Onslow County NcArchives Deed.....James, Samuel - James, Joshua 1744 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan Mason http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00022.html#0005225 August 17, 2018, 9:59 pm Written: 1744 Transcribed by Sloan Mason Register of Deeds Office Onslow Co., NC Bk. A, p. 282-283 Samuel JAMES to Joshua James Know all men by these present that I Samuel JAMES of Onslow County in the province of North Carolina, Yeoman; for & in consideration here after nominated and express, have bargained sold set over and delivered and by these presents in place and open market according to the due form of law in that case made and provided Do bargain set over and deliver unto Joshua JAMES one negro man Valireave? One hundred & fifty pounds One Survlvie? value one hundred pounds currency one cart with all the intention? thereunto belonging me, yoke of Oxen two horses, then cows and calves with all other my goods and chattels now bing and remaining in the present dwelling houses of said Joshua JAMES on his plantation in Onslow County aforesaid of which articles I have given him the said Joshua JAMES an Inventory subscribed with my own land bearing date with there presents the said goods and chattels to have and to hold to the proper use and behoof of him the said Joshua JAMES his heirs exec'd. admnd. and assigns forever and It he said Samuel JAMES for my self my excd. and administrator the said bargained -- uno the said Joshua JAMES his excd. admn. and assigned against all and all manner of persons shall warrant and forever defend by these presents the consideration that the said Joshua JAMES his heirs excd., admnd. or assigns shall from time to within fifteen years from the date of these presents deliver at the present Saw Mill landing that is now begin on his own land that he now lives on One hundred and twenty five threat? and foot of good marchers? table -- plank? the value thereof if should to be equally divided between my wife and the three youngest children that is Isaac, Enoch and Sarah JAMES always to the surviving of them and their heirs forever and likewise after my decease to divide all my books equally between each of my children as will be alive at my decease and if your -- cannot agree to choose two honest and unofficial neighbors to divide them between you and if the above said plank be not delivered as above said plank be not delivered as above said by the said limited time of fifteen years then the said Joshua JAMES his heirs and assigns doth oblige themselves to give sufficient security for the payment of the said plank or the value in money sefivality for every share. The deeds to be divided in four parts or shares of which one in for yourself and further you are to lease your mother one feather bed and furniture and your sister Sarah one feather bed and furniture and five cows & calves & all which is to be left her at the age of ten years and that your mother shall live on same part of the plantation during her widowhood and the use of sum? of the cattle. In witness where of with the delivery of one servitor & cart & part of the bargained premise in I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Sixteen day of May in the Seventeen year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France & Ireland King & etc. and in the Year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty four. (1744) Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of Charles STOUT, James (his X mark) JOHNSTON, Charles BRANTARN? Samuel JAMES Onslow County at a court - & held for said County on the first Tuesday in October Anno Dom. 1744. The within deed of sale was acknowledged and ordered to be registered. Test. Andrew MURRAY, Clk. Registered May the 2nd, 1745. Lewis JENKINS Copied from B. C, p. 203, Feb. 8th 1906 M. M. CAPPS, Register of Deeds. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/onslow/deeds/james214ndd.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/ncfiles/ File size: 4.2 Kb