NASH COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Nathan G. Joyner, 26 Aug 1871 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Helen Sharpe ==================================================================== I Nathan G. Joyner of the State of North Carolina and County of Nash being weak in body but of perfect mind and sence memory and understanding do make this my last will and testment in form and maner folowing to wit I gave my soul to almity god who gave it and my body to be buried at the discretion of my executor hereafter named. Item my will and desire is that all my just debts and funerl charges be first paid then all my worldly goods be disposed of in maner following Item I lend to my dear belived wife Orfa Joyner all the land that I know own and all the persnenl and pershable property that I know own to have and to hold her naturel life and at her deth all of which to be equely divided betwen my beloved daughter Nancy Joyner and my beloved sun Neverson V. Joyner to them and to thare hairs and assigns forever I do also constitute and appint my trusty friend James E. R. Winstead executor to this my last will and testamant inwitness whareof I hereunto set my hand and seal this the 26 day of August 1871 Attest John Bone Jas W. Winstead Signed: Nathan G. (his mark) Jouner (Seal) The following information was attached to this will. Motion made to establish the Will of Nathan G. Joyner, Decd, John Bone & J. W. Winstead witnesses thereto introduced John Bone being duly sworn says that he wrote said will and read it to the testator and signed it at the testator's bequist and in his presence, and also at the time of making the will, the Testator was sound as to mind & Memory and perfectly capable of making said Will and disposing of his property. James W. Winstead ..........states that he heard the will read to the testator by J. Bone and signed it in the teslutury presence and at his request. That he was of sound mind and memory and perfectly capable of making a Will and dispursing of his property thenby Cross examination of J. Bone, I think he was a man of ordinary intellect and was capable of not being influenced. I wrote the will the same day he asked me. to also He said he had thought to give a bed to his daughter Milly, but his wife could do that. I think his wife had right smarts influence over him.The neighborhood report was that the Mrs. Orphy Joyner & Hillsman Joyner got on very badly. It the neighborhood report says that Hellman Joyner went to the old man's hous & cursed him and abused him about twelve months ago. I remember when Rublens was married and don't know that there was any objection to his marrying. J. W. Winstead examined by Pl...Councel. The old man said that Hillman Joyner conducted himselfe badly & on one occasion cussed him in his house and threatened to knock his brain's out. Transcribed by: Helen Sharpe