THOMAS HOOD AND CLARISSA HOOD TO JACOB PARROTT - DEED FROM THE LOVITT HINES COLLECTION - P. C. 1759.2, NORTH CAROLINA ARCHIVES, RALEIGH, NC ****************************************************************** File transcribed and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Francis R. Hodges USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. USGenWeb NOTICE: Libraries and individual researchers may download this file for personal, non-commercial use only. Any other use requires written permission from the transcriber. ****************************************************************** Note: In 1833, Thomas and Clarissa Hood of Lenoir County sold the land which Clarissa had inherited from her father, William Arendell (will dated 1822) and moved to Perry County, in the Alabama black belt, where they established a successful cotton plantation. Their Lenoir County land was purchased by a brother-in-law, Jacob Parrott, who had married Clarissa's sister, Persis. The transaction was witnessed by two other members of the family: James A. Hodges, the son of another of Clarissa's sisters, Catherine; and Elizabeth Hood, still another of her sisters, who may also have been the widow of a brother of Thomas Hood. The following obituary appeared in the American Advocate (Kinston, NC) on May 14, 1857: Died on the 12th of March 1857 in Dallas County, Ala., Thomas Hood. He was born in Dinwiddie County, Va., on Aug. 10, 1776, moved with his parents to Lenoir County, N. C., when he was 18 years old. Moved with his family in 1834 to Perry County, Ala. THOMAS HOOD AND CLARISSA HOOD TO JACOB PARROTT - DEED This indenture made the 17th day of October in the year of our Lord one thouand eight hundred and thirty-three between THOMAS HOOD and CLARISSA HOOD his wife of the State of North Carolina and County of Lenoir of the one part and JACOB PARROTT of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that we the said THOMAS HOOD and CLARISSA his wife for and in consideration of the sum of seventeen hundred dollars to us in hand paid or secured to be paid by the said JACOB PARROTT, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained, and sold, and do by these payments bargain and sell unto the said JACOB PARROTT the following tracts or parcels of lands situated, lying, and being in the County of Lenoir on the north side of Neuse River, one tract beginning at two dead pines at the head of (a run?) in JAMES A. HODGES field known as the corner of the second and third division of WILLIAM ARANDALL'S land given by said ARANDALL to CLARISSA HOOD and JAS. A. HODGES and runs No. 27 West 71 poles to a lightwood stake and a small elm, then No. 2 West 28 poles to a pine, then No. 44 East 72 poles to a post oak, now fallen down, and a large spreading top dogwood marked as pointer, then No 32 East 78 poles to a pine FRANCIS HILL'S corner in the edge of a pond near the Hull road, then No. 46 East 116 poles to the back line, then So. 70 East 6 poles to the CASWELL line, then with said CASWELL line So. 18 East 125 poles to a pine CASWELL'S corner, then with his line again No. 65 East 60 poles to a stake, then South 207 poles to a pine stump and several pointers, then North 72 West 26 poles to a stake, then South 109 poles to a red oak, TULL'S and DESMOND'S Corner near (Tom's) branch, then West 60 poles to a stake in the CASWELL field, then No, 9 E. 126 poles to a stake and several marked pines, then with the given line of the MAJOR CROOM survey No. 81 West 80 poles to a stake in the marash, then South 9 West 146 poles to two large pines in the CASWELL branch, now fallen down, then up the various courses of the branch to the beginning, containing four hundred and twenty-four acres be the same more or less, the grave yards is excepted. Also one other tract lying on the big meadow. Beginning at a dead black jack HENRY TULL'S corner, and runs with his line So 18 East 45 poles to where the FRANCIS HILL line strikes the CASWELL line, then with HILL'S line No. 70 West 112 poles to a dead pine, now down, FRANCIS HILL'S corner, then to the begiinning, containing eleven acres more or less, also one other tract lying on both sides of the little Briery branch, beginning at a little post oak on the side of the Hull road near his hog pen and runs No. 41 East 126 poles to a stake in the back line of a patent granted to SOLOMON WRIGHT as by patent dated 1 August 1768, then with the said line No. 50 West 113 poles to a pine said WRIGHT'S beginning corner, then South 71½ West 60 poles to a whortleberry stump on the roadside at the reedy branch, then with the road to the beginning, containing by estimation seventy-eight acres be the same more or less, also one other tract deeded by WM. CASWELL to WILLIAM ARANDALL beginning at a black gum in the division line of the MAJOR CROOM survey in a marsh that lyes in the fork field and runs So. 80½ East 5 and two-thirds poles to a poplar in a branch then with the other lines of the said to said division lines as by refference to said deed will more fully appear, then down said line to the beginning, containing one and three-fourths acres be the same more or less, to have and to hold unto the said JACOB PARROTT the above described land and premises with all the appurtenances them unto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and we the said THOMAS HOOD and CLARISSA HOOD do for ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators forever warrant and defend unto the said JACOB PARROTT his heirs and assigns forever a good and lawful title agaiinst the lawful claims of us, our heirs, or the lawful claims of any other person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof we the said THOMAS HOOD and CLARISSA HOOD have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and date first above written. Signed, seealed and delivered in the presence of us JAS. A. HODGES THOMAS HOOD (SEAL) ELIZABETH HOOD CLARISSA HOOD (SEAL) State of North Carolina October 19, 1833 Before me THOMAS SETTLE one of the judges of the Superior Court of Law & Equity in and for the State of North Carolina personally appeared THOMAS HOOD and CLARISSA HOOD the grantors of the foregoing deed, who acknowledged the due execution thereof as their act and deed. She the said CLARISSA HOOD being examined by me personally and apart from her husband, touching the execution thereof, and it appearing that she has executed the same freely and of her own accord, without the fear or compulsion of her husband, and that she doth voluntarily assent thereto. Let the deed and this certificate be registered. THOS. SETTLE Enrolled in the registrar's office of Lenoir County the 10th day of April A. D. 1834. M. BRIGHT esq. by WILL. LOVICK