Lenoir County NcArchives Deed.....Tilghman, Bryan, Creech, Bell, Mills - Trace, Deed 1901-1902 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Hazel Yarbrough hhyarbrough@embarqmail.com October 19, 2010, 4:08 pm Written: 1901-1902 From the Roscoe F. Hill Collection in the possession of Hazel Ruth Hill Yarbrough, Lenoir County Transcribed by Hazel Ruth Hill Yarbrough from the originals. Deed trace – Bell, Mills, Tilghman, Bryan, Creech Document 1. J. H. Bell & Wife to Uzza Mills (not a deed but a handwritten description of the property being transferred. Date uncertain, but before 1892 when Uzza Mills’ daughter, Sarah Tilghman, deeds the property to her daughter, Barbara Tilghman.) Beginning at a Stake at the Duck Pond & runs with M.B. Creech’s line S. 49 W 64 p. to a Stake, then a straight line to said Creech’s line to the road; a live oak; then with said lines to the run of Wheat Swamp. Then up the various courses of said Swamp to Thos. Hodges crop way, and line to two ? a ? made ? & Creech. Then S 21 W with a line of marked trees made by ?Davis & Creech to the above named Stake at the Duck Pond – containing 110 acres more or less except one half an acre of land known as the Bell Grave Yard with privilege of egress and ingress to said grave yard. Document 2. 1901 Deed – Sarah J. Tilghman to Barbara E. Tilghman This indenture made this the 12th day of October in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and ninety-two between Sarah J. Tilghman of the County of Lenoir and State of North Carolina of the first part and Barbara E. Tilghman wife of J.C, Tilghman of the County of Greene and State aforesaid of the second part. Witnesseth: the said Sarah J.Tilghman for and in consideration of the natural love and afection (sic) which she has and bears for her Daughter the said Barbara E. Tilghman and for other good causes and considerations, and for the sum of One dollar to her in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have loaned unto her the said Barbara E. Tilghman and her children a certain tract or parcel of land during my and their natural lifetimes and in the event the said Barbara E. Tilghman and all of her children should die before I do the said Sarah J. Tilghman should die, then the said lands shall return to me. The said lands are situated lying and being in Lenoir County, N.C. and in Institute Township and known as a portion of the lands that was devised to me the said Sarah J. Tilghman by the last will and Testament of my Father Uzza Mills and known also as a part of the land that my Father purchased of James H. Bell and Mary Bell and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a stake on the run of Wheat Swamp and runs S 83 W 115 poles to the Hull road thence S 80 W 56 ½ poles to a stake in M.B. Creeches line thence running with said line S 49 E 10 poles to a Stake his corner, thence running with another of his lines South 81 ¼ E 61 poles to a Stake on the north side of the Hull road thence N 72 ¼ E 20 ½ poles to a stake at the head of a ditch thence down said ditch and branch to the run of Wheat Swamp then up the run of the same to the beginning, Containing Eighteen and one third acres more or less and I the said Sarah J. Tilghman do reserve the priveledge of one half of the fruit from the vineyard. The said lands to have and to hold unto her the said Barbara E. Tilghman and her children as described above during my natural life. In Witness whereof I the said Sarah J Tilghman hath hereunto set my hand and seal the year and day first above written. Signed Sealed and Sarah J. Tilghman (Seal) Delivered in presence of L.J. Moore NORTH CAROLINA – LENOIR COUNTY The execution of the annexed instrument was this day duly acknowledged before me by Sarah J. Tilghman, the grantor thereto, for the purpose therein expressed. Let the same, with this certificate, be registered. Witness my hand, this 2nd day of January 1901. Plato Collins Clerk Superior Court Sarah J. Tilghman To Barbara E. Tilghman Deed Filed at 4 o’clock PM Jan. 2, 1901. Enrolled in office of Register of Deeds of Lenoir Jan’y 2, 1901 Book 25, Pg. 613 W.D. Suggs Reg. of Deeds Document 3. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, LENOIR COUNTY THIS DEED made this 2nd day of January 1901 by Sarah J. Dupree, J.S. Tilghman and Barbara E. Tilghman of Lenoir County and State of North Carolina of the first part to Hugh Bryan of Lenoir County, and State of North Carolina of the second part, WITNESSETH: That said Sarah J. Dupree, J.S. Tilghman and Barbara E. Tilghman in consideration of One hundred & Seventy Five Dollars to them paid by Hugh Bryan, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and by these presents do bargain, sell and convey to said Hugh Bryan and his heirs and assigns , a certain tract or parcel of land in Institute Township Lenoir County, State of North Carolina adjoining the lands of M.B. Creech and others, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a stake on the run of Wheat Swamp and runs S 83 W 115 poles to the Hull road thence S 80 W 56 ½ poles to a stake in M.B. Creech’s line, thence running with said line S 49 E 10 poles to a stake in M.B.Creech’s corner thence running with M.B. Creech’s line South 81 ¼ E 61 poles to a stake on the North side of the Hull road thence N 72 ½ E 20 ½ poles to a stake at the head of a ditch thence down said ditch and branch to the run of Wheat Swamp thence up the run of the same to the beginning, containing 18 1/3 acres more or less. This being the piece or parcel of land deeded to Barbara E. Tilghman by Sarah J. Tilghman on the 12 day of Oct. 1892 and a part of the lands willed to Sarah J. Tilghman by her father Uzza Mills & known as the Bell land, being Barbara E. Tilghman’s entire interest in lands willed to Sarah J. Tilghman by Uzza Mills. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said Hugh Bryan his heirs and assigns to their only use and behoof forever. AND THE SAID Sarah J. Dupree, J.S. Tilghman and Barbara E. Tilghman covenant to and with the said Hugh Bryan and his heirs and assigns that they are seized of said premises in fee, and have a right to convey the same in fee simple: that the same are free from all incumbrances, and that they will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons whatsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Sarah J. Dupree, J.S. Tilghman and Barbara E. Tilghman have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Sarah J. Dupree (Seal) J.S. Tilghman (Seal) Barbara E. Tilghman (Seal) NORTH CAROLINA, LENOIR COUNTY I, Plato Collins, C.S.C., do hereby certify that J.S. Tilghman and Barbara E. Tilghman his wife personally appeared before me this day, and acknowledged the due execution of the annexed deed of conveyance, and the said Barbara E. Tilghman being by me privately examined separate and apart from her said husband, touching her voluntary execution of the same; doth state that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion of her said husband, or of any other person, and that she doth still voluntarily assent thereto. Let the deed & certificate be registered the 2nd day of January 1901. Plato Collins C.S.C. NORTH CAROLINA, LENOIR COUNTY The execution of the foregoing instrument was this day acknowledged before me, by Sarah J. Dupree one of the grantors for the purposes therein expressed. Let the same with this certificate, be registered. This 2nd day of Jan 1901. Plato Collins C.S.C. Warrantee Deed J.S. Tilghman & wife & Sarah J. Dupree to Hugh Bryan Filed for Registration on the 2nd day of Jan 1901 at 4 o’clock PM, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Lenoir County, N.C. this 3 day of Jan’y 1901 at 9 o’clock AM, in Book 25 of deeds, on page 614. W.D. Suggs Register of Deeds Document 4. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, LENOIR COUNTY This Deed made this 29th day of December 1902 by Hugh Bryan of Lenoir County and State of North Carolina of the first part, to M.B. Creech of Lenoir County and State of North Carolina of the second part, WITNESSETH: That said Hugh Bryan in consideration of Two hundred DOLLARS to him paid by M.B. Creech the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold, and by these presents does bargain, sell and convey to said M.B. Creech and his heirs and assigns, a certain tract or parcel of land in Institute Township adjoining the lands of the aforesaid M.B. Creech and others, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a stake on the run of Wheat Swamp and runs S 83 W 115 poles to the Hull Road thence S 80 W 56 ½ poles to a stake in M.B. Creech’s line, thence running with said line S 49 E 10 poles to a stake in M.B. Creech’s corner, thence running with M.B. Creech’s line South 81 ¼ E 61 poles to a stake on the North side of the Hull road, thence N 72 ¼ E 20 ½ poles to a stake at the head of a ditch thence down said ditch and bounds to the run of Wheat Swamp thence up the run of the same to the beginning, containing 18 1/3 acres more or less. This being the piece or parcel of land deeded to Barbara E. Tilghman by Sarah J. Tilghman on the 12th day of Oct. 1892, and a part of the land willed to Sarah J. Tilghman by her father Uzza Mills and known as the Bell land. Being Barbara E. Tilghman’s entire interest in lands willed to Sarah J. Tilghman by Uzza Mills. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said M.B. Creech his heirs and assigns to their only use and behoof forever. AND THE SAID Hugh Bryan covenant to and with the said M.B. Creech and his heirs and assigns that he is seized of said premises in fee, and has a right to convey the same in fee simple; that same are free from all incumbrances, and that he will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons whatsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said Hugh Bryan has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. ATTEST: Hugh Bryan (Seal) E.B. Byrd NORTH CAROINA, LENOIR COUNTY The execution of the foregoing instrument was this day proven before me, by the oath and examination of E.B. Byrd the subscribing witness thereto. Let the same with this certificate, be registered this 16th day of January 1904. Plato Collins C.S.C. Warrantee Deed From Hugh Bryan To M.B. Creech Consideration $200.00 Dated 29th day December 1902 Filed for Registration on the 16 day of Jan 1904 at 4 o’clock PM, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Lenoir County, N.C. this 23 day of Jan 1904 at 10 o’clock AM in Book 29 of Deeds, on page 438 W.D. Suggs Register of Deeds File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/lenoir/deeds/trace617gdd.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/ncfiles/ File size: 11.8 Kb