Newhanover County NcArchives Court.....Wilmington, Voters In 1780 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a July 28, 2009, 8:50 am Source: Colonial Records Written: 1780 List of voters in Wilmington Jones, Thomas 1780 Volume 15, Pages 237-238 POLL BOOK OF WILMINGTON, 1780. VOTES FOR SENATOR. VOTES FOR COMMONERS. VOTES FOR A MEMBER FOR YE. TOWN John DuBois. John Cowan. John DuBois. John Cowan. Alex. Wilson. Duncan Nelson. Charles Bishop. Issaac Portewine. James Mansfield. Peter Batston. James Devane. James White. James Evans. Edmund Moore. George Jacobs. William Walker. Peter Portewine. Abram Roberts. John Jones. Thos. Rogers. William Grant. Alex. Wilson. James Molpus. James Walker. Thomas Moseley. Jacob Powell. William Evans. James Hall. Wanny McLammy. David Flowers. Isaac Portewine. James Hall. Elias Howell. James Devane. Dan Atkinson. Wm. Howard. David Flowers. George Moore. John Gordon. William Howard. Charles Bishop. John Ferguson. Peter Portewine. Peter Batston. Thomas Graham. John Gordon. George Newton. David Forbes. David Forbes. James Portwine. John Downie. Thos. Rogers. Jacob Stoakley. William Todd. James Molpus. Thomas Simmons. James Henderson. Jacob Powell. Ewd. Spearman. James Geekie. Wanny McLammy. John Simpson. James Bradley. Dan'l Atkinson. Peter McLammy. John Kirkwood. George Moore. John A. Campbell. Thos. Stoakley. James Geekie. James Kennear. John Smith. George Newton. Henry Molpus. Thos. Stead. James Bradley. James Hysmith. James Bland. James Portewine Jeremiah Doan. Henry Brooks. Jacob Stoakley. Wm. Sharpless. Thomas Flere. John Kirkwood. James Wright. Dan'l Bernard. Thomas Simmons. Joel Parish. Richard Player. Ewd. Spearman. James Middleton. Wm. Maxwell. John Simpson. John Nichols. Thomas Scott. Peter McLammy. Dan'l McKenney. James Spiller. John A. Campbell. Henry Waters. David Bassett. Francis Harvey. John Sykes. Richard Bradly. Wm. Maxwell. Thomas Davis. John Gillard. James Kinnear. Mauris Jones. John Drummond. Henry Molpus. Walter Ross. Martin Lenard. James Hysmith. Ezekiel Morgan. James Harper. Jeremiah Doan. John Swan Jones. Lee Dickeyson. Wm. Hewit. John Murphy. Peter Harris. James Wright. William Hill. George Smith. John Miller. John Miller. Henry McLorinan. Joel Parish. James Doty. Thomas Harris. Daniel Wheeton. Alex. Rouse. Petter Harris, sen. James Middleton. Daniel Wheeton. James McKinney. John Nichols. Francis Harvey. Florence McCarthy. Daniel McKenney. John Wright. John Hopkins. Henry Waters. John New. Robert Bannerman. John Sykes. Isaac Lamb. Thomas Henderson. Thomas Davis. John Averyson. Francis Bruie. Maurice Jones. Phillip Rivenbark. David Ross. Walter Ross. Wm. Williamson. John McKay. Henry Rooks. Parker Quince. John Nutt. Ezekiel Morgan. Thos. Devane. Thomas Brown. John Swan Jones. Jacob Williams. William Player. John Murphy. Thomas Mosely. William Wilkinson. Wm. Hill. Samuel Webb. James Tate. Richard Player. James Bordeaux. Hugh Walker. James Doty. John Devane. Wm. Baker. Alex. Rouse. Thomas Bloodworth. Joseph Bland. James Spiller. John Riley. James Jones. John Wright. William Hooper. Thomas Nichols. John New. William Mosely. Arch. Ronaldson. Isaac Lamb. Geo. McCullock. Barrier Steed. John Averyson. Sam'l Bunting. Jacob Friout. Phillip Rivenbark. Robert Woodside. Robert Johnston. James Harper. Thomas Woodside. John Ringrose. Lee Dickeyson. Richard Miller. Elijah Crandle. Parker Quince. Thomas Player. John Moore. Henry McLoriman. Edmund Corbin. William Green. Thos. Devane. George Blythe. Thomas McLaine. Jacob Williams. Owen Kenan. Henry Young. Robt. Bannerman. Caleb Grainger. Thomas Wilson. Francis Brice. John James. John Jas. Ward. Thomas Cunningham. John Larkins. Andrew Thomson. Sam'l Webb. David Pollock. Henry Toomer. Thos. Henderson. James Holland. Alex. Hostler. John Nutt. James Bloodworth. John Walker. William Wilkinson. Sam. Ashe. John Fergus. James Tate. John Gerrard. Erasmus Hanson. George St. George. James Ervin. Sam. Campbell. James Bourdeaux. Henry Gamellion. And. Ronaldson. John Devane. Thos. Bloodworth. John Riley. Wm. Hooper. William Mosely. Arch. Ronaldson. George McCullock. Samuel Bunting. Robert Woodside. Thomas Woodside. John Ringrose. Elijah Crandle. William Green. Richard Miller. Thos. Player. Edm. Corbin. George Blythe. Henry Young. Owen Kenan. Caleb Grainger. John James. Hugh Walker. And. Thomson. Henry Toomer. Alex. Hostler. John Walker. James Bloodworth. John Gerrard. John Fergus. Sam. Campbell. And. Ronaldson. James Ervin. A true list of the poll. THOS. JONES, Sheriff New Hanover County. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.4 Kb