MACON COUNTY, NC -- NEWSPAPERS -- MISC. LOCAL AFFAIRS, MAY 1891 LOCAL AFFAIRS PUBLISHED IN THE FRANKLIN PRESS, May 13, 1891 - Vol. VI, #8 - George Tilson was in town this week. - Mr. W.R. Johnston is at home on a short visit. - Workmen are remodelling the belfry on the Methodist church. - The Jolly Tramp is the latest from Judge's Library, and jolly it is. - Rev. J.A. Deal left yesterday to attend the Episcopal Convention at Asheville. - Misses Jessie Rogers and Nora Welch, two of Waynesville's most charming belles, are visiting in Franklin. - Jr. Jesse S. Moore left Monday for a business trip South, to be gone some time. The good wishes of the PRESS go with him. - The annual commencement exercises of the Cullowhee High School begin today. Rev. J.H. Weaver is to preach the commencement sermon. - Last Sunday as Rev. James Bristol Co., was going to church his horse became frightened at an umbrella and ran away, doing considerable damage to his buggy. - We were gratified to have Mr. T. Baxter White, of Highlands, spend a night with us while attending court last week. Mr. White is a very intelligent and good citizen of the "Gem of the Mountains." - The Franklin High School Nine and the Burningtown Rough and Ready Nine will have a match game of baseball near Iotla Ford, four miles below Franklin, next Friday afternoon, to which all are invited. - A light frost on the morning of the 6th and a heavier one of the 7th did a great amount of injury in some places to potatoes, peaches, apples and beans. It is feared that the fruit crops are ruined and early wheat slightly damaged in places. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joanna Loops ___________________________________________________________________