MACON COUNTY, NC -- NEWSPAPERS -- MISC. LOCAL AFFAIRS, MAR 1891 LOCAL AFFAIRS PUBLISHED IN THE FRANKLIN PRESS, MAR. 11, 1891 - Vol. V, No. 51 - A big lot of Kentucky Clover Seeds at Jarrett's. - Mr. J. Johnston has given his front fence a new coating of white. - Since the 1st day of last December there have been sixty-four rainy days. - Solicitor Geo. A. Jones returned home from his circuit last Wednesday evening. - Messrs. S.H. Allison and Ed. England, of Clay county, were in town Tuesday. - We regret to learn that Mr. W.R. Stalleup is quite unwell with an attack of la grippe. - Hon. Kope Elias wen over to Clay last Thursday on a business trip and returned yesterday. - Charley Smith's new sign attracts attention. He disowns that part on the bottom of the jug. - The high waters and bad roads prevented the arrival of mails on nearly all the routes last Monday. - Mrs. R.H. Jarrett who has been quite sick more than a week, we are glad to note is able to be out again. - Mr. W.T. Cabe bid off the contract to build the bridge across Tennessee river at the mouth of Sugarfork at $109.50 - We are very sorry to learn that Mrs. W.H. Higdon and Mrs. Geo. A. Jones are quite sick, but hope for their early recovery. - Mr. Henry Love who was so severely burned last Wednesday morning died Friday morning after two days great suffering. - Mr. E.W. Hollies, of Brookville, Kansas, was in town Thursday. He is travelling in the interest of the Congregationalists in building up schools among the poor. - Hon. J. Frank Ray arrived home from the legislature last (Tuesday) night. He had to walk fifteen miles from Balsam to Dillsboro on account of a slide on the W.N.C.R.R. - Mr. Geo. A Jones, like the rich man of old, is tearing down his old barn and building a new one. We hope he is not actuated by the same motives and will not meet the same fate of the rich man. - A.L. Dillard, Sheriff of Rabun county, Ga., was in town Monday. He informed us that Thomas Wilburn and George Ball broke out of Clayton jail last Saturday night, and made their escape. They were in jail for breaking into Mr. J.B. Dillard's mill and stealing some meal in January. - Mr. E.N. Warner, of Michigan, called in to see us today. He has come south for the benefit of his health and is stopping with Mr. Geo. A Jacobs, of Cullasaja, for the present. He expresses himself as being quite well pleased with our section. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joanna Loops ___________________________________________________________________