Lenoir County NcArchives History....Postcard, ca. 1915 ***************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ***************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joe P. Sutton, PhD, sutton@edtesting.com, February 3, 2019. Clellan Sutton Collection, Bucklesberry Community, La Grange, NC. SUE BELLE SUTTON TO WALTER C. SUTTON, CA. 1915 Guess I had better ans. as you say so. Wonder what you are doing to day. having a good time I suppose. I have been working all day but am going to rest this P.M. Do you blame me? Good by ans. [Stamp removed; no date] Mr. Walter Sutton La Grange N. Car. R.F.D. #4 END OF DOCUMENT Comments: The postcard is not signed, but the assumed writer/pen pal is Sue Belle Sutton. The handwriting style matches other postcards in the Collection signed by Sue Belle Sutton to Walter Sutton. The corner of this postcard showing the postmark and date has been cut away. But the condition of the postcard is similar to other postcards in the Collection that are dated 1915 and written by Sue Belle Sutton to Walter Sutton. Therefore, a circa date of 1915 has been assigned.