Montgomery County, NC - State & Delamothe v. Parsons & Harris, 1814 ~~~~~~~~~~ Taken from NC Archives, General Assembly Records, 1814 Petition. To the Honorable. The General Assembly of North Carolina now in Session. The Petition of David Tillman and others of the County of Montgomery respectfully sheweth that some time in the year 1810 they were summoned witness's in behalf of the State against Joseph Parsons and Claibourn Harris who were indicted in the Superior Court of Wake County for a misdemeanor on the charge of having forged and presented the resignation of a Justice of the Peace of the County of Montgomery while said Parsons and Harris were members of the General Assembly from that County. The indictment was instituted at October term 1809 and the defendants were tried and acquitted at the Spring term in 1811. At Wake County Court February term in 1812 your petitioners made application to said County Court for allowance for their attendance but their claims were rejected by said court upon the grounds that there was no law in existence which bound the counties respectively to pay the costs of any state prosecutions other than those brought for Capital offences. Your petitioners further state that they have been advised by good counsel that the decision of said court was correct and that the act of assembly requiring the counties to pay the expenses of their state prosecutions does not embrace the case in which we attended and your petitioners who were compelled by law to attend court several terms at a distance of more than one hundred miles at great expense can receive no compensation except the General Assembly will allow their tickets accompanying this memorial they therefore pray that your honorable body will allow the same. Montgomery County, November 10th, 1814 Issac Biles David Tillman Benjamin Bell Cyrus Hearn John Kirk assignee of Wm. Moore Edmd McClendon assignee of John Pritchard State of North Carolina Superior Court of Law Wake County Spring Term 1811 The State Henry Delamothe Cyrus Hearn charges the State for vs 2 days attendance at .10 per day Joseph Parsons & 220 miles travelling and 1 ferrage Claibourn Harris $4.15 Benjamin Bell charges the Plft for 3 days attendance travelling to and from court 210 miles and 2 ferrages $5.28 Wm Moore chages the Pltf for 3 days attendance at .10 per day 200 miles travelling and 2 ferrages $4.19 Issac Biles charges the Pltf for 2 days attendance, 230 miles travelling to and from court and 4 ferrages $4.74 John Pritchard charges the Pltf for 3 days attendance at .10 per day, 220 miles travelling and 2 ferrages $5.60 David Tillman charges the Pltf for 3 days attendance at .10 per day, 220 miles travelling and 2 ferrages $5.94 ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Phillip Furr - ______________________________________________________________________