MACON COUNTY, NC - NEWSPAPERS - Hardscrabble News, 19 Nov 1920 ==================================================================== Submitted by Dawn Watson Source: The Franklin Press, Franklin, Macon Co., NC, Wednesday, November 19, 1920, Volume XXXV, No. 47, p. 2 Hardscrabble News. Nov. 16.-Hog killing is on a boom these rainy days. Misses Annie Anderson, Anniemay and Marie Huscusson were visiting Miss Leila Huscusson Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. L. Kinsland spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ramey Saturday. Mrs. Allen Dills and children were visiting Mrs. Harley Ledbetter Sunday. Mr. Zeb Anderson spent Saturday with Mr. Lax Dills. Mr. Jesse Guffee passed through this section one day last week going to Franklin on business. Messrs. Raleigh Guffee and Ellis Anderson took dinner with their grand-father, Mr. R. A. Anderson, Sunday. Miss Cecily Dills has been reported on the sick list this week. We hope she will soon be out again. Mr. R. A. Anderson has also been reported on the sick list. Mr. Willie Huscusson was the guest of Mr. Zeb Anderson Sunday. Miss Florence Anderson was visiting Miss Annie Anderson Tuesday. Mr. Herbert Dills returned home last week from Easley, S. C. Mr. Nonly Anderson gave a corn shucking one night last week. A large crowd was there and reported a good supper and a nice time. We had a spelling match at the Poplar Cove school house Friday afternoon. Messrs. Ed and Walter Johnson were the leaders. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ramey took dinner with Mrs. Ramey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dills, Sunday. There will be a box supper at Poplar Cove school house next Saruday night, November 20th, for the benefit of the school. Everybody is cordially invited. A protracted meeting is expected to start at Maiden's Chapel next Sunday. We hope for a good attendance. Mr. Lester Dills is wearing a bright [word blacked out]. It's a boy. PAPA'S TWINS. ==================================================================== Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dawn Watson ====================================================================