Newhanover County NcArchives Court.....Wood, Benjamin, Dist. Atty. October 5, 1795 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank September 21, 2008, 10:46 am Source: Thurs. Oct. 22, 1795, Wilmington Chronicle Written: October 5, 1795 Recorded: October 22, 1795 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA North Carolina District Whereas, BENJAMIN WOOD, ESQ. district attorney for the United States for North Carolina District, has exhibited his libel to the HONORABLE JOHN SITGREAVES, ESQ., district judge for the United States for said district, setting forth, that JAMES READ, ESQ., Collection of the port of Wilmington, on the eleventh day of July, 1795, at said port of Wilmington did seize as forfeited to the United States, a certain vessel or schooner, called the “John,” with her tackle, apparel, and furniture, for that between the first day of January, 1795, and the time of said seizure, a certain writing, purporting to be a copy or certificate of an enrollment, or record, granted at said port of Wilmington, was used for the said schooner, she not being actually entitled to the benefit thereof; contrary to the Acts of Congress, in such case made and providing; and praying in said libel, the consideration of his honor in the promotion and that said schooner, together with her tackle, apparel, and furniture may remain forfeited as aforesaid: Also, that His Honor would appoint a day when he will hold a Court and decree to the premises. This is, therefore to give notice to all persons concerned, that His Honor has appointed the first Monday in November next to hold a Court at Wilmington, whom and where he will hear the said libel and decree thereon. Oct. 5, 1795 ABNER NEALE, Clerk Additional Comments: John Sitgreaves, James Read, Abner Neale File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb