Lenoir-Greene County NcArchives Deed.....Jones, John F. - Hodges, Mary E. 1835 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Hazel Yarborough hhyarbrough@embarqmail.com January 26, 2014, 9:24 am Written: 1835 Deed of Sale from Mary E. Hodges to John F. Jones Deed in possession of William A. Jones, Snow Hill, NC Transcribed from the original by Hazel Ruth Hill Yarbrough This Indenture made the 6th day of March one thousand Eight hundred and Thirty five – between Mary Hodges of State of North Carolina in Lenoir County of the one part and John F. Jones of the Said State and Green County Witnesseth that I the Said Mary Hodges for and in consideration of the Sum of three hundred and fifty dollars to me in hand paid by him the Said John F. Jones the Receipts where of I the Said Mary Hodges doth hereby acknowledge hath given granted Bargained Sold Conveyed and Consigned and by these presents doth Give Grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto him the Said John F. Jones his Heirs and assigns forever a parcel of land being in the County and State afore said Containing by Estimations one hundred and thirty six acres be the Same more or less lying on the North Side of Wheat Swamp and west Side of Ready branch beginning at a Walnut tree Jas. M. Harpers line formerly Richard Hodges Snr. line and runs with his line No 76 West to a Stake at a new Cut road thence with that and a line of marked trees No 41 West 192 poles thence No 66 East 40 poles to a pine thence So 50 East 210 poles to a lying down pine thence No 70 East 98 poles to the run of the ready branch thence down Said branch till it intersects the line of Lot 1 No 2 drawn by Elizabeth Hodges then with that line S 21 East to the beginning – to have and to hold the Said tract of land and all and Singular its Rights priviledges Comoditys Hereditiments or apertances thereunto Belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the Said John F. Jones his Heirs and assigns forever Clear from all Incumberances Whatsoever not only against my Self my heirs or assigns but against the Lawful Claims of any person or persons what Soever from laying any Claim right or demand to any part of the afore Said land and premises – and Further more I promise to warrand and forever defend the above tract or parcel of land and premises unto him the S’d John F. Jones his Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns forever in Witness I have Set my hand and Seal the day & year above written Signed Sealed and delivered in presents of Witnesses Mary E. Hodges (Seal) James A Hodges Richard Hodges State of No Carolina May Term A.D. 1850 Greene County Then was the foregoing deed from Mary E. Hodges to John F. Jones Exhibited into open Court and the execution thereof duly proven by the oath of Richard Hodges one of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Registered. Attest: Ja:: Williams Clk On the outside of the deed: Deed of Sale from Mary Hodges To John F. Jones 136 acres State of No Carolina Greene County Enroled in the Regestry Office of Greene County In Book O & Pages 481 & 482 on the 7 day of July AD 1850 Will Dixon Registrar Note about this deed: John F. Jones was married to Nancy Hodges, the sister of Mary E. Hodges who is selling the land. The Elizabeth Hodges who is listed as owning the adjoining land was also sister to Nancy and Mary Hodges. The two witnesses, James A Hodges and Richard Hodges, were brothers to the three sisters, Nancy, Mary and Elizabeth. This land apparently was inherited from Edward Hodges, the children’s father. Edward Hodges died around 1820 (NOTE: I now think that Edward died very shortly after, or perhaps even before, the birth of his youngest child Elizabeth, in 1815. The Catherine Hodges mentioned on the Greene Co. tax roll of 1816 is likely his widow. FRH) when the children were still minors. Edward probably inherited the land from his father, Richard Hodges, Sr. who died around 1805 and who is mentioned in the deed as formerly owning the adjoining land. Apparently this land had been divided among the children as Elizabeth’s draw is mentioned in the deed, and Mary had inherited 136 acres. This land was near the land that sister Nancy Hodges had inherited. Nancy Hodges had married John F. Jones around 1830. Mary Hodges later married Robert Daly, Elizabeth Hodges married Walter Kennedy, and James Arendall Hodges married (1) Mary Parrott and (2) Nancy Kennedy. The parents of these five children were Edward Hodges and Catherine Arundell. The children were listed in the 1822 Lenoir County will of their paternal grandfather, William Arundell. After Edward’s death, Catherine Arundell Hodges remarried to Travis Brown. The Jas. M. Harper mentioned in the deed was listed as James M. Harper in the 1840 Census and was living next door to John Jones. (NOTE: This is my ancestor, the James M. Harper who married Charlotte Parrott and moved to Lenoir Co sometime after 1840. FRH) Notice that the land was sold in 1835, but was not registered in Greene Co. until 1850, shortly after John Jones was accidentally killed by a falling tree. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/lenoir/deeds/hodges789gdd.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/ncfiles/ File size: 5.7 Kb