MOORE COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Duncan Murchison, 4 Jul 1853 ----¤¤¤¤---- Moore County, NC Will Book C:75-76 I, Duncan Murchison, of the County of Moore and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind and memory and mindful of the uncertainty of my earthly existence, do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament, hereby revoke all other wills by me made heretofore, that is to say; Item 1st. I wish my executor hereafter named to defray the expense of funeral to be conducted according to the wishes of my family and friends out of the proceeds of my estate. Item 2nd. I give and devise to my beloved wife Fanny Murchison one thousand acres of land, situate on either side of Big Pocket Creek including the plantation on which I live, being the lands I got from Andrew Cole, William Goin mixed, John Cole and Murdock McIntosh, including the old mill seat at the lower end of the plantation, to have and to hold during her natural life. Item 3rd. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Fanny and her heirs the following personal property, to wit; ten negroes and their increase, Fanny, Bill, Morris, Willis, Daniel, Winny, Adam, Neill, Nancy, and Mariah, all my household and kitchen furniture, stock of all kinds, farming utensils, and every household article of furniture owned by me at my death, except such as shall be hereafter directed to be sold by my executor. Item 4. I will and direct that my real estate except as above directed, and all negroes except those above-named shall after my death be sold at public sale on a credit of twelve months by my executors and that they collect all debts due to my estate and out of the proceeds of the sale of said land and negroes and money collected, that they pay my just debts. Item 5th. I will and desire that my executors after my debts are paid shall as soon as possible give to my dear wife two hundred and fifty dollars to her use and benefit, and out of the proceeds of the sale of land and negroes and other money on hand, if any, into nine parts equal parts and they said [--d] to my sisters and brothers of whole blood and to the children of such of them as are dead, to wit; that they pay one ninth part to my sister Peggy Sinclair, one ninth part to my brother John Murchison, one ninth part to my sister Nancy Murchison widow of Jess [?] John Murchison, one ninth part to my brother William Murchison, one ninth part to my sister Jennet Worthy, one ninth part to my sister Isabella England, one ninth part to my brother Colin Murchison, one ninth part to my sister Polly Tyson, one ninth part to my brother Kenneth B. Murchison. I nominate and appoint Kenneth H. Worthy [crossed out] my nephews Alexander Murchison, K. H. Worthy, and David Rogers my executors. This my last will and testament according to its time, interests, and meaning. In testimony whereof I, Duncan Murchison, have set my hand and seal on the 4th day of July 1853. Duncan Murchison (seal) In presence and Acknowledged Thos. Cole C. Chalmers A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Duncan Murchison, decd, is exhibited for probate in open court by Frances A. Murchison therein named, and the due execution thereof by Duncan Murchison is proved by Thos. Cole, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and is was proved by the oath and examination of A. H. McNeill that (he is well acquainted) [crossed out] Charles Chalmers, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto is now dead, and it was further proved by the oath of, and examination of the said A. H. McNeill that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of the said Charles Chalmers, having often seen him write and that name of the said Charles Chalmers subscribed as a witness to the said will is in the handwriting of the said Charles Chalmer, it is thereupon considered by the court that said paper writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of the said Duncan Murchison, and the same is ordered to be filed and recorded. A. H. McNeill, Clk. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Karen Matheson ___________________________________________________________________