NC, Lenoir Co., Misc, Benjamin Parrott Papers ========================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non- commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be repro- duced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations.   Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.   Copyright © 1999 by Martha Marble. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. by Martha Marble ========================================================= BENJAMIN PARROTT PAPERS Copies of this Collection were found at Heritage Place, Lenoir County Community College in February 2000. It is not clear at this time who the donor was or where the originals are located. Our thanks to LCC for permission to place on the Lenoir County Archives site. Abstracted by Martha Mewborn Marble BYRD RECEIPTS Benjamin Parrott was the Administrator of the Estate of Benjamin G. Byrd and there are a number of receipts scattered throughout this Collection. Selected receipts are listed below and there is a list of people owed for such everyday items as clothing, food, supplies for farming. Byrd appeared to be affluent as he purchased a lot of luxury items and seemed to be especially fond of cigars, brandy, and raisins. Some of the receipts are from prior to his death which appears to be the end of July 1839 Receipt from ROBERT WILLIAMS for a number of items including a lot of brandy - 9 Feb 1839 END OF DOCUMENT Receipt from JAMES K. GREEN - probably a merchant - for a number of items - 1836 - some of the items are brandy, segars, smoked beef, oysters, oranges, raisens, candy, almonds, sugar, gin. END OF DOCUMENT Receipt - The estate of BENJAMIN BYRD from W. W. MOSELEY - to drawing deed for marriage settlement - $4.00 12 August 1838 END OF DOCUMENT Agree to pay NEEDHAM HOLLOMON $10.56 0 24 Feb 1838 - signed B. G. BYRD and P. M. HARDY END OF DOCUMENT Agree to pay MOSES WESTBROOK, Trustee to JAMES ALDRIDGE the sum of two dollars 5 Jan 1836 Signed BENJ. G. BYRD, LEMUEL HARDY END OF DOCUMENT Estate of BENJAMIN G. BYRD - 26 July 1839 - to coffin box and sheet - $10.50 -SIGNED THOMAS MOORE END OF DOCUMENT Paid to NATHAN HOOKER 1 July 1839 - from BENJAMIN PARROTT Adm of BENJMAMIN BYRD - run, 1 pair of shoes furnished MRS. NANCY POPES Negro girl while hired by Mr. BENJ G. BYRD END OF DOCUMENT The Heirs of BENJAMIN BYRD - 1841 TO BEJAMIN PARROTT guard. 4 Jan To LEWIS C. DESMOND clerk rect To GEORGE L.? ATTMORE LEMUEL BYRD to 1 pr shores JESSE BYRD to 1 pr shoes END OF DOCUMENT Some people owed by BYRD or his estate DRURY (X) ALDRIDGE - 1838 JOSIAH ASKEW - 1841 - BRYD dec JOHN S. ALDRIDGE HENRY HERRING - 1 August 1839 - THOMAS MOORE - 27 July 1839 THOMAS HOOKER - 8 April 1835 ELIZABETH WATERS - 6 August 1839 - for attendance on family W. H. HORNE to the use of HENRY WILLIAMS of Greene Co - July 1839 NATHAN HOOKER for REUBIN WALLACE LEWIS C. DESMOND ANN KING JOHN MOSELY REUBIN WALLACE HARDEE CROOM JESSE HINSON DANIEL (X) SKEENE MATTHEW BYRD BENJAMIN PARROTT ESTATE RECORDS Harriet Parrott was the Administrator of the estate of her husband, Benjamin Parrott and there are numerous receipts in this Collection for the estate. Selected ones are listed below. In addition there is a list of various people owed by the estate. Receipt - W. F. KENNEDY - 1 Jany 1859 - for teaching School March 16th for sons BENJ. F. & JOSEPH'S tuition five months $12.00. Received of Mrs. HARRIET PARROTT Administrator of BENJAMIN PARROTT dec on the above acc in full SIGNED W. F. KENNEDY END OF DOCUMENT MR. BENJ. PARROTT dec from Dibbles For Coffin & Cask $35.00 19 Sept 1859 END OF DOCUMENT Salem NC July 14th 1858 - Received of Mr. BENJ. PARROTT by the hands of MR. P. HARDEE one hundred & five dollars on a/c of the Board, Tuition & all other expenses of Miss S. PARROTT at S. F. Academy ROB - last name not readable END OF DOCUMENT Recd fifty five dollars from work done on house by JESSE HARTSFIELD SIGNED JESE HARTSFIELD END OF DOCUMENT State of North Carolina Lenoir County Jany 11th 1861 I hereby transfer make over and convey to HARRIET PARROT my entire interest in a note held by her made payable to her by THOMAS J. KENNEDY given for fifteen hundred Dollars for the purchase of a certain negro slave Jane & child to have and to hold free from any and all claims whatever in testimony Signed J. K. PARROTT WIT J. B. PEACOCK END OF DOCUMENT State of North Carolina Lenoir County Jany 11th 1861 I hereby transfer make over and convey to HARRIET PARROT my entire interest in a note held by her made payable to her by THOMAS J. KENNEDY give for fifteen hundred Dollars for the purchase of a certain negro slave Jane & child to have and to hold free from any and all claims whatever in testimony SIGNED JAS B. PEACOCK Wit J. K. PARROTT END OF DOCUMENT South Carolina, Darlington District Est of BENJAMIN PARROTT from Dr. SAMUEL BLACKWELL May 3 1859 - to Extracting tooth for Andrew $1.00 Document torn but appears there is another tooth extraction $2.00 END OF DOCUMENT Acct of the hire of Negroes belonging to the estate of BENJ PARROTT Dec for the year 1861 The condition of the hiring of Negroes belonging to the estate of Benj Parrott Dec are as follows - to be furnished three suits of clothes, one of wool and two of cotton, 2 pr shoes, 1 hat, 1 blanket and 1 pr of socks and to be returned o the first day of Jany 1862 ANDREW Thos J. KENNEDY WILLIAM Alex WILSON ALLEN Harriet PARROTT SILAS do PENNY J. K. PARROTT JORDAN Harriet PARROTT RENE Jr Thos. J. KENNEDY RENE, SR S. W. SCARBORO ELI J. K. PARROTT LIZE JAMES PEACOCK SMITH Alex. WILSON MARY Alex WILSON PRIS & 2 children - Harriet PARROTT ELLY & 3 children Do JOHN Do CHARITY SO END OF DOCUMENT People owed by estate I or J. HERRING - 1858 Stephen White - 1859 ALEXANDER NICOL - appears to be a merchant H. F. BOND - various farm supplies - appears to be a merchant - 1848 BOND & WHITE - 1857 - farm supplies, food - appears to be a merchant EVAN WILLIAMS - 1857 - appears to be merchant - clothing including velvet ribbons, hats, boys shoes AMOS HARVEY S. WHITE WILLIAM GRAY - 6 Dec 1855 JOHN HILL JAMES A. HODGES - 3 Jan 1855 CHELLY WATERS The Estate Sale for BENJAMIN PARROTT was held 10 January 1859 Sold were mostly farm equipment and animals Also the following slaves Priss & 2 children to the Widow $5.00 Serenia to the Widow $1.00 Silas Same $1.00 Eurdan ?? Same $1.00 Charity Same .50 Allen, Elly & children Same $5.00 Penelope Same $2.00 Lenure ?? Alex Wilson $7.50 Elizabeth G. W. Ventes $80.00 Smittia S. W. SCARBOROUGH $86.00 Eli Same $72.50 END OF DOCUMENT MISC RECEIPTS Rec. of THOS J. KENNEDY Executor to the last will and Testament of JESSE KENNEDY Dec the sum of Five hundred dollars in part of HARRET PARROTT'S share from said Estate. SIGNED June 13th 1857 SIGNED BENJAMIN PARROTT END OF DOCUMENT JOHN L. SUTTON RECORDS There are a number of receipts and bills for JOHN L. SUTTON in the early 1900's. Given the dates, most of this information is not abstracted. There is a Plat of the JOHN A. SUTTON Home place done in 1926 which appears to be a division of some sort; however, since Mr. SUTTON was still alive at the time this is not clear