NC, Lenoir, Will of John Kennedy ========================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by from Bill Hill, Nov 2000. ========================================================== Mrs. Harry Murray (Hope Hartsfield Kennedy Murray) had the original copy of this will. She generously allowed it to be copied by Sue Rouse of Heritage Place at the Lenoir Community College. Sue in return was gracious enough to allow me(Bill Hill) the opportunity to copy the will. I am very glad tosubmit it and grateful to Beverly Kennedy German for transcribing it. Bill Hill Beverly German John Kennedy Will In the name of God Amen I John Kennedy Sen of the state of North Carolina and County of Lenoir being well stricken in year and quite infirm in body and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for man once to die do this ninetenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two make and ordain this my last will andtestament in manner and form following (to wit) I recomend my soul to God that gave it my body to the earth to be buried in a christian like manner at the discretion of my executors herein after to be mentioned and as touching what wordly estate it has been pleased God to bless me with in this life I leave and dispose of in the following manner (to wit) 1st I leave unto my beloved wife, Jenny Kennedy one bedstead an furniture two choice cows and calves two horses two plows and gears three choice sowsand pigs one woolen wheel and cards one linnen wheel two pots and hooks two pot tramels one falling leaf table one small table seventy barrels of corn two thousand pounds of good merchantable pork all the dung hill fowls two of the best axes two best hoes two good spades two good grivling hoes one yoke of oxen cart and cart wheels six plates and one dish half-dozen cups and saucers half dozen knives and forks all the chairs one third of the lot of land hereafter given to Walter Kennedy in this will also one thirdpart of the lot of land hearafter given to Richard Kennedy in this willalso I lend unto my wife Jenny the following negrows Squire and Jack oneloom harness stays one scythe and cradle one skillet one frying pan. After the death of my wife Jenny I give the above described perishableproperty to my four daughters (viz) Persis, Sally, Nancy Kennedy and Elizabeth Jones to them and their heirs and assign forever. 2nd I give unto my son John B. Kennedy all the lot of land that I bought of Jesse Wiggins and others to the spring branch and a small piece of the sameland that reaches over the said branch also all the land that I bought of William Barwick, up to said branch said spring branch is to be the dividing line between said John and Jesse Kennedy also one half the Solomon Wright land on the south west side of Tison Marsh road, also all the property heretofore put in his possession to him and his heirs and Assigns forever. 3rd I give unto my son Jesse Kennedy all the land I bought of Joshua House up to the spring branch also a small part the Barwick land that crosses the spring branch and the said branch is to be the dividing line between said Jesse and John B Kennedy also one half of the Solomon Wright land that lies on the southwest side of theTison marsh road also all the property heretofore put in his possesion to him and his heirs and assigns forever. 4th I give unto my son Walter Kennedy my Caldwell plantation beginning at a dead pine near the Pool or sandy run branch Jesse Kennedy Sen Jacob Parrotts and my own corner and running North 18 st 118 poles to a bay tree near the Pool branch then north 33-11 stakes, 10 poles to a post oak then 54 east to said branch, and then up said branch to where it forks then with the right hand fork up to Smith's line a pine (now burnt down) then with Smith's line to a pine said Smith's corner not far from where Harrison made a tar kill then North 25 S 25 poles to Wright's line, then with said Wright's line to a blackjack in the head of the big meadow near the road said to be Caswells or Wright's corner then S 54 S 160 poles to a pine Parrott's corner then with said line S 47 W 66 poles to a pine said Parrott's corner then So 38 E 94 poles to a stake in said Parrott's line then south 63 West 215 poles to a stake in Parott's line then south 11 West 44 poles to a poplar then to the beginning also I give unto the said Walter one horse one cow and calf one bedstead and furniture two sows and pigs one negrow man named Squire after the death of my wife to him his heirs and assigns forever. 5th I give unto my son Richard Kennedy all the residue of my land not heretofore given away in my will, also one horse one cow and calf two sows and pigs one bedstead and furniture one church bible, and one Negrow man named Jack after the death of my wife to him his heirs and assigns forever. 6th I give unto my daughter Persis Kennedy two negrows named Charity and John one bedstead and furniture one cow and calf to her her heirs and assigns forever. 7th I give unto my daughter Sally Kennedy two Negroes named Jo and Mary one bedstead and furniture one cow and calf and one woolen wheel to her her heirs and assigns forever. 8th I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Jones the following Negroes (viz) Cate and her children, also fifty dollars to be raised out of my estate to her, her heirs and assigns forever. 9th I give unto my daughter Nancy Kennedy two negroes named Tom and Smithey, one bedstead and furniture one cow and calf to her and her heir and assigns forever. 10th and lastly my will and desire is that my property not heretofore given away in my will be sold on a credit of six months and all my just debts paid, and the balance of the money arising therefrom to be divided among all my heirs. I nominate and appoint my two sons John and Jesse Kennedy executors to this my last will and testament ratifying and confirming it to be and the same disallowing and making void all other wills or wills heretofore by me made in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal the day and year above written, in the presence of Thomas Hood, John Hood and William Smith. signed John Kennedy seal July 19, 1832 An Abstract of the will of John Kennedy Sen. of the State of North Carolina and County of Lenoir writtem the nineteenth day of July, 1832 showing Family Members. My Beloved Wife JENNY KENNEDY My four Daughters PERSIS SALLY NANCY ELIZABETH K. JONES My sons JOHN B. KENNEDY JESSE KENNEDY WALTER KENNEDY RICHARD KENNEDY My sons JOHN AND JESSE To Be Executors I Have today examined the last will and testament of John Kennedy dated 19 July, 1832, and find thr photocopy of it to be a true copy of the original. The photocopy of the will includes 4 pages. The original will is in the possession of Mrs. Harry Murray (Hope Hartsfield Kennedy Murray) RFD # 3, Kinston, North Carolina. Signed Betty Johnson Bill Hill