Lenoir County NcArchives History - Letters .....Unknown To Whitfield Grady 1832 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Martha M. Marble http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00022.html#0005285 February 4, 2014, 8:07 am UNKNOWN TO WHITFIELD GRADY - 1832 NOTE: Document torn and missing part of the left side. Envelope Feb 21 Way 5 Mr. Whitfield Grady Sandy Foundation Lenoir County NC Duplin February 18 1832 Mr. Grady, Dr. Sir I take this opportunity of writing you a few lines to inform you that we are all in the land of living yet. Betsy told me that you intended to sell Anny ??? and to buy a peace of land for the use of the children. I would like if it would be agreeable with you to buy my land and to put the money to the use of myself betsy and the children. What I allude to buy a Negro with the money for the land to help maintain the children. I am willing to make a perfect write to them everything I have in the world as I well aware that it is impossible for me and betsy in our present situation. My health is very bad and betsy is far from being well and is not able to cook & wash for all. If you are willing for sary to come and help out betsy and she will do her business as she has done here to fore. I assure you that she will get treated with all the respect that is due her. I never said nor done any thing to her to make her leave and had I never swapped land with John She and Norris would both been here yet. Am willing to do anything that you think will be to the benefit to us. I have now got to a place that I could live if I had a chance. The land that lay out last year will make one hundred and twenty two barrels of corn if properly managed. I have one hundred and forty acres fenced in for a pasture and the rest is as thick as they can be. Two seine holes as good as any on the river. Betsy is better satisfied here than she has been since she has been in Duplin. I should be very glad that you would come and look at the land and I think we can make better arrangements in the time – document torn – come for us all. I have got 31 head of cattle and 39 sheep which I am willing to make a perfect write to the benefit of betsy and the children – document torn – we can trade for the land – torn – buy a Negro with money and make – torn – in the children and for – torn – as me Betsy as long as we live – torn – the Neros that has been carried to you that I said is more than half - torn – and could you understand – torn – the straight thing about the matter. – torn – I can’t think that you can blame me for what I say. End of page NOTE: The next page has paper that is much wider and the handwriting is much larger although that could be the way it was scanned. The handwriting looks the same. If I can not get any person to help me I shall have to rent out my land all but a potato patch and a little that I can manage myself. Please write to me as soon as possible as I am very anxious to know what to depend on. NOTE: There is no signature or return address although it appears to have been written from Duplin Co. The date of the letter would indicate Betsy was not a daughter of Whitfield Grady. The article in the Lenoir Co Heritage Book stated that Whitfield Grady and his family moved to Lenoir Co in 1836 but this letter is clearly dated 1832. END OF DOCUMENT File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/lenoir/history/letters/unknownt75ms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ncfiles/ File size: 3.7 Kb