Lenoir Institute 18th Nov. 1865 Messrs. Robt. & Wm. Daily: I feel it is my duty to communicate with you, regarding the board of your daughters. When you engaged board for them, I thought that I had meat below, which was raised on my farm, & that would enable me, after reserving enough for my family, to sell enough to furnish me in sugar, molasses, & other necessaries. When I sent for the meat I found it had been so entirely eaten up with worms, that it was obliged to be sold at very low prices. This was caused by its having to be packed away, for fear of the yankees, before it was sufficiently smoked. The money I received for it I have purchased bacon and beef with, but when you consider the difference in the price which I paid and that which I received, you may readily imagine that it would buy but little. I am now entirely without meat, or lard. I can not conscientiously take boarders & feed them on bread alone. As long as I could get butter I did so, but have not been able to buy any for several weeks, besides that is very expensive, as we consume about six pounds a week. Unless I can make arrangements to live better, & of that I see no prospect now, I shall have to decline taking the girls until the hogs are fat enough to kill, which will not be before January. It makes me really unhappy when I go to the table to think I cannot give boarders better fare. You know Mr. Dailys that persons boarding expect to have something they can relish, & are not willing to put up with such fare as they could make out with, under other circumstances, and it is perfectly right that they should feel so to a certain extent. Do not think the girls have been complaining. I have never heard a word of complaint, or seen any dissatisfaction expressed. They are the most pleasant boarders I've ever had, outside of my immediate family. They are very studious and are learning well. I think if you desire it, I can get board for a month for them in the village, and if you know where I can procure bacon for a reasonable price, I will do so, and there will be no necessity for their removal. I do not wish to buy bacon unless it is good. The last I bought was so rancid none of us could eat it. Respectfully, Sue M. Patrick Mr. Robert Daily & Mr. Wm. Daily ************************************************************************ File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Francis R Hodges USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Return to the NCGenWeb Archives Table of Contents http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm#NC **************************************************************************