Newhanover County NcArchives Military Records.....Mackenzie's Company, William No date Other War - Rosters ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a August 6, 2009, 2:55 pm Colonial Records of North Carolina Roster of William Mackenzie's cavalry company of the New Hanover County Militia No Author Volume 22, Pages 383-384 A List of the Officers & Troopers in the New Hanover Troop Commanded by Capt. William Mackenzie, Vizt.: William Mackenzie, Capt. Caleb Grainger, Lieut. (Lieutenancy vacant, Caleb Grainger being made Lieut. Coll. on the Ohio Expedition.) John Merrick, Corn’t. John Burgwin, Quarter Mast’r. Alexander Duncan, Clerk. Samuel Greene, Chirg’r. TROOPERS. 1 James Arlow. 2 Robert Burleigh. 3 David Brown. 4 Thomas Bevin. 5 Samuel Bonnum. 6 James Blythe. 7 James Campbell, Jun’r. 8 John Campbell. 9 John Cooke. 10 Magnus Cowan. 11 Francis Ewin. 12 John Garnes. 13 Thomas James. 14 Benjamin Morison. 15 John Maultsby, Jun’r. 16 Alexander McAllister. 17 Jacob Milner. 18 Thomas Newton. 19 Richard Player. 20 John Paine. 21 William Rutlidge. 22 Thomas Rutlidge. 23 Zachariah Weeks. 24 John Walker. 25 Robert Whilbancks. 26 William Wilkings. 27 Alexander Mackay. The Properest Persons to be Promoted, Vizt.: John Merrick, Lieut. John Burgwin, Corn’t. Alex’r Duncan, Quarter Mast’r. John Paine, Clerk. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb