MACON COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Estate of William Carpenter, 1836 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dawn Watson ==================================================================== Will Book 1, Macon Co., NC, pp. 14-16 William Carpenter's Will In the name of God, Amen. I William Carpenter of the county of Macon and State of North Carolina, Being in right mind and memory. (Blessed be God) do make and ordain this my last will and Testament. Item 1st I will that after my death all my Funeral expences be paid and 2ndly all my just debts Item 2nd I will that my wife Peggy shall have all my beds, Bed-steds and Bed furniture, with the Kitchen Furnature, One Cupboard that is in the big Room. With a sufficient portion of Cupboard furniture. 2 Black Walnut Tables. Six Sitting Chairs. Four Cows with the calves (if they have them). She is to take choice out of the stock. Two Horse Beasts. Charley & the filly I got of Henson. And old Fox is to be kept on the place and well taken care of so long as he lives for the good he has done me. Thirteen Head of Hogs, ten of them for meat, and three open sows. She is to take her choice. Also, to have one years (support) of meat corn & wheat and other articles & two ploughs, and two pair of [Geernig?], and four hoes, two [swingle?] trees, two exes, one mattock, one Iron Wedge, her side saddle, two Bridles, with all the Fowls on the place. Also, I give her my part of the plantation whereon I now live Beginning on a Hickory Corner near the old meeting house and running to the Head of the still House Branch, and down that to where it crosses the Road coming from the Meeting house to the still House, thence with that Road to the ford of the creek, Thence crossing the creek. Then up this side of the creek, to the [cleared?] land, then with the [clarede?] land, to the state Road. Then with the state road to Wikle's line and she is to have all included between said line and the River. So long as she lives a widow or until her death. But so soon as she marries it is to go as I may further direct. And my Mother Marthy Rogers is also to have her support, as one of the family of said land Item 3rd I give to my son David Carpenter the use of my Wilke's plantation, as low down as the crop fence so long as he shall stay on it and keeps said plantation up in good fix. Also I give him my Black Mare called Muskrat. Also it is my will that my son David should keep up my mills, and if he does so for to pay himself. And the overplus to be sold agreably by the Directions of my Executors. Item 4th The Ballance of my land to be rented or disposed of to the best advantage for the Heirs Item 5th I have given to my son Jacob one mare & saddle, which I confirm to him. Also I give him five dollars. Item Sixth. I will that my personal property not mentioned or willed shall be sold on a [cre**] of twelve months and divided equally between my sons and daughters. Also all the proffit from the rent of lands and mills to be equal between my sons and Daughters. Viz David, Boliver, Humphrey, Henry, Benjamin & Jackson, and Daughters. Caroline, Avaline, Amy, Sally, Matilda, and each one to their Equal part as they become of age. Item 7th I will if my wife die or marry all the personal property then on hands shall then be sold and equally divided as above Item 8th I will that when my son Jackson shall arive to the age of 21, that all the land that I possess shall be equally divided between my sons David, Boliver, Humphrey, Henry, Benjamin and Jackson either to sell the lands and divide or divide the lands as they may think best. Item 9th I will that the old Mrs. Bradly have the use of the place that she now lives on so long as she shall live on the same, and no longer Item 10th I will to Sally Bradley Bradly all that tract of land formerly old [Mr.?] Bradley's that lies on the north side of the Branch Down to a conditional line made between said Bradley and myself and I further will that my friend Jacob Palmer be my Executor - Witness my hand and seal this 7th day of January 1836 Wm. Carpenter seal John Howard (Jurat)