MACON COUNTY, NC -- NEWSPAPERS -- MISC. LOCAL AFFAIRS, APRIL 1891 LOCAL AFFAIRS PUBLISHED IN THE FRANKLIN PRESS, April 8, 1891 - Vol. VI, No. 3 - Rev. S.H. Harrington is putting up a new smoke-house. - Mrs. C.D. Bowers, of Highlands, is visitng friends in Franklin. - Brother A.E. Pinkard's card was received too late for our last issue. - Bill Nye has arrived in Asheville, and Asheville is well nigh happy. - Mrs. J.W. Terrell, of Webster, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Laura Robertson, of our town. - We were pleased to see Capt. Wm. P. Moore, of Clay, in town Saturday and Sunday. - Any person killing fish in streams with dynamite is subject to $50 fine or 30 days imprisonment. - Mr. J.N. Hood's new dwelling is assuming housely proportions and will be a handsome structure. - C. Smith, of Ellis, Kans., T.L. Garrison and wife, Cardiff, Tenn., are registered at the Franklin House. - Solicitor Geo. A. Jones returned home from Transylvania court last Friday and left Saturday morning for Waynesville. - The Franklin High school will give a public entertainment next Friday evening. The public is respectfully invited to attend. - We were shown last Monday a fine specimen of corundum picked up on the land of Clark Guy on Fish Hawk mountain in Macon county. - M.R. Kimsey, Esq., and Miss Sallie Carroll were married at the residence of Andrew Groves, in Clay County, on the 2nd inst., Rev. J.S. Brooks officiating. - Hon. Kope Elias has been invited to deliver the literary address at the Weaverville College Commencement on the 17th of June, and has accepted this invitation. - We learn from the Atlanta Journal that W.S. Long, Ordinary of Rabun County [Ga.], recently married his grandfather to an elderly bride. It was the fourth marriage of both bride and groom. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joanna Loops ___________________________________________________________________