Northampton County NcArchives Obituaries.....Stephenson, David N. 1931 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bruce Saunders August 28, 2013, 9:40 am THE TIDEWATER NEWS – 03-06-1931, P. 5 DAVID N. STEPHENSON David N. Stephenson, father of Rev. R.D. Stephenson of Franklin, died at his home, Pendleton, N.C., Monday after a brief illness of pneumonia. Mr. Stephenson, who was in his 86th year, was a prominent citizen and business man of Northampton County, a leader in religious and educational activity, and highly esteemed by a large circle of friends who admired “Mack” Stephenson, as he was familiarly known for his many sterling qualities of Christian citizenship. He was a native of Northampton County, and severed throughout the War Between the States with an honorable record in Cavalry Company “B” of his home county, Captain Holiday commanding. For nearly 60 years he was a deacon of Robert’s Chapel Baptist Church, a trustee of Chowan College and a Mason of many years standing. His wife, Mrs. Lucy Gay Stephenson, daughter of the late Captain Thomas Gay of Northampton died in 1921, and he is survived by the following children; Rev. R.D. Stephenson of Franklin, C.Eugene Stephenson of Norfolk, Jesse P. Stephenson of Petersburg, Harry and D.N. Stephenson of Pendleton; Mrs. W. Herbert Britt of Boykins, Mrs. L.J. Hoggard of Suffolk, Mrs. J. Archie Johnson of Norfolk, and Mrs. Robert Edwards of Pendleton. Funeral services were held from Robert’s Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by the Pastor, Rev. J. Lewis Price, assisted by Rev. A.W.H. Jones of Severn, Rev. Frank B. Handley of Boykins, Dr. W.R. Burrell of Murfreesboro and Dr. H.J. Goodwin of Suffolk. A number of friends from Franklin, Boykins, Suffolk and other towns were present, the church being crowded with relatives, neighbors and old friends of the community. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb