Newhanover County NcArchives Court.....Rosset - Warrant, Lewis De 1747 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a August 5, 2009, 3:26 pm Source: Colonial Records Of North Carolina Written: 1747 Warrant to Lewis De Rosset concerning the imprisonment of Juan Gudemis et al. Ward, Edward January 26, 1747 Volume 22, Page 262 To the Sheriff of New Hanover County or the Gaoler of the publick Gaol— Greeting: I send you herewith the bodys of Juan Gudemis, Manuel Rodrigues, Juan Deiadis, Gudzlexis Del Rosario, who were brought before me by Capt. John Shippe, who deposeth on Oath that he was Chief Mate of the Schooner Sarah, Robert Graves Master, from the Bay of Honduras and bound to Boston in New England, and that in the Latitude of 30 degrees 76 minutes Long., on the 10th of this Inst. January, he was taken by two Spanish Privateers, Capt. Besent & Lomann Sixteen tun Carreage Guns & that they took the Capt. on board the privateer with two of the men belong to their schooner and left him with one foremast man on board & put the above sd Spaniards with them with orders to follow the privateers and that they having no instrument on board or provisions, the above sd. Spaniards surrendered themselves with the vessel to him to carry her into the first Port he could gett into and that he brought her into Bear Inlett. You are safely to keep the sd persons till they Can be Carried in a Flagg of Truce to some Spanish Port, and for you so doing this shall be your Warrant. Given under my hand, character and seal this 26th day of Janty, 1747. EDWARD WARD, J. P. I do hereby Authorize and Depute John or Arthur Averitt to take the within mentioned prisoners into his custody & Deliver them to the Sheriff or Gaoler at Wilmington. Given under my hand this 26 Jany, 1747. EDWARD WARD. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb