MONTGOMERY COUNTY, NC - MILITARY - Morris, Zebedee W., Compiled Service Records - Confederate ----¤¤¤¤---- Morris, Zebedee W. - Company K, 11th North Carolina Infantry Regiment, CSA [Son of Elias and Sarah Morris of Montgomery County NC. Transcription © by Marshall L. Styles, From National Archives Records The following entry may be found in Jordan's North Carolina Troops 1861-1865, Volume 5, History of the Eleventh North Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company K, published by the State of North Carolina: MORRIS, ZEBEDEE W., Private, Resided in Buncombe County where he enlisted, April 27, 1863, for the war. Present or accounted for until hospitalized at Richmond, Virginia, on or about October 20, 1863 with a gunshot wound of the left ankle. Date of wound reported as August 12, 1863. Returned to duty in January - February, 1864, and present or accounted for until wounded in the right arm at or near Petersburg, Virginia, August 21, 1864. Right arm amputated. Reported absent wounded through February, 1865. The Confederate Service Records of Corporal Zebedee William Morris Company K, Eleventh Infantry Regiment, North Carolina Troops - Confederate Buncombe County, North Carolina 27 April 1863: Enlisted (Volunteered) in the Confederate Army at Swannanoa, North Carolina by Colonel W.A. Young, for three years or the duration of the war. Assigned to Company K, 11th Bethel Regiment, North Carolina Infantry, State Troops. [The regiment was soon transferred to General A.P. Hill’s Third Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by General Robert E. Lee. May - June 1863: Company muster roll for the period indicated Private Zebedee Morris present for duty at Cashtown, Pennsylvania near Gettysburg, Company K, 11th Regiment. Name appears in column of manpower present as Zebedee Morris. July - August 1863: Muster rolls notes, "Private Zeb M. Morris, Company K, 11th Regiment, Deserted July 26, 1863. Voluntarily returned to duty August 10, 1863. Name does not appear in column of names present." A second muster roll for the same period notes "Present for duty. Name appears in column of names present as Zebedee W. Morris." [note: little distinction was made between absent without leave (A.W.O.L.) and desertion unless the period extended past 60 days.] 26 July 1863: Absent without leave - Deserted. Noted on August 1863 muster roll. 10 August 1863: Voluntarily returned to duty from desertion. 21 September 1863: Medical register issued at Receiving and Wayside Hospital, General Hospital number 9, Richmond Virginia. Z.W. Morris, Company C, 11th Regiment, North Carolina Troops, admitted on September 20, 1863. Dispositioned to Samaritan Hospital, Richmond Virginia, September 21, 1863." The record is footnoted, "Confederate Archives, Chapter 6, File no. 106, page 195." The Medical Director’s office at Richmond issues a "Furloughs and Discharges Register" reflecting that Z.W. Morris, Pettigrew’s Brigade appears on the register at Samaritan Hospital, suffered a gunshot wound of the left ankle and great debility [weakness] on August 12, 1863. Furlough of 30 days to Buncombe County, North Carolina until October 20, 1863. 29 September 1863: Hospital Muster Roll of Sick and Wounded Soldiers, Samaritan Hospital, Richmond Virginia. Private Z.W. Morris, present, admitted as a patient on September 21, 1863. Last paid by Captain J.M. Young as of 30 June 1863 at Cashtown, Pennsylvania [one day prior to the Battle of Gettysburg. Zebedee was in Pickett's Charge on 3 July 1863.] September -November 1863: Muster rolls indicate he is "Absent from duty. Home on sick furlough. Deserted July 26, 1863; joined from desertion August 10, 1863." December 1863:"Z.W. Morris absent from duty. Home on sick furlough; furlough out 1st December. Absent without leave." January - February 1864: Present for duty. March - April 1864: "Present for duty. Name appears in column of names present as Zeb. W. Morris, last paid by Captain Tate as of December 31, 1863." May - June 1864: Present for duty. July - August 1864: "Private Zebedee W. Morris absent from duty, Company K, 11th Regiment. Wounded and in Hospital at Richmond, Virginia." September 1864: "Hospital muster roll of soldiers, sick, 6th Division, General Hospital, Camp Winder, Richmond Virginia, beginning August 31, 1864. Last paid by Captain Young as of May 1, 1864." October 1864 - February 1865: "At home on wounded furlough." Zebedee did not return to duty - the wound required the amputation of his right arm at the shoulder. An undated entry in his service records is a "Confederate Roll of Honor - Zeb. W. Morris, Company K, 11th Regiment, Leventhorpe’s, North Carolina, in accordance with resolutions ratified by the General Assembly of North Carolina on December 20, 1862." Following the war, Zebedee became a Justice of the Peace in Madison County NC, where he died in 1895. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Marshall Styles ___________________________________________________________________