ONSLOW COUNTY, NC - WILL BOOK A - Elijah Pollock, 7 Mar 1811 ----¤¤¤---- Record of Wills, Book A 1800-1825 Onslow County, North Carolina In the name of God Amen: I Elijah Pollock of the state of North Carolina and the County of Onslow being very low in body but in my perfect mind and sences do make this my last will and testament I recommend my soul to God and my body to be decently buried and my worldly goods to be divided and left as follows Viz: ITEM: I lend to my beloved to my beloved wife Elizabeth Pollock the following Negro Sam so long as she lives my widow also fore cows and calves and all my ohouse and kitchen furniture, also my sain and canno one shot gun, the abofe mentioned house and kitchen furniture I give forever, also my corn and baken I give forever, ITEM: I give to my son Willie Pollock the child I had by Elizabeth Farr before I married her, one Negro fellow named Hose to him and his heirs forever. ITEM: I give to my daughter Elender Pollock one Negro man by the name of Sam the Negro that I lent to my wife so long as she lives my widow if my beloved wife marries or dies the said Negro Sam is to return to my daughter Elender Pollock above mentioned also the four cows and calves above mentioned is to return in the same manner as the Negro Sam also the sain canoe and shot gun is to return in the same manner to her and her heirs forever. ITEM: I give to my son Willie Pollock, the child that I had by Elizabeth Farr before I married her three young cows and calves one sow and pigs to him and his heirs forever. ITEM: I give to my beloved wife the remaining part of hogs if my debts can be paid out of my stock and the hire of Negro Luke three years from the first day of March one thousand eight hundred and seven until one thousand eight hundred and ten I hired of William Pollock of there is any left of paying of my debts I give it to my wife also the reaminder of my property I live to pay my debts and raise my chidren with what I lent and give my beloved wife Elizabeth Pollock to her and her hris forever. My further desire is that my brother John Pollock be my execturo to this my last will and testament in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this the seventh day of March one thousan eight hundred and eleven. Elijah Pollock (seal) Test: Lewis Pollock Test: Telah Pollock Onslow County: In court April term 1807, the above will of Elijah Pollock was proved in open court, Lewis Pollock and John Pollock the executor therein named qualified thereto to be ordered he have letters testamentary. ATTEST: Nath Loomis, C.C. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Cole <> ___________________________________________________________________