secretary Enrolled in Lenoir County 27th Day of February 1828 For LEWIS DESMOND, D. CASWELL, END OF DOCUMENT GRANT 1 January 1828 State of North Carolina NO 395 For sum of ten Dollars for every hundred acres paid by BENJAMIN PARROTT - have granted five acres in Lenoir County - NS Neuse River , NW side of Gum Swamp - beginning at a black gum supposed by said PARROTT to be WM. Y. ALDREDGE, dec corner, White marsh Entered 30 June 1827 SIGNED JAMES IREDELL, Gov. W. HILL, Sec A survey accompanies Pursuant to a warrant dated 12 ? 1827, I have survey a tract of land for BENJAMIN PARROTT - 5 acres - land description as above. SIGNED THOS HOOD CB JOSIAH POOL BENJ PARROTT Junr Enrolled in the Registers Office of Lenoir County the 27th of Feb 1828 for LEWIS DESMOND, Reg D. CASWELL, Dep. Reg END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 17 July 1827 This Indenture made this Seventeenth day of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Seven Between BENJAMIN PARROTT Senr of the state of North Carolina and County of Lenoir of the one part and BENJAMIN PARROTT Junr of the State and county aforesaid - in consideration of the natural love and affection that I have & do bear my son BENJAMIN PARROTT - grant to him a certain tract containing Two hundred and Twenty eight acres beginning in Gum Swamp, adj WILLIAM Y. ALDREDGE, Redy Branch down the courses of redy branch to run of gum Swamp. SIGNED BENJAMIN PARROTT, Senr WIT THOS. HOOD CHARLES I or J BENGHAM State of North Carolina, Lenoir County - To Court Jany Term 1828 on oath of THOS. HOOD END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE ---- December 1827 This Indenture made this ---- day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and twenty Seven Between BENJAMIN PARROTT Senr of the State of N Carolina and county of Lenoir of the one part and LEMUEL PARROTT of the State and county aforesaid of the other part - for the natural love and affection that I hath and do bear unto my beloved Son LEMUEL PARROTT grant a tract of land on the WS gum swamp and ES White Marsh, beginning at a stake in the run of White marsh, adj BENJ PARROTT, JRN, JOHN GRAY - 172 acres; also one other tract on the NS of White Marsh conveyed by WILEY WILSON to BENJAMIN PARROTT Senr - adj WILLIAM Y, ALDRIDGE, JOHN ROUSE, high water mark by a mill built by said BENJ PARROTT Senr dated 10 Dec 1824; also one acre laid off for the mill. SIGNED BENJAMIN PARROTT sen WIT THOS HOOD JESSE HUTCHINS END OF DOCUMENT PROBABLE GRANT 23 March 1836 NOTE: Left top portion of document gone I LEWIS C. DESMOND entry office ---- for lands in the County of aforesaid ---- or of said County Greetings ---- requested as soon as may be lad off - BENJAMIN PARROTT a certain tract containing fifty acres lying on the WS of Gum Swamp and ES of lower Falling Creek adj JOHN SUTTON, JAMES BROWN and his own lands as per No 777 entered the 16th date of March 1835 --- SIGNED LEWIS C. DESMOND Clk Survey accompanies Same land description SIGNED SANTON TAYLOR C Surv END OF DOCUMENT SURVEY No date but about the same time period as above No. Carolina, Lenoir County - I have Surveyed for BENJAMIN PARROTT a tract containing thirty nine acres and a fourth on the WS gum Swamp and ES of Lower falling Creek adj the land of JOHN SUTTON, JAMES BROWN and his own lands, WILIAM Y. ALDRIDGE SIGNED STANTON TAYLOR C Sury END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 10 November 1849 This Indenture made this 10th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & forty nine between RICHARD K. SUGGS of the County of Lenoir and State of N. Carolina on the one part and BENJAMIN PARROTT of the County and State aforesaid on the other part - for the sum of Eleven Dollars paid by BENJAMIN PARROTT sold --- a tract - in county of Lenoir on the NS of Neuse River adj said BENJAMIN - 3/4 an acres; another piece adj the above, White marsh. I relinguish all rights title and interest and quit claim unto the said BENJAMIN PARROTT SIGNED RICHARD K. SUGG WIT THOS Y.? KENNEDY WM HILL END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 3 October 1860 State of North Carolina, Lenoir County This indenture made on this third day Oct. one thousand eight hundred & sixty between ALEXANDER WILSON and ABSOLY C. his wife of the County and State aforesaid on the one part and JAMES K. PARROTT of the same County & State on the other part whereas BENJAMIN PARROTT late of this County & State was lawfully seized in his demise as of fee of & in a certain tract of land situated in the county & State aforesaid adj the lands of M. B. CREECH, DRURY HILL, SIMON E. HODGES, WILLIAM SUTTON, WM. GRAY & W. H. WATERS suppose to contain eight hundred acres - died instate leaving issue six children viz the aforesaid ABSOLY C. wife of ALEXANDER WILSON, ELIZABETH SCARBORO, SARAH C. PEACOCK, BENJ. F. PARROTT, JOSEPH P. PARROTT & the aforesaid JAS. K. PARROTT whom the same according to the laws of the state did descend & come as tenants in common & no partition having been made between the said children the said ALEXANDER WILSON & wife ABSOLEY C. hold & are entitled to an undivided interest consisting of our sixth part of the said tract of land now therefore this indentures witnesseth that the said ALEXANDER WILSON & ABSOLEY C. his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Eleven hundred Dollars to them in hand paid by the said JAMES K. PARROTT --- sold all their right , title, interest & claim in & to the said undivided sixth part of the lands & premsis above --- SIGNED ALEXANDER WILSON ABSOLY C. WILSON ATTEST GEO W. TIMBERLAKE State of North Carolina , Lenoir County - This sixteenth day of October AD 1860 personally approved before me JOHN L. BAILEY one of the Judges of the Superior Court of Law & Equity for the State aforesaid, the above named ALEXANDER WILSON and ABSOLY C. WILSON his wife & acknowledged the deed executed by them of the foregoing deed. And therefore the said ABSOLY C. WILSON, being by me privately examined separate & apart from him her husband trending ?? her free consent in the execution of the said deed of conveyance -- she had executed the same freely of her own will --- SIGNED J. K. BAILEY, JCRD Enrolled in the Register's office of Lenoir County the 28th day of November AD 1860 REUBEN BARROW, Regr NOTE: There is a 2nd document that is identical to the above except there are no signatures and no enrollment date. This indicates it was a copy of the original deed and not a separate deed END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 11 October 1860 State of North Carolina, Lenoir County This indenture made on this eleventh day Oct. one thousand eight hundred & sixty between JAMES B. PEACOCK and SARAH C. PEACOCK his wife of the County and State aforesaid on the one part and JAMES K. PARROTT of the same County & State on the other part whereas BENJAMIN PARROTT late of this County & State was lawfully seized in his demise as of fee of & in a certain tract of land situated in the county & State aforesaid adj the lands of DRURY HILL, M. B. CREECH, SIMON E. HODGES, WILLIAM SUTTON, WM. GRAY & W. H. WATERS suppose to contain eight hundred acres - died instate leaving issue six children viz the aforesaid SARAH C. PEACOCK wife of JAMES B. PEACOCK, ALES WILSON, ELIZABETH SCARBORO, BENJ. F. PARROTT, JOSEPH P. PARROTT & the aforesaid JAMES K. PARROTT whom the same according to the laws of the state did descend & come as tenants in common & no partition having been made between the said children the said JAMES B. PEACOCK & wife SARAH C. hold & are entitled to an undivided interest consisting of our sixth part of the said tract of land now therefore this indentures witnesseth that the said JAMES B. PEACOCK & SARAH C. his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Eleven hundred Dollars to them in hand paid by the said JAMES K. PARROTT --- sold all their right , title, interest & claim in & to the said undivided sixth part of the lands & premsis above ----- SIGNED JAS. B. PEACOCK SARAH C. PEACOCK WIT GEO. W. TIMBERLAKE State of North Carolina , Lenoir County - This sixteenth day of October AD 1860 personally approved before me JOHN L. BAILEY one of the Judges of the Superior Court of Law & Equity for the State aforesaid, the above named JAS B. PEACOCK and SARAH C. PEACOCK his wife & acknowledged the deed executed by them of the foregoing deed. And therefore the said SARAH C. PEACOCK, being by me privately examined separate & apart from him her husband trending ?? her free consent in the execution of the said deed of conveyance -- she had executed the same freely of her own will --- SIGNED J. K. BAILEY, JCRD Enrolled in the Registers Office of Lenoir County the 28th day of Novembers AD 1860 NOTE: There is a 2nd document that is identical to the above except the date is October 3, there are no signatures and no enrollment date. This indicates it was a copy of the original deed and not a separate deed END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 3 October 1860 State of North Carolina, Lenoir County This indenture made on this third day Oct. one thousand eight hundred & sixty between S. W. SCARBORO and ELIZABETH his wife of the County and State aforesaid on the one part and JAMES K. PARROTT of the same County & State on the other part whereas BENJAMIN PARROTT late of this County & State was lawfully seized in his demise as of fee of & in a certain tract of land situated in the county & State aforesaid adj the lands of, M. B. CREECH, DRURY HILL, SIMON E. HODGES, WILLIAM SUTTON, WM. GRAY & W. H. WATERS suppose to contain eight hundred acres - died instate leaving issue six children viz the aforesaid ELIZABETH wife of S. W. SCARBORO, A. C. WILSON, SARAH C. PEACOCK, BENJAMIN F. PARROTT, JOSEPH P. PARROTT & the aforesaid JAMES K. PARROTT whom the same according to the laws of the state did descend & come as tenants in common & no partition having been made between the said children the said S. W. SCARBORO & wife ELIZABETH hold & are entitled to an undivided interest consisting of our sixth part of the said tract of land now therefore this indentures witnesseth that the said S. W. SCARBORO & ELIZABETH his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Eleven hundred Dollars to them in hand paid by the said JAMES K. PARROTT --- sold all their right , title, interest & claim in & to the said undivided sixth part of the lands & premsis above ----- SIGNED SAM. W. SCARBOROUGH ELIZABETH SCARBOROUGH WIT J. C. KENNEDY State of North Carolina , Lenoir County - This sixteenth day of October AD 1860 personally approved before me JOHN L. BAILEY one of the Judges of the Superior Court of Law & Equity for the State aforesaid, the above named S. W. SCARBOROUGH & ELIZABETH his wife & acknowledged the deed executed by them of the foregoing deed. And therefore the said ELIZABETH SCARBOROUGH, being by me privately examined separate & apart from him her husband trending ?? her free consent in the execution of the said deed of conveyance -- she had executed the same freely of her own will --- SIGNED J. K. BAILEY, JCRD Enrolled in the Registers Office of Lenoir County the 28th day of November AD 1860 REUBIN BARROW, REGR END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 2 ?? March 1866 NOTE: Most of the right hand side of this instrument has been destroyed over time. This Indenture made this the Twenty ---- March in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight ---- and sixty six between HARRIETT PARROTT of the County --- and State of North Carolina of the first part and B. F. PARROTT & JOSEPH P. (sic) PARROTT of the county and state aforesaid of the second part - for sum of Five hundred Dollars paid by said B. F. PARROTT and JOSEPH P. PARROTT - sell - a certain Tract in County of Lenoir ---- of M. B. CREECH, DREWEY HILL Sen, SIMON E. --- SUTTON SEN, WILLIAM GRAY, Sen, LEMON DAIL'S --- and W. H. WARTERS containing Eight hundred ------ unto belonging exception a lifetime interest --- PARROTT has in a Dowery on the said lands ----. Signature gone Lenoir County in the Probate Court ---of the within and foregoing deed ---- PARROTT to B. F. and J. P. PARROTT --- of April 1869 proved before the ---- of Probate for each County ---- W. A. WHITTED one of the subscribing witnesses. SIGNED R. F. GREEN Probate Judge Enrolled - Registers Office of Lenoir County --- day of April 1869 Book 37 pge 4---- A. C. WADSWORTH, Reg of Deeds END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 5 April 1873 This Indenture made this fifth day of April AD Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Three by and between J. P. PARROTT and wife S. W. PARROTT of the County of Lenoir and State of North Carolina of the first part and A. MITCHELL of the County and State aforesaid of the second part - for sum of One Dollar paid by party of the second part --- a parcel - in Lenoir county containing Three hundred and fifty acres - WS Gum Swamp adj B. F. PARROTT, S. E. HODGES and others --- condition of this Indenture is such that whereas the said parties of the first part are justly indebted to the said party of the second part in the sum of Two Hundred and fifty Dollars due by promisory note bearing even date with this Indenture ---- note to be paid on or before the first day of November 1873 with interest there at Eight percent then this Indenture shall be void - otherwise the aforesaid A. MITCHELL to proceed to sell the said land t the court house door in the town of Kinston. SIGNED J. P. PARROTT S. W. PARROTT WIT ALBERT H. WILSON Enrolled 8 April 1873 Book No 40 pages 574,76 & 577 JAMES K. DAVIS, Register of Deeds S. W. PARROTT was examined privately by WM HUNTER END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE 15 April 1899 This Indenture Made this 15th day of April in the year of our Lord, Eight Hundred and Ninety Nine between B. H. PARROTT of the County of Lenoir of the first part and W. C. FIELDS of the same of the 2nd part --- sum of Nine hundred & twenty five and 53/100Dollars - parcel in Lenoir Co Institute Township - being the lands formerly owned by B. F. PARROTT & by said B. F. PARROTT & wife conveyed to the said B. H. PARROTT by deed dated March 25 1899 - both sides of the Public road leading from Hull road near Wm GRAYS to Falling Creek Depot or WATERS Mill (now ASKEWS Mill) adj land of ELIAS SULLIVAN, WEBB HILL (not clear if there is a comma after Webb), J. O. SUTTON, EVERETT SUTOON & GEO GRAY the lands to be conveyed are the two pieces described in two mortgages executed by B. F. PARROTT & wife to B. N. FIELDS one of which is recorded Book no 10 pages 265 & 266 & the other in Book 13 pages 560 & 561 Registers Office Lenoir County. --- assigns the sum of Nine hundred Twenty five and 53/100 dollars to be paid by Jan 1 1904 or this deed be null and void and said property to be sold. SIGNED B. H. PARROTT WIT E. J. BECTON Registered 15 April 1899 H. WILLIAMS, Clerk