Northampton County NcArchives Obituaries.....Edwards, Sallie Rebecca Wood 1949 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bruce Saunders January 27, 2014, 8:33 am THE TIDEWATER NEWS – 04-29-1949, P. 15 SALLIE REBECCA WOOD EDWARDS Mrs. Sallie Rebecca Wood Edwards, 82, well-known resident of Boykins, died at her home in that town on Monday, April 11, after an illness of several months. She was born January 22, 1867, at the old Wood homestead in Northampton County, N.C., a daughter of the late Capt. Spier Whittaker and Mrs. Frances Bailey Gary Wood. In early life she was married to the late R.M. Edwards of Northampton County, who preceded her to the grave 39 years ago. To this union there was born five children, four of whom survive, Mrs. Eunice A. Drewry, Miss Eva Edwards, C.M. Edwards and R.S. Edwards, all of Boykins. Mrs. Edwards is survived also by four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Adna Wood Barrett of Gatesville, N.C., and Mrs. Henry Reichling of Lynnhaven; and one brother, M.R. Wood of Miami, Fla. Mrs. Edwards was a pious Christian gentlewoman of the old school, always willing to do good for evil and to help those less fortunate than herself, devoid of praise. She was a patient sufferer, quiet, modest and unassuming in her manner. She despised evil of all kinds and knew only the Christian way of life itself. Being a woman of few words, she never sought praise for the many kind deeds which she administered to both white and colored alike. Her character was exemplary, and the writer of this sketch does not recall nay incident during her long and useful life which would have been contrary to the will of God; nor will he ever forget the ecclesiastical atmosphere which prevailed at her table as she lifted her heart to God in reverent thanks for her food and His many blessings, for she was a firm believer in prayer and her life was fashioned along this trend. She was a faithful and devoted mother, not only to her own children but to other relatives as well as those of her deceased husband. She was both mother and sister to her baby sister, Adna Wood Barrett, whom she reared from the early age of two years. Her influence upon the lives of her children has been profound, elevating and ennobling every moral, ethical and spiritual value, intensifying the live of God and home. They treasure her memory and eulogize her life as a beacon to better and fuller Christian living. Mrs. Edwards was a resident of Boykins for 41 years, being a loyal and consistent member of the Boykins Methodist Church, having been a regular attendant as long as health permitted. Funeral services were conducted at the residence on Wednesday afternoon, April 13, at 3:30 o’clock, her pastor, Rev. W.L. Sturtevant, officiating, assisted by Rev. N.B. Habel, pastor of the Boykins Baptist Church. The casket was covered with a handsome blanked of fern, white calla and Easter lilies, interspersed with American Beauty roses, which were her favorite flower. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful, attesting to the great esteem in which the deceased was held by her many friends and loved ones. Honorary pallbearers were members of the Epworth Bible class of the Boykins Methodist Church. Active pallbearers were Madison B. Drewry, W.J. Edwards, Woodrow W. White, W.S. Edwards, K.R. Maddrey, Arthur Brett, L.B. Maddrey and M.W. Edwards. Interment took place in the family plot in the cemetery in Severn, N.C. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb