NASH COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Humphrey Revel, 28 Nov 1831 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Johnny Ray Revel ==================================================================== Page 379 28 Nov. 1831 Will of Humphrey REVEL (father of Wm. & Elijah Revell) N.C.State Archives 28 June, 1983 xeroxgraphic copied WILL OF HUMPHREY REVEL In the name of God Amen, I Humphrey REVEL of the county of Nash and state of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed by God, do this twenty eighth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirty one make & publish this my last will & Testament in manner following that is to say First my desire is that all my just debts be paid out of my notes and accounts. Second I give and bequeath unto my wife Delilah, three negroes Lewis, Elick, and Moriah, one horse called Buck, one mule called Jenny, twenty dollars in notes, ten dollars in money, one sow and seven pigs, ten shoats, two cows & calves, one called "hart" & her calf & one called "mulihead" & her calf, five head of sheep average of my stock, all my flock of geese, two beds & steads, first & third choice & half the furniture that belongs to all my beds, one rigg and harness, one side saddle & bridle, twenty-five Barrels of merchant corn, ten barrels of short corn, six blade stacks of the average fodder, two jack dagons, two flukes & one half share, average of the kind, two weeding hoes & one grubbing hoe average of them kind, ten gallons brandy, seven bushels of wheat, all my earthen ware, & one tin coffee pot, sett knives & forks, two water pails & one tub, two plow frames, two pair of ----------------- ---------------two backbands and one loom & gear, one wheel & two pair of cards, three hundred pounds seed cotton, two axes average, one horse cart and wheels, forty pounds sugar, twelve pounds coffee, one thouseand pounds pork, two bushels and half of salt, four Bushels of clean peas, one third of the cyder casks & one half of the apple mill to her and her heirs forever. I also lend to my wife Delilah one equal half of the tract of land whereon I now live & the following articles, one desk, one clock, one chest, one walnut, & one pine table, one candle stand, one rocking chair, & six other stool chairs, & one buffet, during her natural life time or widowhood & no longer. Third, I give and bequeath unto my son William N REVEL an equal half of my negroes that are not given to his mother, all the tract of land whereon I now live reserving to his mother the loan before mentioned. One half of all my notes and accounts (except eighty dollars & as much more as may be necessary to pay off all my just debts) one sorrel mare called "Pidgeon" & her colt, one black mare called "Dunny" -one bridle and saddle, one yoke of oxen, ox cart, wheels & yoke, my shot gunn, one bed stead & one faourth of my bed furniture, one half of my apple mill, one third of my cyder casks, half the brandy still, half of my cattle, hogs, sheep, corn fodder, wheat, peas, & cotton not given to his mother, one half the property lent to his mother at her death or marriage - 570 turn over - (to next page) and one half of all the other porperty not otherwise disposed of to him & his heirs forever. * Fourth. If my son Elijah H. REVEL arrives to the age of twenty one years or becomes the father of a lawful heir I give & bequeath unto him my tract of land bought of William DOZIER, an equal half of all my negroes not willed to his mother, fifty dollars of my notes, one gray mare called "Jenny", one mule called "Jack", one saddle & bridle, one third of the Cyder casks, one half of my brandy still, one bed stead, and one fourth of my bed furniture, one half of my cattle, hogs, sheep, cornfodder, wheat, peas, cotton except what is given to his mother and half the property lent to his mother at her death or marriage except the land and also one half of all my other property not otherwise disposed of & one half of my notes and accounts after taking from them what has already been mentioned; but should he dye before he arrives at the age of twenty one years or before he becomes the father of a lawful heir, I then give and bequeath the property thus allotted for him unto my son William N. REVEL. Will of Humphrey REVEL, continued My desire is that all the property I leave to be equally divided betwixt my two Sons William N. & Elijah H. REVEL be sold for that purpose except the negroes, & for them to be divided betwixt them by Bennett BUNN, Bennett BARNES, James T. BARNES, James hUNTER & Willie RICKS or a majority of them. It is also my desire that my son William take into his possession his property whether he be of age or not, w 4hout having a guardian, and I hereby make & ordain my son Willian N. REVEL & Timothy TINELL executor of this my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I, the said Humphrey REVEL have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year above written. Signed sealed & acknowledged in presence of Lemon LANE Humphrey REVEL Interlined before Signed James TIPAMY State of North Carolina Court of Pleas & Quarter Session Nash County February Term 1832 The foregoing paper writing purporting to be the last will & testament of Humphrey REVEL was exhibited in open court & duly proven by the oath of Lemon LANE, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto & on motion ordered to be recorded. Attest - Benj. H. BLOUNT, b.b.b. and is recorded in ordinance to the above order. B.H. BLOUNT b.b.b. 571 NOTE: This document was scanned into MSWord as received from Velma James. I do not know whether the mis-spellings are as they were in the actual will or whether they are typos from the transcription. Johnny Revel 9 Aug 1999.