Will of Alice James - 1835 - New Hanover Co., NC - Wills Submitted for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Barbara A. Shore DavidS3919@aol.com New Hanover Co., NC in Will Book AB, p. 305 Being in perfect and tranquill state of mind and possessing in a small degree strength of body and having a desire to dispose of my property before my decease, I do by this my last Will and Testament (setting aside all others) dispose of my property in the following manner, viz. I give and bequeath to Owen Holmes, Esq., in trust for the use of my son Hinton James, a mulatto girl, Betty, which girl I purchased of Tobe Holmes and James Owens, Esqrs. I give and bequeath to my grandchildren Loverd James and Sarah Eliza James, the following property, to Loverd I give a negro boy called Saul to him and his heirs; to Hand, I give a negro boy called Jeffery to him and his heirs which three negroes are the children of my negro woman Rachael. It is my will also that if Sarah Eliza or Hand should die before they become of age, that the survivor should inherit both negroes and if they both should die, then I will them to Owen Holmes in trust for my son Hinton James and his children. To Amelia James I will one bed and its furniture. It is my will that my executor, William J. Love and Richard Saunders should deliver to my son Hinton James the three negroes Saul, Eliza and Jeffery to keep for the use of his children until they become of age; it is my will that he keep and retain the said negro Saul until Loverd James shall come in person for him. To my daughter Eliza Pearsell and her two children Alice and John Edward, I will the following negroes, viz., Old Ben, Harriot, Violet, Judy, Jane,, Peter, Winslow, Patrick; also two horses called The Big horse and Blind Horse and my riding chair, one ox cart, two feather beds and their furniture, one large trunk; one large chest, one dozen mahogany chairs, and one mahogany dining table and all the crockery ware of every description; also, two plows, all the kitchen furniture, the spinning wheels, and loom with all their tackle, one half of my stock of sheep, a tea table, one desk. To my daughter Polly Goodlow, I will a negro girl named Mary and a negro boy named John and to my grandson John James Goodlow, I will a negro girl named Sarah. To my grandson John Albert G. Hall, I will the following negroes, viz., a negro man named Dave and a girl named Milly. To my daughter Alice Whitfield I give my large marble slab and a large sitting chair. To my son John W. James, I give and bequeath a negro man named Britt and one half cattle and hogs, one horse and a set of coopers tools to be sold for the purpose of paying all my debts---I do hereby constitute and appoint William J. Love and Richard Saunders as executors to this my last Will and Testament, to dispose of my property in the manner above described In witness whereof I have subscribed my name this first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. Witnesses: William J. Love and Duncan Henderson CODICIL: Since the above Will was written, the following children have been born to Sally, the daughter of Violet and Margaret, the daughter of Judy which two children I give and bequeath to my daughter Eliza Pearsall and her children, also a child named Robert, the son of Milly which child I bequeath to John Albert G. Hall. I constitute and appoint Edward P. Hall as trustee to keep in trust the above mentioned Dave, Milly and her child, Robert, for the use and benefit of the said J. A. G. Hall. I also constitute and appoint Theodore Goodlow as trustee to keep in trust the named negro woman Sarah for the use and benefit of the said Alice Hinton Goodlow. I also constitute and appoint William J. Love as trustee to keep in trust the above named negro man Britton for the use and benefit of my son John W. James. Witnessed by my hand and seal this ninth day of June 1835. Witnesses: H. McMillon, Alice James, September 1835 Proved in Court. ************* Barbara A. Shore davids3919@aol.com ============================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogy information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must contact the submitter or the listed USGenWeb archivist.