MACON COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Estate Inventory, Lorenzo D. Drake, 1868 ==================================================================== Transcribed by Dawn Watson Inventories of Estates, 1866-1868, Macon Co., NC, p. 75 Schedule of property sold belonging to the estate of L. D. Drake dec'd, Feby. 29th 1868 1 sow & 4 pigs Sidney Slagle $10.00 1 jar Mrs. Ellen Moore .70 1 jug J. W. Cansler .25 1 " J. W. Cansler .35 1 Brown Mare Rebeca Drake $11.00 1 saddle B. W. Bell 10.50 1 Bridle John Sawyer 1.25 ===== 19.05 Accounts of L. D. Drake W. T. Siler $ 2.00 Bony Ridly 1.00 N. G. Allmon 1.50 B. G. Jacobs 1.00 J. B. [Leon?] 2.50 John Jacobs 4.50 J. W. Baldwin 1.50 John Wyant 2.50 Tall Fouts 2.50 Ellie Baldwin 1.00 ===== 20.00 1 Note for 18.00 Record of Settlements, Vol. I, Macon Co., NC, p. 7 Macon County -- In the Court of Probate Stephen Porter administrator of L. D. Drake Decd. asks leave to make this his final settlement of the estate of his intestate. to wit: Stephen Porter administrator of L. D. Drake Dd. To amt. of Inventory of sale of Intestates property on file in this office $94.05 To Interest on note of John Sawyer .67 ----- $94.72 Cr. By Widows allowance (years support) $75.00 " " Receipt of R. A. Woods for funeral expeses [sic] 16.00 " " " from R. C. Slagle County Court Clerk (costs) 5.15 " " fee paid Allman for making settlement .50 ----- $96.65 From the above the administrator has expended $1.93 cts more than come into his hands April 16th 1870 L. H. Allman Judge of Probate ==================================================================== Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dawn Watson ====================================================================