Northampton County NcArchives Wills.....Reavis, William October 30, 1784 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Watson January 11, 2012, 5:39 am Source: Original Documents Online At Written: October 30, 1784 Northampton County, North Carolina Will Book 1 Page 339-341 IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, This Thirtieth Day of October In the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and Eighty four I William Reavis of Northampton County and State of North Carolina being Sick and weak of Body but in perfect sencis (sic) & Sound memory Blesed be god for the Same but Calling to mind the Mortality of my Body and the Certenty (sic) of Death and the uncertenty (sic) of the time and maner there of Do Make this my Last Will and Testament as Followeth as unto God as a faith full Creator and my Body unto the Earth to be Buried at the Discreation of my Exets. in hope of Resuriction to Eternal Life by the Free Grace and mercy of God through the merits of his Dear son the Lord Jesus Christ my only Savour and Redeamer In the next Place I Nominate Constitute and appoint Benjamin Lashley and my Wife Mary Reavis & Avery Parham my Exrs. of this my Last Will an Testament ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Itm my Will and Desier (sic) is that all my Just Debts be paid Itm, I Lend the use of all the Lands that I have to my Well beloved Wife Mary Reavis During her Widowhood and in Case she should marry my will and Desier (sic) is that She shall have only from the old Roade to a Branch Cald (sic) the old spring Branch which is to be a Dividing Line Between my Two sons William and Samuel Reavis ~ ~ ~ Itm, I Give and bequeath to my son Isaac Reavis one peace or percel (sic) of Land Lying on Nuce River Containing three hundred and Ten acres a Tract that I bought of Lewis Barker also one Filley Sadle and Bridle and one Cow and Calf all so one sow and piggs These things I Give to him and to his heirs forever Itm, I give and bequeath to my son William Reavis all the Land Lying over the old spring Branch of the North Side and of the West Side of the wild cat Branch also one hors Sadle and bridle To be Valued at 15 or 16 pounds Vir money also one Cow and Calf Also one sow and piggs and there to be Given to him at Twenty years and he to be free at the Same time These things I Give and bequeath to him and his heirs for Ever ~ ~ ~ Itm, I Give and bequeath to my Son Samuel Reavis all the Remainder of this Track of Land that I live on from the Said old spring Branch to the Grate River also one hor Sadle and bridle & they to be valued to 15 or 16 pounds Vir money and one Cow and Calf one Sow and piggs and these things to be given to him at Twenty years old and he to be free at the same time These things I give and bequeath to him and his heirs for Ever and in Case Either of my Two Sons that’s William & Samuel Reavis Should Dye and Leave no Child that Lives to Come of age is that the other that survives may have all the Land that I Gave them alls my will and Desier (sic) is that is my Son Isaac Reavis should Dye Leaving no Child that may Live to Come of Age is that the Land that I gave him on Nuce may be Sold and the money to be Equily Divided betwean all my Children that’s living of have any Children Living ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Itm, I give and bequeath to my Daughter Frankey Reavis Twenty five pounds Virginia money or the value in such things as may sute her This I give and bequath (sic) to her and her heirs for Ever ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Itm, I give and bequeath (sic) to my Daughter Mary Pritchard Reavis Twenty five pounds vir money or the value in such things as may suit her this to be Delivered to Both of my Daughters when they marry or Come of age Itm, I Lend all the Rest of my Estate to my well beloved Wife MR During her Life or Widowhood to Rais and Shoole my young Children upon and after her Decease to be Equily Divided between all my Daughters that’s then Living or has any ishue (sic) that’s then Living that is now Leah Huskey, Betsy Parham, Frankey Reavis and Mary P. Reavis and in Case Either of my Daughters Should Dye Leaving No ishue (sic) my will and Desier (sic) is that the Rest of my Daughters that Living may have their part or portion also my will and Desier is that in Case my wife Mary Reavis Should mary that then all the Estate that Remain after my Two Daughters Legesys (sic) Comes out and my Two youngest Sons Shall be Equily Divided among my Daughters only my Wife to have an eaqul (sic) part with them and I Do Renounce all other wills spoken or Done by me this to stand and Reman as my Last will and Testament and I Do Nominate Constitute and appoint Benjamin Lashley and Avery Parham and my Wife Mary Reavis Executors of this my Last Will and Testament and I Do hearby authorize and impower Each of them to Make William Harrison a Deed to a peace of Land that I gave my bond to Roland Williams, for & my Will & desier is that it may Stand good and Lawfull allso a little peace to John Hagwood the Day and year first above Written in Witness whereof I have hear unto Set my hand and fixt my Seal Signed Sealed in presents of } us } William Reavis Avery Parham Isaac Reavis John Parham Edward Wallace Northampton County The preceeding Will of Wm. Rives (sic) was Exhibited in Court & proved & ordered to be Certified & Recorded Teste Jeph Atherton CCt Additional Comments: This will was transcribed exactly as written with all mispelled words, etc. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.9 Kb