Lenoir County, NC - The Kinston Journal, 1878-1882, Part 2 ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Russell King __________________________________________________________________ THE KINSTON JOURNAL Began 20 Dec 1878 23 Sep 1880 - Thurs New Berne - F. D. CLARKE son of Mrs. Mary Bayard CLARKE invented Electrophone to be made in NY to help hard of hearing people. Colored woman named Alek has one child - Alek raised as a man & wears mens clothing - lives in Kinston - child calls her Papa. J.C. KENNEDY lost wallet warrent against Dr.S. BARTLESON Jesse H.HARDY near LaGrange father-in-law to Wm. HUNTER. L. HARVEY sold 280 acres to S. T. CROSLAND, DESMOND land Jno. W. BLOUNT of Beaufort Co.- formerly of Kinston. Charles McARTHUR near Kinston - son 7 & dau. 11 Claud son of Hardy HILL. D: 2 miles from LaGrange - James ROUSE - 18 Sep - age 60 - leaves widow & several grown children. Baptist Review - LaGrange paper - lists deaths, md., & d D: Near Swift Creek - 18 Sep - Lewis A. BARFIELD age 69 D: Mocksville, Davie Co. - 19 Sep - Abner ROUSE of Greene Co. age 60 - buried 19 Sep Family Cem. Hookerton D: Kinston - 18 Sep- Cecil infant son of W.D. & M.A. RAYNOR D: Pitt Co. - 17 Sep - Mrs. Lovick GASKINS in 60th year. D: Lenoir Co.- 15 Sep - Fannie dau. of Thomas UZZELL, dec'd age 17 - leaves brother & sister. D: Duplin Co. - 8 Aug - Hester E. wife of J. E. WESTBROOK age 44 - leaves husband & 8 chn. one is 2 days old & aged mother. 30 Sep 1880 - Thurs D: Kinston - 25 Sep - infant child of F. C. & Amanda LOOPS. D: Home of W. F. STANLEY - Kinston - 26 Sep - Eliza, only child of Jno. T. & Ida ALDRIDGE - age 12m. D: Jones Co. - 5 Sep - Charles Duffy son of I. R. & S. J. EUBANKS - age 3y 7m 10d. D: Jones Co. - 15 Sep - Calvin ROUSE - age 60 D: Jones Co. - 23 Sep - Home of James B. STANLEY - Wm. F. McDANIELS - age 32. M: Greene Co. - McD. PATE to Sylvia EDWARDS - 26 Sep. M: 23 Sep - Wm. COX of Lenoir Co. to Sallie HINES of Wayne M: 28 Sep - Frank W. SMITH of Goldsboro to Ada H. eldest dau. of late Nick HUNTER in Kinston. A. T. UZZELL of Tuckahoe, Jones Co. selling land. Jno. F. MEWBORN of Kinston selling land Order of Superior Court to sell land for partition - 424 acres known as Wm. HILL land and 275 acres known as Major HILL tract by J. Q. JACKSON. 7 Oct 1880 - Thurs Vanceboro - formerly Swift Creek. D: Neck township - 22 Sep - Mrs. Elizabeth BOND - 1ge 79. D: Duplin Co.- 28 Sep - Elizabeth, wife of Stephen PHILLIPS age 37. D: Lenoir Co. - 17 Sep - Ina Klye, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. C. P. DAVIS - had sister who died recently. Mrs. Jno. Wright JONES of Snow Hill aunt to Miss Hattie EDMUNDSON of Goldsboro. Whitfield GRADY of Woodington - in 83rd year - in town. Capt. S. B. WEST sold store to John RHEM. Levi DAWSON sold home to Becton ISLER of Jones Co. D: L. A. BARFIELD, son of Asa & Annie BARFIELD - 17 Sep - in 62nd year - b. Duplin Co. - moved to Jones Co then to Craven Co. - married age 33 - leaves wife and 9 children. D: Miss Kate BARNES - leaves sister Cora. 14 Oct 1880 - Thurs George EVANS of Nashville b. March 1782 - single 1880. Allen TAYLOR of Battleboro b. 1786 - age 92 1880. D: Naoh PALMER of Balitimore - formerly of Lenoir Co. - married dau. of Dr. & Mrs. Jerome C. SMITH - 14 Oct - New York. D: Pink Hill - 2 Oct - Lydia, dau. of Nancy JONES. D: Pink Hill - 7 Oct - Nancy JONES - age 50. D: Trent - 9 Oct - Eliza, wife of Wiley BOYET - age 50. D: Tuckahoe, Jones Co. - 8 Oct - Rebecca NOBLE - age 60. D: Lenoir Co.- 30 Sep - Harriet, wife of Samuel HAZZARD, 40 D: Institute - 25 Aug - Leland P. SUTTON, dau. of Mrs. L. EMERY, age 14y 2m 20d. D: Institute - 1 Oct - Sallie Washington, dau. of Dr. & Mrs T. L. EMERY, age 3y 1m 11d. D: Lenoir Co. - 6 Sep - Heber F., son of Wm. & Annie HARDY, age 2y 29d. D: Lenoir Co. - 10 Oct - Charles, son of Henry & Josephine SKINNER, age 1y 10m. D: LaGrange - 8 Oct - S.E., wife of L.H. FIELDS, age 32, no chn D: Curtis PHILLIPS - abt. a year ago - War of 1812 Vetern. Jacob LANKSTON of Contentnea Neck - oldest man in county James HERRING of Kinston - 450 acres for sale near Dover 21 Oct 1880 - Thurs M: 17 Oct - Woodington - James TAYLOR, age 55, to Martha HENDERSON, age 20, at home of bride's father. M: Home of Ambrose JONES of Carteret Co.- 14 Oct - Rev.J.B. WEBB of Kinston to Mrs. Sarah E. CHADWICK of Carteret Co. M: 13 Oct - Henry E. DAVIS to Lilla, dau. of W. H. WEST. D: near Kinston - 16 Oct - Isaac PILAND in 49th year. D: Lenoir Co. - 16 Oct - Whitfield GRADY in 83rd year. D: Lenoir Co. - 8 Oct - Laura Eliza, dau. of Jacob P. & Ava A. HARPER, 1y 2m 4d. D: Jones Co. - 10 Oct - Alice Olivia, dau. of E.E. & Olivia KOONCE, age 4y 9m 4d. D: Lenoir Co. - 13 Oct Christopher C., son of Samuel HOWARD age 28 - Nickname Kit - buried 17 Oct - leaves 1 brother Elder C. W. HOWARD & several sisters. D: Bennie, son of E. W. HAYWOOD of Pollocksville, 15 Oct. 28 Oct 1880 - Thurs W.H.TAYLOR - 101 acres for sale - portion of Dr.HARTSFIELD Kinston at Court - Stephen PHILLIPS, age 65, for not supporting his wife & children. D: near Institute - 2 sons of Mrs. A. C. WILSON, widow - Albert H., 27, oldest son , 1 Oct - Benj.(Benny) F., 21, 6 Oct- leaves several brothers & sisters D: child of John T. HEATH of Jones Co. - week of 21 Oct. D: child of John E. HARRISON of Jones Co. - week of 21 Oct. Mrs. Cyrus BROWN is sister to Miss Lina P. KOONCE. D: near Institute - 23 Oct - Sutton HARDY - age 24. D: near Johnson's Mills, Pitt Co.- 20 Oct- Guilford GARDNER in 43rd year - leaves wife & children. D: Woodington - Whitfield GRADY- leaves widow & several chn D: 19 Oct- Pitt Co.- 2 sons of Mrs. Kitt BLAND, ages 8 & 10 M: Jones Co.- Home of bride's mother -14 Oct - J. H. RHODES to Bettie STALLINGS. D: 20 Oct - Sallie, dau. of James L. & Nannie M. MURPHY of Pitt Co. - age 3. D: 22 Oct - Miss Elizabeth DESMOND - age 60. D: LaGrange - 25 Oct - Rev. Ira T. WYCHE of M.E. Church -70 4 Nov 1880 - Thurs John W. FARMER, Jr., 38, of Toisnot, Wilson Co. killed by his brother Ed. B. FARMER - 27 Oct - leaves wife & 6 chn. - father Jesse FARMER, dec'd D: 29 Oct - Cedar Rock, Franklin Co. - son of John J. MAY. Rev. Olin WYCHE, son of late Rev. I.T. WYCHE of LaGrange. M: H. M. McDONALD, LaGrange, to Hattie N. HALL of Pender Co last week in Oct. D: W. J. CAMERSON of LaGrange - 27 Oct. D: Wife of Robert WETHERINGTON of Pitt Co. - sucicide - Oct Susan GRANT raped by unknown black man - Greene Co. D: Henry WHITE, negro, 26 Oct - tried for rape of Sarah LEGGETT who lied on stand - released. Stephen C. SPENCE tried for kissing Mrs. M. E. WALLER - 30 days in jail & $50 fine. J. O. HOWARD of Sampson Co. had a libel suit against R. P. COLLINS of Pitt Co. - found quilty. D: She Heel, Robinson Co. Mr. CATON, 22, killed by Peter HINES, 18, mulatto. Dempsy WOOD, Sr. adm'r for Thomas H. WOOD, dec'd. John DAWSON of near Institute warned against hiring Law- rence Oscar CRAFT, minor son of Martha CRAFT of Kinston. M: Lenoir Co.- Jno.M. WALLACE to Carrie BROCK - all Lenoir M: Kinston - Owen W. PARROTT to Mrs. Rosa JONES. D: Lenoir Co.-30 Oct - Martha A., wife of Peter PHILLIPS,28 D: Pitt Co. - 23 Oct - Thos. DAWSON, age 30. D: Lenoir Co. - 28 Oct - Sarah DAUGHETY - age 76. William W. N. HUNTER found guilty of burning Lenoir County courthouse records - he Clerk of Superior Court. 11 Nov 1880 - Thurs C. L. TAYLOR has a grandmother who was a WOOTEN. Frank P. WYCHE Trinity College son of Rev. WYCHE, dec'd M: Home of Bride's mother - LaGrange - 4 Nov - James T. ALBRITTON to Rachel SCOTT, 2nd dau. of late Porter SCOTT. M: Woodington - 3 Nov - Sam HAZZARD to Betsy WARTERS. Henry FULLER of Greene Co. moved to LaGrange. Wm. E. HINES of Institute moved to LaGrange. Escaped convicts: Simon ALDRIDGE from Lenoir Co. & Joseph HARDY of Wayne Co. D: Frank HILL of Twiggsville, Ga. - uncle to M. A. GRAY of Kinston, his exec. Paupers: Benajah HARPER & wife. 3 coffins made in Oct for paupers. Paupers: Allen WARTERS, lunatic; Rhody DAVIS, missing; Phebe DAVIS, new; Green LETCHWORTH, new; Nancy WHIYLEY, new; Tearcy PATE, new. 18 Nov 1880 - Thurs Sallie E. MEWBORN - household effects for sale. G. E. MILLER, adm'r for Stephen MILLER, dec'd. M: Home of bride's father - Greene Co. - Lafayette McCULLEN of Kinston to Luro HARDEE of Greene Co. M: Home of bride's mother - Lenoir Co. - J. E. NUNN of Kin- ston to Fannie MOORE, dau. of late Needham MOORE M: Kinston - 14 Nov- Ivy STROUD to Mrs. Demarius CUNNINGHAM D: LaGrange - 11 Nov - Miss Mary WILLOUGHBY, age 41. W. M. MOSELEY of Lenoir Co. moved to Granville Co. D: Washington, NC - T. C. ARCHBELL - 7 Nov. D: Sarah, dau. of W. T. COX of Bentonsville, Johnson Co. - 11 Nov - sucide by hanging - Quaker. W. B. PARAMOUR of Pitt Co. poisioned well of J. J. LAUGHINGHOUSE of Pitt Co. 25 Nov - Thurs. - no news. 2 Dec 1880 - Thurs W.B. PARAMOUR fled for killing Gen. W. B. GRIMES of Pitt D: Greensboro - 21 Nov - Etta Corine, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. S. W. SCARBOROUGH, age 5. D: Lenoir Co. - 27 Nov - Charles McARTHUR - age 60 D: Lenoir Co. - 19 Nov - Wm. J. HUBTER - age 53. D: Onslow Co. - 22 Nov - Mary, dau. of Bazwell BARRY - 21. D: Onslow Co.- 22 Nov - I.K. BROWN, age 37, wife & chn. 9 Dec 1880 - Thurs D: James E. THOMPSON of Craven Co. - Sep 1880. Miss Kate HUGGINS of Hendersonville visits her aunt Mrs. D. F. COX of Kinston. Edward UZZELL, under 21, released from Poll Tax. D: Henry WHITE, pauper. 16 Dec 1880 - Thurs M: bride's father - Greene Co. 8 Dec - W. F. PHILLIPS to O. C. RASBERRY. M: 1 Dec - Thomas SUGG to Bettie, dau. of S. P. HARDY. D: Edmond BROOKS of Lenoir Co. - 15 Nov. 7 Divorce Cases up for Superior Court. Martha A. WHITE, 45, vs. Wm. WHITE, 76 - divorce granted Noel ALBRITTON, over 50, released from Poll Tax. Frank HARDISON, under 21, released from Poll Tax. Bruton L. TAYLOR, Register of Deeds 23 Dec 1880 - Thurs Mary A. GRAY - land for sale - Contentnea. Alex NICOL - land for sale - Kinston. L. M. McCULLEN & C. A. DUDLEY related by marriage. D: Ann HINES, colored pauper. Peter HOLLOWEL colored - divorced wife Susan for adultery Sallie EMORY divorced husband Wm. EMORY for adultery Susan PHILLIPS wife of Lacey PHILLIPS vs. R. C. BROWN - debt by 1st husb. Columbus DUNN of Mrs. PHILLIPS John L. IVES & wife vs. J. A. EDWARDS exec of Wm. ORMAND who was guardian for Mrs. IVES. Dr. W. J. JONES vs. F. B. LOFTIN, adm'r for Benj. ROUSE. Alexander SUTTON vs. R. L. WOOTEN adm'r for Richard WARTERS, to settle estate. J. F. BARWICK & wife formerly widow of Alonzo SUTTON vs. Jerry SUTTON guardian of Alonzo H. SUTTON heirs. D: Jones Co. - 24 Nov - D. A., wife of E. W. HUMPHREY - 41. 30 Dec 1880 - Thurs M: Home of L. H. FIELDS - LaGrange - 16 Dec - George BARROW of Jones Co. to Ida, dau. of R. W. MOORE. M: Home of W. B. CASEY - Moseley Hall - 20 Dec - J. L. ALBERTSON to Mrs. Lousia RASPBERRY. M: 7 Dec - LaFayette SMITH to Mary D., dau. of R. B. CAULEY M: 23 Dec - David C. SMITH to Nancy, dau. of Curtis SMITH of Woodington. D: Sand Hill - 17 Dec - Jacob DAUGHETY - age 80. M: Thos. C. WHITAKER of Trenton to Bettie MURRAY of Wilson. I. B. COX of Arkansas visiting relatives in Jones Co. Jacob DUDLEY, colored, divorce granted last week. D: W. D. COLE - 24 Dec - Durham. Judge G. W. BROOKS half-brother to T. D. KNOX of E. City D: Dennis CHAPMAN, colored, drowned in well last week. 6 Jan 1881 - Thurs M: 23 Dec - Wm. H. JACKSON to Sarah H., dau. of Alex CASEY M: Home of C.A. DUDLEY of Woodington - 23 Dec - Nunn MILLER to Mollie DUNN - all of Lenoir Co. M: Home of bride's father - 9 Dec - Lemuel GRAY of Lenoir Co. to Addie JOLLY of Greene Co. D: Wittenburg, Alexander Co. - Mr. & Mrs. Cephus BAUMAN & 2 chn. & Mrs. Mollie FRY, 80, grmother to Mrs. B. Burned in Southwest Creek the old WILLIAMS homestead - now home of James WILLIAMS. Jno. FARMER formerly of LaGrange moved to Wilson. J. G. WHALEY formerly of New Berne moved to LaGrange. K. Alex ROUSE bought part of Jerry WARTERS farm. W. B. SMITH formerly of LaGrange moved to Hyde Co. 13 Jan 1881 - Thurs E. W. WHITAKER moved back to LaGrange from Tarboro. D: Mrs. Shade FIELDS week of 10 Jan - that family has lost in last few years 4: a brother, mother, and two sisters. To Oxford Orphanage Laurie & sis. Lena HUTCHINS -Kinston Mrs. Walter DUNN visiting relatives in Ala. 20 Jan 1881 - Thurs M: Home of bride's father, J. P. COX of near Catherine's Lake - George W. TAYLOR to S. Dunnie COX -Onslow D: Joseph LEWIS - 32 - Lenoir Co. - 6 Jan. M: Lenoir Co. 13 Jan - G. L. MOORE to Martha McARTHUR. M: 16 Jan at bride's father- Pinkney SPARROW to Elsey HEATH Mr. GASKILL of Kinston moving to Pulaskie Co., Ark. to live with son there. Mr. J. W. FIELDS formerly of Greene Co. now of LaGrange. 17 Jan 1881 - Thurs D: Mrs. Betsy DARDEN of Albemarle - an aged lady - relative to A. W. DARDEN of Albemarle - burned. Mrs. Susan KOONCE of Jones visiting relatives in Wilson. M: Pitt Co. - 19 Jan - at C. M. A. GRIFFIN father of bride L. Henry SPEIR to Alice GRIFFIN. M: Lenoir Co. - 19 Jan - Stephen NUNN to Matilda TURNER. 3 Feb 1881 - Thurs M: 1 Feb - home of S. L. WOOTEN - Lenoir Co. - John F. MEWBORNE to Lula K. HARPER. M: 18 Jan - Wm. DAVIS to Mary, dau. of Isaac TAYLOR. M: 19 Jan - Joseph EDWARDS to Mittie McLOHORN - all Pitt Co M: Home of bride's father- 27 Jan - Wm.S. NEWSOME of Greene Co. to Mrs. Julia JONES of Lenoir Co. - dau. of Wm. FIELDS. D: Mrs. Patsy HARDISON of LaGRANGE - 27 Jan - an aged lady. Alex NUNN of Pink Hill left for Arkansas. D: child of J. M. DODSON of Goldsboro - age 8m - 29 Jan. Wm. B. PEARCE lives Craven Co. & farms land Sand Hill. 10 Feb 1881 - Thurs D: Wright QUINN of Duplin Co. formerly of Kinston - 31 Jan murdered. M: Snow Hill - Egbert ROUSE of LaGrange to Jane SUTTON of LaGrange age 13 - last week - eloped. D: Mrs. Jesse SUTTON - Feb. M: 2 Feb - Home of bride's father Wm. A. JONES - Elkanah DAVIS to Laura Lee JONES - all of Pink Hill. M: 8 Feb - Amos LEE to Mrs. Hannah TYNDALL - all Lenoir Co. D: Swansboro, Onslow Co.- 7 Feb- Mrs Marenda PRIVETT, age 28y 5m 13d. D: 28 Jan - Mrs. Penelope BELL of Lenoir Co. - age 78. D: 28 Jan - Mrs. Patsy HARDISON of Lenoir Co. - age 70. D: 28 Jan - Caleb JONES of Lenoir Co. - age 28 D: 6 Feb - Craven Co. - James L. MURPHEE - age 57. D: 1 Feb - Contentnea Neck - Mary A. BROOKS - age 64 - leaves husband & chn. 17 Feb 1881 - Thurs D: Helen, dau. of George K.& Helen M. BAGBY -13 Feb - age 3 D: Home of her mother Jones Co. - Dorcas CHADWICK - age 16 27 Jan - was to be married on the 27 Jan. D: Lenoir Co. - 6 Feb - George JACKSON - age 15. D: near Catherine Lake, Onslow Co. - 6 Feb - Mrs. Margaret SHACKELFORD - age 85y - had 2 daughters. 24 Feb 1881 - Thurs D: Woodington - Miss Carrie MORETON - 16 Feb - burnt. D: Cenas HARPER, colored, 19 Feb - LaGrange. D: near Mt. Olive, Duplin Co.- 15 Feb - Mrs. Zilphia STROUD wife of W. G. STROUD - age 29 - leaves husband and 3 children. D: 20 Feb - Kinston - Mrs. S. R. WOOD - age 52. D: Kinston - 19 Feb - George Sylvester HENRY native of Vermont - brother of Mrs. A. R. MILLER - leaves widow and one child. D: Senas JONES - Bucklesberry - colored - last week. D: Washington ALBRITTON of Lousin Swamp - colored-last week D: Danis DAVIS of Kinston - last week - colored. 3 Mar 1881 - Thurs M: James NEWMAN of Trent to Ella JONES of Trent - 25 Feb - in Wayne Co. M: Frank DAIL to Mrs. Jane MURPHY - Institute - last week. M: Albert MILLER of Woodington to Willie SUTTON, dau. of Levi SUTTON of LaGrange - last week. D: Mrs. J. P. BROGDEN - 27 Feb - Jones Co. First paper published in Kinston - American Advocate. M: 4 Jan 1881 - Robert HALL of Texas to Evelyn, dau. of Major Calvin HERRING, formerly of Lenoir Co. M: 24 Feb - Home of bride's father Levi SUTTON - Albert MILLER to Willie SUTTON - all of Lenoir Co. M: 24 Feb - Home of Lovitt HINES - Franklin DAIL to Mrs. Sarah J. MURPHREE - all Lenoir Co. M: Lenoir Co.-24 Feb- James W. BOYET to Mrs. Susan HARDISON M: 24 Feb - Home of bride's father - Lenoir Co. - Alex TILGHMAN to Nannie POWELL. D: 26 Feb - Laura, wife of L. B. COX - Kinston - age 35. D: Jones Co. - 2 Mar - Joel A. HEATH - age 45. D: Trenton - 27 Feb - Hannah, wife of J. P. BROGDEN & dau. of Thomas WILCOX. D: Bayboro, Pamlico Co. - 22 Feb - Sarah E., wife of W. H. RAWLES - in 31st year - leaves husband & 6 chn. D: Chapel Hill - 28 Feb - Shahane RICHARDSON of Craven Co. about 19 years. 10 Mar 1881 - Thurs John SIMPKINS of Kinston married in 1857. J. Y. JOYNER age 21 on 4 March 1881 LaGrange. M: LaGrange - 5 Mar - W. S. FIELDS to Nannie dau. of Jere WARTERS. D: Jones Co. - buried Mrs. Jno. P. BRODGEN - 1 March. D: dau. of Mr. FRAZIER - burned - last week - White Oak D: child of Edward DIXON of White Oak - last week. M: 3 Mar - James VAUSE to Nancy dau. of Jacob KOONCE. D: 5 Mar - Kinston - Miss Annie WATSON - age 26. D: near Kinston - 6 Mar - Joseph WILLIAMS - age 48. F. McDANIEL exec for Wm. McDANIEL - Jones Co. Alonzo IPOCK moved to Kinston from Craven Co. - recently lost fingers on left hand. D: Mr. Shahane RICHARDSON - student at Trinity College - Junior Class - burned to death - from near Dover buried 2 March. 17 Mar 1881 - Thurs M: Beaufort, Carteret Co. - N. W. TAYLOR to Mary O. BUCKMAN of Beaufort - 24 Feb. W. J. GROVES of Baltimore moving to Kinston. Leinster DUFFY in Kinston moved from Onslow Co. 3 years D: 28 Feb - Shahane, son of Geo. A. RICHARDSON of Craven Co age 21y 11m - single. M: Lenoir Co. - 10 Mar - Stephen DAVENPORT to Cora WALLER at home of bride's father. M: 8 Mar - Institute - Richard SUTTON to Martha HARDY. D: Miss Blanche PARROTT - Kinston - 10 Mar - student for 3 years at Kinston Collegiate. D: Yadkin Hill, near Mrs. DIBBLE's plantation near Kinston Edward KENYON of Newport killed by James HARDY - both colored - age 15 - 12 March. Isaiah WOOD moved from New Bern to Beaufort a few years ago - has now moved back to New Bern - elderly. Benj. BROWN of Jones Co. has a son Joseph at Trinity College & a dau. at Wilson College. 24 Mar 1881 - Thurs John H. KING & wife M.A. - mortgage land Contentnea Neck to Reuben PHILLIPS, J.K. DAVIS, Joseph LASSITER land lot #3 of John KING, dec'd to John H. KING. Thomas F. WORLEY - late sheriff of Jones Co. 2 Mar - White Hall, Wayne Co. incorporated. John PEEBLES of Pitt Co. - late treasurer of Pitt Co. Rev. J. J. CONDEN of Jones Co. visited wife's father Capt. C. D. FOY of Jones Co. D: Lenoir Co. - 16 Mar - Hardy HILL - age 50. John W. HARPER of Caldwell Co. died Kinston during Civil War & buried in or near to Kinston. M: Kinston - 17 Mar - C. C. DAWSON to Lula V. TURNAGE. Hardy ANDREWS - colored - on 25 Dec 1880 in Jones Co. killed his child by posion - meant to kill wife. 31 Mar 1881 - Thurs M: Jones Co. - Z. T. KOONCE to Ella FORDHAM - last week. No births or deaths in Jones Co. last week. Jacob LANKSTON of Contentnea Neck - War of 1812 Vetern & Wil SUTTON of Wheat Swamp - War of 1812 Vetern last two in Lenoir Co. M: LaGrange - Joshua J. HERRING, Jr. to Miss WOOTEN, dau. of Robert WOOTEN of Vance - 23 March. M: Home of bride's father- 24 Mar - James STROUD to Jerusha NOBLE - all of Pink Hill. J. Q. JACKSON adm'r for Joel A. HEATH, dec'd. 7 Apr 1881 - Thurs James W. HARPER quits as editor & publisher of Kinston Journal - H. S. NUNN takes over. M: New Berne - James THOMAS to Alice DICKINSON of Adams Creek - 31 March. D: John GIBSON of Riverdale, near New Berne - 6 April - killed by John THORPE in self defense - leaves widow & 2 or 3 chn. James D. SUTTON adm'r for John H. COWARD. Miss Ella HERRING left New Berne for Lenoir Co. M: E. E. ROUSE to E. E. SUTTON of LaGrange. John HEATH of Tuckahoe, Jones Co., age 83 & his wife is 84 - married for 65 years. Tommy FAULKNER son of Rev. J. K. FAULKNER of LaGrange. George WASHINGTON of NJ visiting brother John C. WASHINGTON of Kinston. M: Home of A.C. HUGGINS in Jacksonville - 28 Mar - Dr. HOYT to Nannie MURRILL - all of Onslow Co. D: 25 Mar - John T. FREEMAN of Lenoir Co. - age 64y 2m 11d. 14 Apr 1881 - Thurs M: Greene Co. - Sudie HARGROVE to Geo. W. SUGG - both of Snow Hill - last week. Wm. H. WEST adm'r for John P. DUNN, dec'd. Susan E. HILL extrx for Hardy HILL. Jenny JARRAID vs. Benj. SUTTON (her father) dec'd other heirs. D: Mrs. Joshua J. HERRING, Sr. - 9 Apr - LaGrange. Mat. CARTER of Duplin Co. wife gave birth to triplets. D: Joel A. HEATH - 2 March. Mr. & Mrs. ROUNDTREE of Brooklyn, NY are visiting Mr. A. J. LOFTIN. D: Home of father - Lenoir Co. - Alex FIELDS - age 45. D: Kinston - 7 Apr - Laura wife of Henry GRAY - age 20. D: Home of Mr. S. HUDSON in Pollocksville, Jones Co.- 9 Apr Mrs. Julia HUDSON - age 85. D: Jones Co. - 10 Apr - George W. AMYETTE - age 25. 21 Apr 1881 - Thurs D: Greene Co.- Elder Parrott MEWBORNE - last week. D: Mrs. G. K. BAGBY of Kinston - 19 April. D: 13 Apr - near Catherine Lake - Johny B. son of Mathew & Margaret MARSHBURN - age 1y 8m 15d. D: Kinston - 19 Apr - Helen M. wife of Dr. G. K. BAGBY - 35 D: Bell's Ferry - child of Ed. JOHNSON - last week. 28 Apr 1881 - Thurs D: Home of J. F. KOONCE in Onslow Co.- 24 Apr - Miss Linsey MILLS - age 50. D: Lenoir Co. - Mrs. Annie SUTTON - age 74 - Bucklesberry 24 March. D: Capt. James WILLIAMS of Pitt Co. - 21 April. Stephen C. PHILLIPS in court for abandoning family. Croom STROUD - Lenoir Co. - quilty of having 2 wives - 1st wife left 7 years ago, so he remarried. D: Pearlie dau. of Thomas BROOKS of Hanrahans, Pitt Co. - burned to death - 21 March. 5 May 1881 - Thurs Valentine WARREN of Vanceboro is age 103. Louis son of Benj. PERKINS of Smith's Creek, Pamlico Co. missing 28 April 1881. M: Home of bride's mother - Kinston - 3 May- Leon ALBRITTON to Nora HUNTER. D: Mrs. Ben HARDY of Hookerton recently - leaves husband & several children. Isaac B. KELLY of Kennansville, Duplin Co. - age 70 - in business same place for 49 years on 25 April. Dr. S. A. BARTLESON found not quilty of larcency. 12 May - 1881 - Thurs J. P. HARPER's sons Jacob & Leland burned by hot water but recovering - LaGrange. M: David WALTERS of LaGrange to Nannie UZZLE of Wayne Co. 5 May. D: Woodard youngest son of Thomas ROUSE of Trent -last week D: Trent - Mrs. Elizabeth CAULEY - age 87 - 6 May. D: Albert HALL, age 16, drowned - of Duplin Co. - worked for Mrs. Nick HUNTER - 1 May - maybe black. A. W. OXLEY of Jones Co. - age 50 - formerly of Pitt Co. 19 May 1881 - Thurs Louis PERKINS - New Bern - body found - drowned. Thomas HARRISON of Trenton, colored, his son James age 17 - left home. Greenville - Walter POLLARD, age 12, & Johnnie NANCE, 11 left parents - 7 May - at Farmville. D: Austin COOPER, colored,Greenville-shot -resisting arrest D: 29 Apr - Richlands - Louisianna wife of Brinson VENTERS age 38y 1m - leaves 4 chn. ages 10 to few months D: Pitt Co. - Allen KITTRELL - scalded. 26 May 1881 - Thurs D: Jones Co. 23 May - Wm. POLLOCK - age 71. Rev. J. L. CARROLL of Lexington, Va. visiting New Berne. He married a dau. of Mrs. MITCHELL, who is now aged & at the home of W. F. ROUNDTREE. D: New Berne - Winsor COKER - 20 May - aged man. D: Memphis, Tenn. - Mrs. Anna LOFTIN, step-mother to A. J. LOFTIN - 15 May - age 80 - buried Elmwood Cem. D: C. J. ROUNDTREE of Boerne, Texas - 12 May - formerly of Wilson - brother to S. H. ROUNDTREE of Lenoir Co D: Near Swift Creek, Beaufort Co. - Dennis WIGGINS - age 60 2 Jun 1881 - Thurs James W. HARPER graduated 1868 NC State. D: Columbus son of Thos. M. GRADY - age 30 - single -27 May Duplin Co. - buried Family Cem. - leaves brother & father -Rev. Thomas WALLACE, nephew to & Isaac GRADY, son to Thos. M. GRADY. D: Charles J. ROUNDTREE - 12 May - Boerne, Texas - buried Boerne, Texas. D: Martha, only infant of Rob.S. & Fannie W. TAYLOR -age 6m D: Jones Co. - Sherrand HEATH - colored - 18 Apr - age 68. D: Jones Co.- Mrs. Sharrand HEATH - colored - 5 Apr -age 66 16 Jun 1881 - Thurs George L. LUCE of Kinston visits former home in Gales- ville, Wisconsin. M: Home of Thomas GASKINS, Craven Co. - 14 Jun - Benjamin SCARBORO to Clemmie GASKINS. D: Home of son-in-law - Jones Co. - 29 Apr - Mrs. Mary E. HARRISON - age 73y 10d. 23 Jun 1881 - Thurs Barney GREENE of Wake Forrest visits old home Kinston. D: 14 Jun - Lenoir Co. - John K. GRADY - in 62nd year - 1st born son of late Whitfield GRADY - leaves wife & chn.- buried Family burial grounds on his father old homestead. M: Fred ANDREWS to Mrs. HEATH - 16 Jun - all of Jones Co. Trenton, Jones Co.: Thos. HARRISON, 84, & brother Daniel HARRISON, 78, & Daniel's wife Mary, 79, & Alex RHODES, 80, & Lewis KOONCE, 90. 30 Jun 1881 - Thurs D: James McDANIEL of Jones Co. - 26 Jun - at home of E. R. PAGE - an old citizen. 7 Jul 1881 - Thurs D: Wm. PATE of Vance at home of Thos. PHILLIPS - 28 June - all colored. D: 28 Jun - Raleigh son of W.R. COX of Richlands -age 12/13 14 Jul 1881 - Thurs G. R. KORNEGAY, adm'r for Christopher LAWSON, dec'd. D: son of Thomas & Delia DAWSON of LaGrange - age 6-10 -Jul D: Jones Co. - 6 Jul - E. W. HAYWOOD - age 58 - son of late Dr. Lewis G. HAYWOOD of Lenoir Co. - leaves wife & 2 chn. - buried Pollocksville. D: Furney C. GOODING - Jones Co. - 5 Jul - age 63. D: Woodington - Mrs. Emma BECTON - buried 22 Jul - home of Jarman BECTON W. D. POLLOCK & Dr. Jno. A. POLLOCK brothers - Kinston Hardy Bryan CROOM b. Lenoir Co. 8 Oct 1787 oldest son of Gen. Wm. CROOM, dec'd. Grfather: Major CROOM & Grmother: Mrs. IMOW, second wife of Major CROOM & dau. of Col. Thomas HARDY of Tar River -Mother Mary, dau. of Col. Nathan BRYAN who died Phil. while representing in Colonial Congress. HBC in 1816 graduated State U. married Francis H., dau of Nathan SMITH of New Berne. Moved to Fla. In 9 Oct 1837, wife & 2 daus. & he drowned off Cape Hatteras in Hurricane. Children: Henrietta Mary age 15; Justinia Rosa, age 7 & son Wm. Henry, age 10 who also died in the hurricane. HBC had Richard CASWELL's papers and they were lost too. D: Ida E. dau. of Ivey ANDREWS - Kinston - 7 Jul - age 5m. D: Mathais E. MANLY - New Berne - 9 July. 21 Jul 1881 - Thurs M: Goldsboro - 13 Jul - Junius SLOCOMB to Annie DEWEY. Mrs. F. X. MILLER of Gainesville, Fla. visits Mrs. A. R. MILLER of Kinston. Windal TAYLOR charged with Abandoning family -Woodington Onslow Co. old men: Jere W. YOPP, 78; James HOBBS, 78; John BROWN, 89; Joseph ENNETT, 86; John YEATES, between 90-100; Thomas EDENS, 76; Thomas HILL, 77&1/2; Asa SIDBERRY, 77; Abner ERWIN, 77; Thomas JARMAN, 77; Britton DAWSON, 77, William ROBERTS, 83; James LANGLY, 83; Ben BRYAN, 82; Wright HORNE, 77; James PATRICK, 71; Daniel FUTRELL, 73; John R. FOUNTAIN, 70; Hezakiah FOUNTAIN, 70; & Fields BRINSON, 70. D: Home of Dr.F. M. ROUNDTREE, near Kinston - 15 Jul - Mrs. Hollon EDWARDS, wife of Cullen EDWARDS, dec'd in 71st year - a mother & grandmother. D: Kinston - 15 Jul - Henrietta dau. of Mrs. Rachel & Dr. V. E. WEYHER - age 18 months. D: 10 Jul - Pitt Co. - Guy Hamilton infant con of W. C. & J. A. BUTLER - age 2m 17d. D: Ida E. dau. of Ivey ANDREWS - Kinston - 7 Jul -age 7y 5m Wm. PATE's body dug up for autopsy - West VAUSE charged with his murder. D: Laura, wife of B. F. SUTTON, 17 July - LaGrange. 28 Jul 1881 - Thurs Richard CASWELL's grave marked by red oak in middle. D: Goldsboro - Wm. THOMPSON - 16 Jul - old - former sheriff son: E. A. THOMPSON. D: Emma dau. of John COWARD of Greene Co. 19 July. D: 10 July - Reprey wife of Hugh MAXWELL - age 59y 5m 25d - leaves husband & 7 chn. & 7 grchn. 4 Aug 1881 - Thurs D: Adam HANG of Raleigh - 3 Aug - Kinston - after helping to unviel monument to Richard CASWELL. 11 Aug 1881 - Thurs D: Jacksonville - Chas. Leonidas JOHNSTON - age 6 - 24 Jul John W. ROUSE of near LaGrange - ordered his coffin - in town to let everyone know that he is okay - says wants to give as little trouble when he is dead. D: Miss Mollie HARTSFIELD - buried 10 Aug - in family cem. at Lousin Swamp - died 8 Aug in Kinston. D: Henry Shirley son of Dr. H. O. HYATT - age 21m - in Watertown, Vermont - 2 Aug. D: George JACKSON - buried 21 Aug - Rose of Sharon Church. 18 Aug - 1881 - Thurs D: Daniel HARRISON - Jones Co. - 15 Aug - in 80th year - brother Thos. HARRISON, age 85, lives. 1 marriage license issued July 1881. D: Willie E. dau. of Benj. & I.P. SUTTON -9 Aug -4y 11m 21d D: 10 Aug - Mrs. Rebecca HERRING - in 67th year. D: Lenoir Co. - 7 Aug - Nancy widow of Whitfield GRADY in 69th year - kind stepmother - 2 stepdaus. D: Lenoir Co. - 3 Aug - Miss Vic L. KENNEDY age 21y 6m 5d - leaves mother & several brothers. D: E. W. HAYWOOD - Pollocksville - Aug. 25 Aug 1881 - Thurs M: LaGrange - 17 Aug - R. B. KINSEY to Miss Sac SUTTON. J. G. NETTLES adm'r for J. B. OUTLAW, dec'd. Dr. W. A. J. POLLOCK from Jones Co. back to Kinston. Sam CHADWICK back to Wilmington from Kinston. D: Miss Millie HARTSFIELD - Aug. D: 17 Aug - Blanche dau. of Benj. & I. P. SUTTON - age 17d. Blackledge HARPER had a cow stolen by Jim L. WILLIAMS & Martha WILLIAMS & Caroline HILL - all Woodington D: Matthais E. MANLY - New Berne - 9 July - b. 11 Apr 1801 Chatham Co. - moved to New Berne 1829. License issused 19 Aug - Jones Co. - Asa MARTIN, 88 & Ansey JONES, 60 - 8th wife for Asa -7th d. 3 Aug 1 Sep 1881 - Thurs 9 marriage licenses issued for August. D: 16 Aug- Robert Lee son of Council W.& Priscilla HARDISON age 1y 2m 20d. D: Jones Co.- 29 Aug - Ameta dau. of Harriet & Abner DAWSON age 1y 11m 20d. D: Trenton - 19 Aug - Bessie youngest dau. of Ida & Jos. A. SMITH - age 2. Wm. B. ISLER of Jones Co. now of Kinston. Zilpha dau. of F. D. KOONCE of Onslow at Peace College. D: Jones Co. - 15 Aug - Daniel HARRISON - b. Aug 1802 - leaves afflicted widow - Father: Wm. HARRISON b. Tyrell Co. moved to Jones Co. early. Mother: Sarah MALLARD - married (1) Mrs. Susan McDANIEL nee ANDREWS & (2) Miss Mary HARRISON - has bro. Thomas HARRISON age 86th year. D: Kinston - 24 Aug - J. M. HAWKINS - age 30. D: home of Wm. FIELDS, Vance -22 Aug - Richard ALDRIDGE -13 M: Kinston -home of W.D. RAYNOR -25 Aug - George F. PARROTT of Falling Creek to Julia F. BIZZELL of Sampson Students Monthly - LaGrange School Paper. M: LaGrange -31 Aug -C.P. BARROW to Lela REID -all LaGrange Jones Co. Spring Term Court - Rilley Winifred ANTWINE vs Lewis Franklin ANTWINE. 8 Sep 1881 - Thurs Tois - Bunyan & Lawrence WINSTEAD - both 15 - sons of Redmon & Jordan WINSTEAD -left their homes -3 Se D: Aug - Ann HINES - pauper. D: E. G. GRIFFIN - Kinston - 6 Sep. D: Edward COWARD - Greene Co. - 7 Sept - aged man. D: Oliver Clyde son of Jesse O. & Julia A. SUTTON - 1 Sept age 1y 5m 6d. D: White Hall - 29 Aug - Annie E. youngest child of G. P. & Lizzie DAVIS. 15 Sep 1881 - Thurs D: LaGrange - Harvey H. son of B. F. SUTTON - at home of Thos. SUTTON - 11 Sept - age months. D: son of Wm. McDANIEL of Jones Co.- buried Trenton - 8 Sep D: Trenton - 9 Sep - Hortense dau. of E. M. FOSCUE - buried 9 Sept. D: 12 Sep - infant of Elijah P. McDANIEL - buried 12 Sep. Several death notices crowed out of this issue D: Mrs. James E. NUNN - 13 Sept - Kinston. For death notices - 80 words or 10 lines free - all over is 10 cents per line. Willis WILLIAMS of Pitt Co. & son Thomas in town. D: F. G. GRIFFIN - b. 8 Dec 1822 Craven Co. - d. 5 Sep 1881 Kinston - leaves wife & chn. D: Kinston - R. L. WOOTEN of Moseley Hall - 8 Sep. 22 Sep 1881 - Thurs D: Nancy WHITTY - pauper. D: 7 Sep - Jeptha M. DUNN - age 33 - (male). D: San Antionio, Texas - 7 Sep - Robert son of Major Calvin HERRING, formerly of Lenoir Co., age 17. D: 7 Sep - Home of E. M. HERRING - Hortense B. dau. of E. M FOSCUE of Jones Co. - age 10y 10m - several chn. died before her. D: 27 Aug - Bessie dau. of Christopher & Maria POLLOCK of Jones Co. - age 1y 6m. Samuel R. KING of Onslow Co. has a son 1 week old with 5/6 teeth. Lacy PHILLIPS of Contentnea Neck 1st to pay taxes. Henry CUNNINGHAM, dec'd, Trent, used to be 1st to pay. 29 Sep 1881 - Thurs R. W. SUTTON exec. for Rosa HARDY - 29 Sep. Oscar H. KENNEDY exec. for Victoria L. KENNEDY. D: 19 Sep - Sand Hill - Mary Emily wife of John RHEM - 56. D: Marcus Walton eldest son of James E. & Carrie ROUSE - 7 Sep - age 6y 1m 25d. James WILKINS of Woodington moved to Kinston. D: Beaufort Station, NC - Rev. J. T. ARRINGTON grson of Mrs. Rev. Dr. CLOSS - 26 Sep. H. L. LUCE of Kinston formerly of Wisc. D: Frederick G. GRIFFIN - 5 Sep - Kinston. 6 Oct 1881 - Thurs Dr. N. H. STREET new in town. Jas. K. DAVIS adm'r for John L. ABBOTT, dec'd - Kinston. M: John W. SUTTON, Jr. to Nannie GRANT of Wayne Co. -29 Sep LaGrange. R. K. FIELDS & Isaac FIELDS sons of James FIELDS. Lovet HINES fought Frank DAIL - LaGrange. D: Capt. Berry A. PARKS - Wayne Co. - 31 Sep. D: small child of John HIGGINS - 24 Sep - LaGrange. Post Office Jericho changed to Seven Springs. D: W. W. TURNAGE - 28 Sep - Kinston. D: John L. ABBOTT - 28 Sep - Kinston. R.T. DAUGHETY Sand Hill son 10y 10m is a cotton picker. Funeral of E. W. HUMPHREY of Deep Springs, Jones Co. to be preached 3rd Sunday of Oct. D: 6 Sep - Home of J. E. B. MAY near Farmville, Pitt Co. - Cornelia wife of J. E. B. MAY - leaves dau. Ione D: 16 Sep - Mollie Ada dau. of James FREEMAN - 12y 4m 10d - leaves parents & brothers & sisters. 13 Oct 1881 - Thurs D: Tenn. - Mrs. Nancy TIMS, age 125, on 6 Oct 1881 - had 6 chn. - 1 son 90 in Texas only living - youngest child died 1843 age 25 - in Weakley Co. - Mrs. TIMS at Battle of Brandywine on 11 Oct 1776 help her mother to make bullets. 4 coffins made for paupers in Sep. D: Pollocksville - 9 Oct - Frank P. HALL formerly New Berne D: Wm. PATE. I. F. JARMAN released poll tax - very sick Received money to keep up fences & gates: L. M. SUTTON; G. F. PARROTT; J. P. HARDEE; J. M. BROWN; J. A. POLLOCK; J. W. DALY; G.W. HERRING; Madison LAMB; DAVIS & SCARBORO; Mrs.E. WARTERS; Jos. LASSITER; Joel ELMORE; J.P. BROWN; L. HARVEY; W.L. KENNEDY Wm. I. HERRING; J. T. ASKEW; O. H. KENNEDY; W.H. WILLIAMS; John W. ALDRIDGE; A. D. PARROTT; J. B. HILL; Shade JACKSON; B. F. SUTTON; E. L. SUTTON; A.T. KENNEDY; J.H. DARDEN; J.A. PRIDGEN, guard.; J.L. KENNEDY; Dr. F.M. ROUNDTREE; Isaac BARWICK; John BARWICK; S. E. HODGES; Everett SUTTON; W.J. WARTERS; Richard SUTTON; J. & D. WOOD; Ben T. PARROTT; J. F. PARROTT; G. W. CAPEL; & Ashley T. KENNEDY. D: dau. of Sheriff WARREN of Pitt Co.-in Greensboro -10 Oct D: Seth M. CARPENTER of New Berne - Bro. E. W. CARPENTER of Syracuse, NY - body buried Syracuse, NY. John ROUSE, Esq. of LaGrange was in town Tuesday. He said his chief business in Kinston was to see a Dentist & to get a set of teeth for his old sow who had become too old to chaw clabber. This is the same John ROUSE that got a bootblack in New Berne, once upon a time, to attempt a "shine" on Nature's shoes - his bare feet. The blacking was easy enough to get but the "shine" wouldn't come and the lad failed to get his money. Eloped: Henry M. WHITEHEAD of Lenoir Co. leaving grown dau. & several small children - with Mrs. W. J. TAYLOR, wife of ex-sheriff of Greene Co. & takin her son age 4 - last week. 20 Oct 1881 - Thurs Wm. C. FIELDS exec. for Alexander FIELDS, dec'd. Dr. V. E. WEYHER has a sister & an uncle in Vienna. Sent to Oxford Orphanage: Missouri & Mattie dau. of Issac PITLAND, dec'd. 27 Oct 1881 - Thurs D: Greene Co. - Miss Lucy ORMOND. 4 marriage licenses issued for Oct - 3 colored & 1 white Ben MAY & John GARDNER, both white, of Wilson, killed by Cary HILL, colored, of Wilson. 3 Nov 1881 - Thurs D: Josiah WOOTEN - aged citizen of LaGrange - 30 Oct. D: wife of Elder MOORE of Snow Hill - 21 Oct - has several daughters. Dr. C.C. PEACE, great-great-grandson of Elizabeth DURANT, dau. of Col. DURANT of Durant's Neck, has her loom date of 1728. Mathew FIELDS & Mary JACKSON - F/A. M: 27 Oct - Home of bride's mother - Jno. P. BROGDEN to Laura O. PRICHETT of Jones Co. M: Home of bride's father - 27 Oct - Geo. ROUNDTREE of New York to Meta DAVIS. 10 Nov 1881 - Thurs Levi BECTON, dec'd, land adjoined Jarman BECTON. M: 8 Nov - Home of bride's mother - Ormandsville, Greene Co Rev. R. H. WHITAKER of Raleigh to Fannie ORMAND. M: 2 Nov - Home of bride's father - Thos. COX to Fannie FERRELL - all Sand Hill. M: Pitt Co. - 30 Oct - H. F. BROOKS to Miss E. F. PATRICK. D: Trent - 7 Nov - John S. DAVIS - age 55. D: 9 Nov - Cecil youngest son of James A. PRIDGEN - age 3. D: Greene Co.- Mrs. Lanie CHURCHILL, age 92 - 1 Nov -mother of Mrs. J. K. NOBLE of Pink Hill. 17 Nov 1881 - Thurs L. WOOTEN - colored lunatic. Jesse BROWN - released poll tax - old & sick. Richard L. DAUGHETY - released from poll tax - over 50. Eli CAULEY - released poll tax - over 50. Adam SINGLETON - released poll tax - over 50. D: 15 Nov - near Johnson's mills - Mrs. Isaac JOYNER - 35. D: Onslow Co. - 14 Nov - Olive oldest dau. of John F. & Callie COX - age 5. D: Richlands - 9 Nov - Catherine O. wife of J. H. FOY - age 53y 5m 2d. D: Jones Co. - 2 Nov - Wm. David son of F. F. & Orpy Olivia CIVILS - age 1y 9m 20d. 24 Nov 1881 - Thurs D: H. H. SANDLIN of Onslow Co.- funeral to be 27 Nov. D: Pitt Co. - John Ghost ELIOT - age 80 - buried Greenville Mt. Olive 1 Oct Lucy Amelia dau. of J.F.& Mary L. OLIVER age 6m 17d. D: 14 Nov- Thos. Hill son of J.W. & Martha ALDRIDGE -1y 21d D: Lizzie wife of C. E. SCOTT - 2 Nov - age 23 & infant son died 7 Nov - leaves husband & 2 sons. D: W. J. CORBETTA age 47 - 18 Nov Kinston buried Wilmington 1 Dec 1881 - Thurs J. C. WOOTEN exec. for Josiah WOOTEN. R. EDWARDS of LaGrange - jewish merchant. Susan widow of Job JARMAN Richlands sick -in 72nd year. Charley SIMMONS formerly of Jones Co. now of Texas. D: 15 Nov Bear Creek, Jones Co. - Amanda Victoria dau. of John & Sarah GILBERT - age 4y 8m 21d D: John Y. YOPP - 30 Sep 1881 - Stump Sound. 8 Dec 1881 - Thurs D: infant of B. B. WINDLEY of Trenton. D: dau. of Jno. B. ANDREWS of Beavers Creek, Jones Co. At Benj. STANLEY - 7 deaths this fall - Jones Co. D: Mr. SMITH at Stout B. HUGGINS Jones Co. - young stranger M: Home of bride's mother Mrs. Martha TAYLOR - Henry H. MOORE to Ida H. TAYLOR - 1 Dec. D: Mrs. James STROUD wife of Wm. STROUD - age 35 - leaves 10 chn. age 2 weeks to 16. Georgie TILGHMAN adm'r to Charles TILGHMAN. 15 Dec 1881 - Thurs A. P. SMITH released poll tax - resident of Wayne Co. Bartholomew FIELDS released poll tax - bodily infirm Benjamin DAWSON released poll tax - bodily infirm. June MURPHY released poll tax - over 50. Frederick JONES vs. Calvin E. JONES for division of land D: Jones Co.- Mrs. Jane PARKER -aged - 9 Dec buried Trenton D: Nancy DAUGHETY - Nov - pauper. D: Susan PATE - Nov - pauper. D: Goldsboro 4 Dec - P. H. GREGORY - an aged citizen. M: Henry SHANNON to Lillie GALLOWAY - 8 Dec - Goldsboro. M: Goldsboro - 10 Dec - Jno. W. EDWARDS to Mollie MALLARD. M: Home of Stephen GOODING, bride's father -Lenoir Co. 7 De Nathan P. SMITH of Onslow Co. to Lavenia GOODING M: Home of Benj. HICKS groom's father - Onslow Co. 8 Dec - Frederick HICKS to Puss SMITH. D: Mrs. R. F. BRIGHT - Vance - 13 Dec. D: Mrs. Huldah KENNEDY - Falling Creek - 12 Dec. Dr. A.J. POLLOCK of Warrengton, Fla. formerly of Kinston 22 Dec 1881 - Thurs D: Snow Hill - Jas. TAYLOR - aged - 20 Dec. M: Home of T. L. HARTSFIELD - 20 Dec - Thos. C. PHILLIPS to Lula P. COX - all Lenoir Co. D: Debbie C. BRIGHT wife of R. F. BRIGHT. D: J. S. DAVIS - 8 Nov. D: Kinston - Mike MANN - 20 Dec - Goldsboro - young man. M: Home of bride's father - Institute - Henry E. WARTERS to Nettie ALLEN - 13 Dec. M: 18 Dec - Home of bride's mother - Emmet TINDAL to Martha N. SHEPPARD - all Lenoir Co. 29 Dec 1881 - Thurs K. S. MIDYETTE in Kinston 7 years moving to Oxford. D: 21 Dec - Grace JARMAN, colored, Tuckahoe, Jones Co. had 20 chn. youngest 60 - age 115. Mrs. Ada HUNTER SMITH dau. of Mrs. Mary HUNTER. M: 25 Dec- Home of bride's father Dr. S.B. WOOD Bells Ferry Lenoir Co. - B. C. KILPATRICK to Ellen WOOD. D: Mike MANN - 20 Dec - came to Kinston Aug 1880 -young man 3 Jan 1882 - Thurs C. E. PERRY adm'r for Jane TILGHMAN, dec'd. M: 29 Dec - Kinston - C. W. BURT to Emma V. WEST. 12 Jan 1882 - Thurs Richlands: House of Thomas HOLLAND burned - son Stephen & dau. Ella & son-in-law John COX escaped fire. D: Israel ROUSE - pauper - Dec 1881. D: Celia BENTON - pauper - Dec 1881. D: Milly WAYNE - pauper - Dec 1881. Jacob COX released from poll tax - bodily infirm. Alphonso PATTERSON released poll tax - listed by error. T. J. MEACHEM & family of Black Creek, Wilson Co. move to Kinston. M: Mr. FOY to Alice PITTS - 5 Jan - LaGrange. M: Ben GRADY to Ann COTTON - 5 Jan - LaGrange. LaGrange Baptist Review moved to Goldsboro. D: 9 Jan - Kinston - Jennie sister to Sam CHADWICK. Windal TAYLOR found quilty of abandoning family. J. B. NOBLE of Sand Hill a bachelor for over 20 years. M: Home of bride's father Joseph B. BRYAN of Aurora, Beau- fort Co. - Burney PIVER of Morehead City to Rissie B. BRYAN. M: 1 Jan - Home of bride's father Woodington - Jonas HILL to Penelope DEBENPORT. D: 9 Jan - her home in Kinston - Miss Jennie CHADWICK - 17. 19 Jan 1882 - Thurs R. B. BASSETT & family moved from Richlands to Goldsboro D: LaGrange - John MEASLEY - 13 Jan. M: LaGrange - Dan WILLIAMS to Nancy A. HERRING - 12 Jan. James ALBRITION of Lenoir Co. sick at son Elais' house. George ROUNDTREE of New York City formerly of Kinston. D: Emanuel WHEATFIELD of Kinston: from & buried Baltimore 16 Jan. D: 6 Jan - Craven Co. - Clarissa TAYLOR - age 84. Croom STROUD returned from prison released by Gov. - in for bigamy. M: 12 Jan - Home of bride's mother - Jones Co.- H. R. KOR- NEGAY of Kenansville to Eleanor Josphine KOONCE D: near Aurora, Beaufort Co. - 31 Dec 1881 - James L. CARR in 54th year - buried Lenoir Co. by his mother. 26 Jan 1882 - Thurs D: T. T. ASKIN of Beards Creek, Pamlico Co. - 22 Jan - leaves wife & 3 small chm. D: Mrs. Eliza BELL of Swansboro - 1st death in over 6 month in Swansboro. Age 60 - died 23 Jan. D: Sam SMITH of Johnson' Mill, Pitt Co. - last week. M: 19 Jan - Home of C. C. DAWSON Institute - John C. DAWSON to Annie TURNAGE. M: E. R. Stanley TULL to Annie, dau. of A. L. WILSON of Phildelphia - 19 Jan at Phildelphia. 2 Feb 1882 - Thurs Thomas HARVEY, Sr., dec'd lands for sale for division by A. HARVEY, exec. D: Dr. H. F. MURPHY of Pender Co. - 30 Jan - son is J. D. MURPHY of Bethel Academy, Lenoir Co. & brother of C. Tate MURPHY Sampson Co. died 2 weeks ago. J. S. WOOTEN guardian of Myrtie WOOTEN vs. J. C. WOOTEN adm'r for W. T. WOOTEN. W. N. ANDREWS of Bear Creek, Chatham Co. age 67: his grandfather Wm. MARSH died age 101 & his gr-grf Robert MARSH died at age 100 & his grgr-grfather Wm. MARSH died age 103. 9 Feb 1882 - Thurs Mortgage Sale of Sylvester & Alice LAWHORN by Wm. C. FIELDS and sale by G. W. & Ugenear MESHAW to Wm. C. FIELDS. O. H. KENNEDY exec. for Huldah I. KENNEDY. D: New Bern - murdered Jos.M. AGOSTINE 2 Feb by Henry BRYAN colored - leaves dau. & 3 sons - was an old man. D: Jones Co. Ed PERRY - 1 Feb. Ellen HILL of Ga. visits Mrs. Chauncey GRAY of Kinston. J. F. HENRY of Brooklyn, NY visits sister Mrs. A. R. MILLER of Kinston. D: W. F. LOFTIN of Sand Hill - 7 Feb - buried 10 Feb. D: Dr. H. F. MURPHY of Pender Co. - father of W. D. MURPHY of Kinston -b. Black River, New Hanover Co. & married Miss SIMPSON only dau. of James SIMPSON survived by wife & large family. M: Home of bride's father Amos W. TAYLOR - Lenoir Co. - 1 Feb - George SIMMONS of Duplin Co. to May M. D: 11 Dec 1881 - Mrs. Huldah I. KENNEDY. D: James ALBRITION father of Elais ALBRITION - age 77y 8m - 4 Feb. - born Greene Co. buried 5 Feb Greene Co. 16 Feb 1882 - Thurs D: Hollan WIGGINS - pauper - Jan D: Mrs. Rosey MOORE, wife of Capt. N. S. MOORE - age 50 - last week in Swansboro. Ephraim QUICK released poll tax over 50 years. D: Mrs. Titus CARR of Greene Co. - 8 Feb - old. Easter WILSON of Bristol, Tenn., black, owned by Isaac CHESTNUT - sold when 18 & taken to Tenn. - Mother: Bettie WOOTEN owned by Jno. C. WOOTEN; 2 brothers: Robert KIRKPATRICK & George WOOTEN; 3 sisters: Ailcy KIRKPATRICK, Sallie ROUNDTREE, & Mariah WOOTEN. George WOOTEN belonged to Miss Holland WEST; rest belonged to Isaac & wife Penny CHESTNUT & their chn.: Lemuel & Caroline. Wants to locate her family. M: 8 Feb. - home of bride's father Pink Hill - F. M. HARDY to Lola V. JONES. M: Home of bride's father Craven Co. - 7 feb - Jesse A. ALDRIDGE of Beaufort Co. to Lula T. DIXON. 23 Feb 1882 - Thurs D: Home of Sherrif DAVIS -21 Feb -age 62 - James L. CANNADY buried 23 Feb. D: Greene Co. Dr. F. W. DIXON. D: Bishop WIGHTMAN of M. E. Church South in Charleston, SC 11 Feb - age 74. M: 15 Feb - Beaufort - Dr. G. K. BAGBY to Harriet DILL. M: 16 Feb - Home of groom's mother Lenoir Co. - James S. BROWN to Claro SUTTON. 2 Mar 1882 - Thurs M: Wm. E. GRIMSLEY of Snow Hill - 22 Feb - to Minnie O. MURRILL of Gum Branch, Onslow Co. M: To be married - 28 Feb - Jas. GERGANUS of Jacksonville to Annie DURHAM of Rocky Point, Pender Co. D: 14 Feb - Miss Agnes KELLUM - leaves aged mother. M: Ben F. FIELDS to Bettie BREWER - both of LaGrange - 23 Feb - in LaGrange. M: 22 Feb - Home of bride's father Onslow Co. - W. E. GRIMSLEY of Greene Co. to Minnie MURRILL. M: 19 Jan - Home of bride's father N. B. JOHNSON - Charles J. JOHNSON to Mary S JOHNSON - all Woodington. M: 23 Feb - Home of W. T. JOHNSON - Frederick JONES to Lizzie JOHNSON - all Woodington. 9 Mar 1882 - Thurs M: Broad Creek, Carteret Co. - Miss LEWIS of Beaufort Co. to Wm. SIMMONS of New Berne - 5 March. M: Henry CONOWAY & Sylvania RIGGS dau. of Michael RIGGS - 24 Feb Onslow Co. - Henry son of G. W. CONOWAY last name RIGGS maybe BRIGGS as reported one way D: Annie EUBANKS - 20 - last week in Swansboro. D: Nettie HASKINS - 19 - last week in Swansboro. Wm. SUTTON of Falling Creek age 87 in town. Susan C. CANADY adm'rtx for James L. CANADY. M: Home of bride's mother in Swansboro - 21 Feb - Claudius B. FRAZZLE to Maggie dau. of Capt. E. CRAMMER - all of Swansboro. M: Home of bride's father Swansboro - 1 Mar - David J. MOORE to Henrietta dau. of E. M. FARNELL - all Swansboro. M: Home of bride's father Yell Co., Arkansas - 23 Feb - James M. NUNN formerly of Lenoir Co. to Florence LOGAN. D: 12 Jan - Jones Co. - Mary wife of late Daniel HARRISON age 81. 16 Mar 1882 - Thurs D: Prince WOOTEN & Oliver TILGHMAN - March - paupers. Alexander GREEN released poll tax - bodily infirm. M: Wiley ROUSE of Trent age 64 to Mrs. BECTON age 50 -7 Mar Wm. E. HINES of LaGrange moved to near Institute. M: James NORRIS to Laura SIMPSON - all Swansboro - 3 Mar. M: Dexter MORTON to Mary I. dau. of C. S. HEWETT - 5 Mar. M: Home of James HERRING - 5 Mar - Wm. STROUD to Della A. TURNER of Duplin Co. M: Home of Birklry SMITH - 27 Feb -Frank STROUD to Flora J. HOPP - all of Trent. M: home of George L. SUTTON - 7 Mar - Wiley ROUSE of Trent to Mrs. Elizabeth BECTON of Woodington. M: Home of bride's father Onslow Co. - Henry CONAWAY to Sylvania RIGGS - 22 Feb. 23 Mar 1882 - Thurs Office of Journal to move from to New Berne with J. W. HARPER editor of New Berne Commercial News - next week issued as New Berne Journal. D: W. F. LOFTIN - Feb 1882.