Lenoir County, NC – Mosely Hall Academy - Act to Establish, 1828 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Act to establish Mosely Hall Academy, in the county of Lenoir, and to incorporate the trustees thereof Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That John Wootten, William Herring, Alexander Mosely, Nathan B. Whitfield, George Whitfield, Joshua Mosely, Sutton Hardy, Shadrack Wootten, Joshua Rouse, Benjamin Rouse, William Rouse, Noah Rouse, Thomas Waters, Council Wootten and Thomas Dawson, and William D. Mosely, be known and distinguished by the name of "The Trustees of Mosely Hall Academy, in the county of Lenoir," and by that name shall have perpetual succession; and they or their successors shall be able and capable in law to take, have and receive, possess, enjoy and demand any property, real or personal, and any monies or other things that shall be given for the use of the said school, and the same to apply according to the will of the donor; to take, have, possess and enjoy to them and their successors forever, any lands, tenements of what kind or nature soever, in special confidence, that the same, or the profits thereof, shall be applied to, and for the purpose of establishing and supporting said academy. And be it further enacted, That the trustees aforesaid shall have full power and authority to make such bye laws and regulations as they may think proper, for the good government of the said academy, not inconsistent with the laws of the State. Source: NC Archives Public and Private Laws of North Carolina 1828 Chapter XCVI Page 38 ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts - gpotts1@nc.rr.com ______________________________________________________________________