Lenoir County NcArchives History....Invoice-Receipt, 1906 ***************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ***************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joe P. Sutton, PhD, sutton@edtesting.com, July 17, 2017. Clellan Sutton Collection, Bucklesberry Community, La Grange, NC. OSCAR HARDY & ALEX SUTTON TO JULIUS E. SUTTON INVOICE-RECEIPT, 1906 COL. N. B. WHITFIELD, Pres. OSCAR HARDY, Sec.-Treas. Lenoir County Branch of Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Association. Assessment No. 14 Seven Springs, N.C. Jan. 20, 1906. Dear Sir:--Notice is hereby given of an assessment of ˝ of 1 per cent levied by the above named association at its annual meeting held in Kinston on Jan. 1st 1906 Your pro rata of which is $7.33. Under the by-laws of the association and the conditions set forth in your policy, you are hereby required to pay the same within 60 days from the date of this notice, or your insurance will become null and void and of no effect. You may remit to me by check. Postoffice money or registered letter, or if more convenient pay to Mr. J. H. Dawson, of Kinston, or Mr. Alex. Sutton of LaGrange who will receive and receipt you for same. OSCAR HARDY, Secy. and Treas. _______________________________________________________________________ Received payment of the above, this 13 day of Feb 1906. Oscar Hardy, Sec.-Treas Per A[lex]. Sutton Please return this card to be receipted. [front side of postcard] [stamp] [stamp] LA GRANGE, N.C. JAN 27 1906 THE SPACE ABOVE IS RESERVED FOR POSTMARK POSTAL CARD THE SPACE BELOW IS FOR THE ADDRESS ONLY. Mr. Julius E. Sutton, LaGrange, NC END OF DOCUMENT