MACON COUNTY, NC -- NEWSPAPERS -- LOCAL AFFAIRS, APRIL 1892 LOCAL AFFAIRS PUBLISHED IN THE FRANKLIN PRESS, April 27, 1892 - Vol. VII, No. 6 - Yesterday was our [The FRANKLIN PRESS] birthday. - Mr. J.J. Wilson moved into his new house on Iotla street last Thursday. - Col. B.M. Ledford, of Cherokee county, was in town last Friday and Saturday. - Next Monday is the time for electing a major and five alderman for Franklin. - Any person having a good milk cow to sell can find a purchaser by calling at this office. - Mr. W.R. Johnston was with home folks from Saturday evening to Tuesdsay morning. - We were glad to see Mr. Barak Wright, of Highlands, in town the latter part of last week. - Rev. W.A. Simmons and Miss Laura Ritchie, of Rabun county, Ga., are visiting the family of ye editor. - There will be a Grand Alliance picnic at Cowee May 7th free to all. Some prominent speakers will be present. - Mr. W.T. Bryson, aged about 45 years, died at his home on Sugarfork last Wednesday morning of pneumonia. He was unmarried. - Dr. N.F. Howard, of Dahlonega, Ga., has our thanks for remittance and kind words of praise for the PRESS. He has been a constant reader ever since the paper first started. - One hundred votes cast in Macon county for a third party man would defeat a democrat and elect a republican. Is it not important that democrats begin to wake up and go to work? - Messrs. Lyle & Shepherd received their new 16 H.P engine last Thursday, for their new machine shops. They are expecting a plant for the manufacture of doors, sash and blinds, and expect to put their machinery in operation soon. - Mrs. Stanton, a Northern lady, who has been boarding at Mr. Davies' at Cullowhee [Jackson county] died last Saturday morning of consumption. The Franklin Furniture Co., furnished a very handsome coffin in which to ship the remains to her home. - Rev. Geo. A. Sparrow, formerly of Washington NC, has been elected by Mecklenburg presbytery, a commissioner to the general assembly of the Presbyterian church, which meets at Hot Springs, Arkansas next month -- STATE CHRONICLE. - Rev. Dr. Price, now of Morristown, Tenn., who has won such a famous reputation as an educational lecturer, has consented to be present at the High school commencement and deliver a series of his best. A rich treat is in store for all those who attend. - We learn that an attempt was made last week at Waynesville court by a Yancey county man, to assassinate Solicitor Geo. A. Jones, but through mistake he attacked Jas. M. Moody, but was prevented by others who happened to be present from doing any damage. - Mr. N.J. Kelley, of Jug Tavern, Ga., made a pleasant call at our office last Wednesday evening and spoke good words of the PRESS and set his subscription forward a year. Mr. Kelley is a brother of Mr. M.L. Kelley, of our county and came on a visit to relatives in Macon and Jackson. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joanna Loops ___________________________________________________________________