ONSLOW COUNTY, NC - WILL BOOK 2 - Hill Williams, 20 Nov 1799 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Cole ==================================================================== HILL WILLIAMS WILL State of North Carolina County of Onslow Will Book 2 In the name of God, Amen. ITEM I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Selah Williams, viz. (Negroes?) Cenas, Esther and Elias, also one bay horse called Frolick and one black mare called Grifhan?, two feather beds and furniture, two folding tables and two chests, half dozen setting chairs, one wolling wheel and one linnen wheel, one pair cotton cards, one pair wooling cards, also one (bair?) plow and two (flooks?) plows and two sets (clives) irons, two pair traps, also five sows and pigs, four cows and calves, eight head of sheep and one good beef. Also, one thousand weight of good pork. Also all the earthen ware and hollow ware, one narrow ax, two weeding hoes, one grubbing hoe, half dozen knives and forks and knife box and all my geese to she and her heirs. ITEM I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Hannah Williams viz., one negroe girl named Patience, one negro boy named Arthur, one negro boy child named Friday, one negro man named Jack to she and her heirs. ITEM I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Henny Williams, one negro boy named Isaac, one negro girl named Sude, and one negro girl named Penny. Also one negro boy to be bought about ten years of age out of the real and personal estate, also half of the hire of Dick till my daughter arises to the age of eighteen or marries to her and her heirs. ITEM I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughters Hannah and Henny Williams the plantation where I now live to them and their heirs. Also, when my daughter Hannah Williams arises to the age of eighteen or marries, also all my woodling lands this side Back Swamp and Five-Mile. There to be an equal division between the two girls reserving my wife's third. Also, the profits arising from my lands when my daughter Hannah arise to the age of eighteen or marries, then to be an equal division of the whole and in case of either of my daughters should die without lawfull heir, her property to the other. In case my beloved wife should die after or before marriage, the property above mentioned arising to my beloved daughters to them and their heirs forever, given under my hand and sealed this 20th of Nov. 1799 (Signed Hill Williams) I appoint Uz Williams and Arthur Gregory my executors. Signed sealed in presents of Test. Esther Humphrey Samuel Davis January Term 1800 The above will of Hill Williams was proved in open court by Esther Humphrey & Samuel Davis and Uz Williams one of the Exes. therein named qualified Attest: Nathl. Loomis, CC (county clerk) State of North Carolina} Onslow County} Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term 1840 It is ordered by the court that the last will and testament of Hill Williams admitted to probate at the January Session of 1800 of this court be recorded (nunc?) (pur?) time. Attest: Jasper Etheridge, CCC (clerk of county court)