MACON COUNTY, NC - COURT - MACON SUPERIOR COURT, MAY 1891 PUBLISHED IN THE FRANKLIN PRESS, May 13, 1891 - Vol. VI, No. 8 Below we give a summary of a few cases disposed of in the Superior Court here last week. Most of the cases not given were continued. Love vs. Ingram, compromised judgement. Wright vs. J. Ford, administrator, continued. John Shope, exparte, continued and order. Mallonee vs. Anderson, verdict and judgement for plaintiff for $157.00 M.E. Addington vs. L.A. Jarrett, referred. Marshall & Bruce vs. Saving Bank, continued for certificate of Supreme Court. Hilliard vs. Brown, continued. Hilliard vs. Green, continued. Morrisou and Duvall vs. West, judgment against defendant for cost, and that plaintiffs and defendant reconvey the land in controversy to H.C. Shepard. Barrell vs. Burrell, continued. L.M. Bateman vs. Mose Batey & Bateman, misstrial and plaintiff takes a nonsuit. Ashe vs. Town of Franklin, verdict and judgment for $50 damage for plaintiff. Wilson vs. Railroad, compromised. Conley vs. Vaughn, continued. Cline vs. Woodward, referred. L.C Ford and wife vs. A.B. Verdell and J. Reid. After the evidence was all in the Court intimated that the plaintiffs could not recover in this action and the plaintiffs, in deference to His Honor's intimiation, submitted to a nonsuit and appealed to the Supreme Court. Singer Co. vs. C.C. Moore, compromised. Mary E. Bell vs. R.H Jarrett & Sons, cerdict and judgment for defendants. Willie M. Mundew vs. R & D. R. R. Co., judgment for plaintiff for $500.00 damage. A.P Munday vs. A. Croonenberghs and Edmond Vonder Meeersheen, judgment for plaintiff for $759.00. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joanna Loops ___________________________________________________________________