ONSLOW COUNTY, NC - WILL BOOK 2 - Joshua Foy, 16 Jan 1851 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Cole ==================================================================== JOSHUA FOY WILL State of North Carolina County of Onslow Will Book 2 State of North Carolina} Onslow County} In the name of God, Amen. I, Joshua Foy, of the state and county aforesaid, being of sound mind and memory and knowing the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, hath thought proper to make this my last will and testament, revoking all other wills by me maid and devised this my last will as follows, viz. 1st I will my sole in the hands of its creatur to be delt with as his tender mercy shall direct. 2nd I will my body a decent burial. 3rd My will is that all my just debts be paid if any and if my death should take place at any time after my crop is planted that my executor shall proceed to have it tended and howsed. 4th I leave my son Enoch Foy sole executor to this my will to sell at public or privet sail as he may think best to pay the debts in a maner that will be hereafter mentioned. ITEM I lend unto my son James an equal proportion of my negroes that will be hereafter named during his natural life to gow in the following maner, that is to gow in the hands of my son Enoch Foy intirely out of the control of my said son James and not subject to aney debt that he may create further than the hire and income of said negroes which I leave for his maintainance, solely at the will and controle of my son Enoch and if my son Enoch shall die before my son James, my wish is that the court appoint some good man to take the said negroes in hand for my son James giving him, James, the income only and my son James shall die without lawful begotten heirs of his body, the said negroes shall be equally divided betwixt my son Enoch and Edward W. Foy. ITEM give to my son Enoch Foy, Edward W. Foy, lending my son James Foy as above written the following negroes Nicy and her young child now at her brest Jerden, Benn, Shartol and Jim, Eliza and Bertha to be equally divided betwixt my three sons as before named James, Enoch and Edward. ITEM I lend to my daughter Cyreney Elizabeth Foy my negro girl George Cassander and my negro boy Henry during her natural life and after her death to gow to the lawful heirs of her body if any, if none to be eaqually divided betwixt surviving brothers, that is Thomas, Joshua and George Foy. ITEM I give to my son Thomas Foy, Joshua Foy, George W. Foy all the lands I know live on consisting of one hundred and forty acres, all my stocks of cattle, horses, sheep and hogs, all my plantation tools, house hold and kitchun furniture excepting one bed and furniture for my daughter Cyrene E. Foy to be eaqually divid among my three named sons when my said son George W. Foy shall arrive at the age of twenty one. ITEM I leave my son Jesse W. Foy ten dollars. ITEM I leave Mary Ward fifty dollars. ITEM I leave my debts to be paid if any in the following maner, that is my negroes shall be hired out and pay agreeable to value in proportion of said debt that my crop lands and stock shall pay agreeable to value on said debt untill they are all paid. Signed sealed this 16th day of January AD 1851 Wrote and signed by my self Joshua Foy (seal) State of North Carolina} Onslow County} Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions March Term 1852 Then was the execution of the foregoing will duly proven by the oaths of Joseph Rogers, Edward Foy, Eli W. Sanders and Otway B. Sanders who being duly sworn say that the body of said will together with the signature thereto is in the proper hand writing of said Joshua Foy, and it is proved by the oaths of Edward Foy and Joseph Rogers that said will was found among the valuable papers of said Foy - and Enoch Foy qualified as Executor thereof, when it was ordered that letters testamentary be granted him. Jasper Etheridge, clk