Newhanover County NcArchives Court.....Smith, Rev. Michael 1759 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a August 1, 2009, 9:42 pm Source: Colonial Records Of North Carolina Written: 1759 Memorial from the Vestry and parishioners of St. James Parish, New Hanover County concerning the work of Michael Smith St. James' Parish (New Hanover County); Et Al. October 01, 1759 Volume 06, Pages 58-60 [From North Carolina Letter Book of S. P. G.] Memorial of the Churchwardens &c of Hanover County in favor of Mr. Smith. Oct. 1st 1759. Whereas the Revd Mich Smith (being apprehensive of having incurr'd the displeasure of the venerable society for the propagation of the Gospel, by removing from his late care to the Parish of St. James, New Hanover County) hath besought us, the churchwardens & vestry of the sd parish to testify of his conduct & morals during his residence amongst us, we do hereby certify that, he has behaved himself with a decency, regularity and diligence becoming his function, and we do firmly believe that he has neither increased his salary nor lessened his labor, nor lost the opportunity of doing equal good by his exchange. He is obliged to attend at 6 different places, in order to render the benefits of his preaching more diffusive, and curb (if possible) an Enthusiastic sect who call themselves anabaptists, which is numerous & which was daily increasing in this parish & which we affirm has already received a check from his labours. We therefore pray the Venble Society, to permit the sd Mr. Smith to continue amongst us and to give him the usual salary. Since the established income of the clergy here (thro' the bad credit of our currency) does not exceed 50 Guineas in value a year wages (in reality) too small for such labourers, and our circumstances will not admit of its increase, we could wish we were of consequence enough to recommend the whole Province to the Pious care of the Venerable Society; for the Harvest is great indeed & the labourers but few. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 1st day of Oct. 1759. JOHN LYON, Merchant & Justice of the Peace CALEB GRAINGER, Planter, Colln of the No. Carolina forces on the Norn Expedition & Justice of the Peace. JOHN SQUIRES, Planter GEORGE MERRICH, Planter & Capt of a Provincial Company JOHN SWANN, Planter memb of his Majesty's council & Colln of a Provincial regiment. JOHN ASH, Planter representative in the house of assembly for New Hanover County. JONATHAN EVANS, Planter. BENJAMIN EVANS, Planter. JAMES PORTIVINT, Planter, Justice of the Peace for New Hanover County GEORGE MEARS, Planter, Justice of the Peace for New Hanover County We whose names are underwritten, Parishioners of St. James' and inhabitants of Wilmington in New Hanover County, do heartily concur with & join the vestry of the said Parish in Testimonium & request in behalf of the Revd Mich Smith, this 1st day of Octr 1759. LEWIS JOHN DeROSSETT, Planter & member of his majesties councl & receiver general of the trust. SAMUEL SWANN, Planter, Speaker of the house of assembly. JOHN MOSELEY, Planter BENJr HERON, Lieut in his majestys navy. WILLm WALKER, Sheriff of New Hanover County. WILLm ROSS, Planter, Judge of the Court of Admiralty GEOr MOORE, Planter, Representative in the house of assembly for New Hanover County. MARMak JONES, Merchant & Eminent Lawyer. JNO DuBOIS, Merchant Justice of the Peace for N. Hanover County. JOSHUA TOOMER, Notary Public, Postmaster, Coroner for Wilmington ARCHd MACLANE, Clerk of the Supreme Court. JOSEPH BLAKE, Planter. JOHN SAMPSON, Planter, Colln of a Provincial Regt Justice of the Peace. EDWd WIGHT, Doctor of Medicine MOSES JNo DeROSSETT, M. D. JOHN MORRIS, Merchant FREDk GREGG, Mercht Leiut Colln of Provincial Regt & Justice of the Peace THOMAS JONES, Planter HENRY HYRNE, Planter File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb